Sunday, May 30, 2010

Mr. Cyclops Enjoys Laundry Day

I love laundry day! There's nothing like fresh, clean surfaces to generously spread my glorious furs and scents across! Today was extra-special because the throw rugs got washed also (the Human says they are called "throw" rugs because I throw up on them so often; I say that's nothing but slander).

Oh, and the Cyclops part? She managed to capture me mid-sprawl, but even with one eye shut, I'm still the handsomest boy in town.


Brian's Home Blog said...

You are doing a great job getting that fur around I'll bet! We love those laundry days here too, so much fun!!!

Ivan from WMD said...

That is a great pic of you, Spitty! Clean clothes and things are a lot of fun--unless you're my sis Olivia, who snoozes on the pile of clothing ready for the wash.

P.S. We have throw rugs here, too! Ha ha ha ha!

Just Ducky said...

So you put the 'throw' in throw rug!

Katnip Lounge said...

One-eyed wonder kitty. Spitty, we recommend barfing on the beige rug at the foot of the bed.

Totally unrelated, plots are afoot to turn Mommy into Hoomin Chutney...Scouty is making or be eaten, he says.

The Island Cats said...

We love laundry day too!! Nothing like laying on clothes fresh our of the dryer!!

Jacqueline said...

Yes, Spitty, you are a very handsome boy and we are loving your tummy shot!...We always try to help Mommy with the laundry, especially when it comes out of the dryer...Happy week sweetie...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki


That is such a purrty room you are in.
YOU are certainly one handsome mancat, Ping my brofur loves clean laundry and he waits for Mom to take it out of the dryer all warm and he snuggles in it.

Happy Memorial Day


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We especially like the pile of warm socks on laundry day!

Oh yeah, when we look real close, we DO see only one eye...

Summer at said...

Don't tell anybody, but we like the dirty laundry even better than the clean laundry!

Keiko said...

We LOVE laundry day too!! We all race over to the bed and try and get our scents on there first!
You are very handsome!
Purrs, Keiko, Kenji & Pricilla

Stacy Hurt said...

LOLOLOL Throw rugs indeed! Spitty we are twin souls you and I.

xoxo Ms Stella O'Houligan