The Musings
of a Calico Girl
and Buddy
the Giant Tabby,
as well as the
Permanent Record
of Spitty the Kitty
Monday, March 31, 2014
Ambrosial Delight of Royals Everywhere: Gerber's Hams
Sometimes, when I haven't eaten my breakfast by the time the Human comes home from work, she gets to feeling all sad and guilty and worried that I am going to starve myself. That's when I move in for the kill. I gaze pathetically up into her eyes and meow softly, as though faint from hunger (never mind that I have eaten my crunchies all up). When the gaze and the meow and the guilt and the planets all line up just purrfectly, she cracks open a jar of the Good Stuff for me and pets me and coos whilst I enjoy it. Honestly, I almost feel bad for her sometimes.
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Moody ManCat Monday
Why hello, Kitties! It's time again for Name That Tune! The first answer
to correctly identify the title and artist of the following will be the grand
prize winner of whatever prize I can convince the stoopy Human to provide!
Sunday mornin' my head is bad
But it's worth it for the time that I had
But I've got to get my rest
'Cause Monday is a mess
to correctly identify the title and artist of the following will be the grand
prize winner of whatever prize I can convince the stoopy Human to provide!
Sunday mornin' my head is bad
But it's worth it for the time that I had
But I've got to get my rest
'Cause Monday is a mess
No Googlin' now. You're on the Honor System. (Ha ha ha--as if we kitties HAVE
an honor system, MOL!)
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Toy Time
I used to love my Magic Fishie, not least because my fellow Royal, Punapippuri, KKCofF(N) sent it to me. But one time about a year ago, it tried to kill me (I don't think King P meant it to or anything, but you never really know with European Royalty, do you?)
Anyway, after that I shuddered in terror every time it made an appearance and ran as far and fast as my furry little legs could carry me. A few weeks ago, however, the Human unearthed it and sprinkled it with silvervine and suddenly it was no longer frightening. Huh. I love it again. Go figure.
Anyway, after that I shuddered in terror every time it made an appearance and ran as far and fast as my furry little legs could carry me. A few weeks ago, however, the Human unearthed it and sprinkled it with silvervine and suddenly it was no longer frightening. Huh. I love it again. Go figure.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
(Almost) Wordless Wednesday
Oh, Hi there,
I see you were thinking about giving me
some brushies
and I'm sure I would enj --
oh look a shiny thing!
Monday, March 24, 2014
My Chair
My rules.
Please to not be sitting here.
You get your own chair.
That messy one behind me. . .
that one
can be yours.
Sunday, March 23, 2014
The Princess King and the Pea
Friday, March 21, 2014
Ho-Hum, Ho-Hum
Hello, Kitties.
Sigh. Not only have I not been able to leave scintillating (or any) comments on your always-fascinating blogs,
but the Human is not even helping me READ. She has barely even been feeding me.
Honestly, I'm afraid that might be next to go.
She says we'll be back tomorrow,
but I would not hold my tiny breff if I were you, Kitties.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
1. No, she's not finished with the grading yet. Tap, tap, tap . . .
2. You didn't think that because she got that beatimous new quilt she was going to make her bed neatly (or frankly, at all) every morning, did you?
3. You didn't think that because *I* got my own special quilt, I wasn't going to lie
on hers ours too, did you?
2. You didn't think that because she got that beatimous new quilt she was going to make her bed neatly (or frankly, at all) every morning, did you?
3. You didn't think that because *I* got my own special quilt, I wasn't going to lie
Monday, March 17, 2014
It's That Time Again
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Basking on the Basket
A-tisket a-tasket
I'm sleeping on my basket.
I'm dreaming of sweet LadyCats
From coast to coast, far East to West
East to West,
East to West,
They're the best, from East to West.
Saturday, March 15, 2014
The Big Reveal!
A while back, the Human decided to order a quilt from Ms. Stella's multi-talented Mom, Stacy Hurt. Stacy asked the Human a bunch of questions about 'zacklee what she wanted, and sent her a ton of colors and designs to choose from, and helped her pick what was going to look best in her room.
And voila! On Thursday a box arrived with not only the beauteous quilt for the Human's bed, but also a special quilt just for me, that had been wonderfully furred and scented up by Ms. Stella herself and by Mr. Ollie!
The Human remade the bed this morning with her new quilt and she can hardly wait to curl up under it tonight. Me, I didn't wait at all. Not at all.
Thanks, Ms. Stacy! I know I am going to spend a lot of happy naptimes on my quilt (and on the Human's too, of course!). The Human says she is thrilled with her purchase and might just look for an excuse to get one of those artsy quilts that hang on the wall. Hmmmmm.
Friday, March 14, 2014
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
I see. You want my at-TEN-tion.
Well, let me tell you. You'd have a lot better chance if my new bowl weren't,
you know, empty.
Well, let me tell you. You'd have a lot better chance if my new bowl weren't,
you know, empty.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Monday, March 10, 2014
Top o' the Toesday to You
Now some of you might be wondering, "Did Spitty slide right offa that thing and end up
in an undignified and unkingly heap on the floor?" C'mon, you already know the answer
to that one, don't you?
in an undignified and unkingly heap on the floor?" C'mon, you already know the answer
to that one, don't you?
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Oh My Stars!
First, there were two things for ME, delicious treats and a very beauteous bowl, in which the Human served my crunchies this morning. Now, I realize that from this picture you might think I was more focused on my breakfast than I was on the beautiful pottery bowl (it's pink, did you notice?), and I do have to admit that I was kind of hungry, but believe me after I vacuumed up my breakfast I took plenty of time to appreciate the lovely, feline-friendly design of the bowl.
But believe it or not, there was even MORE! In addition to my gift, there was a PRIZE for the Human too (I really don't know why, since she did not look cute at the Valentine's Ball; in fact, she did not even attend!) But I digress. It is a Quint original--can you tell, kitties? And it has yellow and red, too, which are the Human's favorite colors. It's even framed! How fantastic is that? Will it hang at home or in her office? Stay tuned!
We are beyond grateful to the Kitties Blue AND their wonderful and generous Human, too. They are the Bestest of Furiends.
♥ ♥ ♥
P.S. Oh my goodness, Kitties! Guess what? We had NO IDEA
the Kitties Blue Mom painted my new bowl
with her very own paws!
We are even more thrilled with this piece of ceramic art,
and the Human is having second thoughts
about whether *I* should get to use it at all.
Pffft! As if--it was sent to ME!
Oh, and guess what? ::embarrassed ears::
we got so excited over our stuff that we actually missed a second bag of treats!
Friday, March 7, 2014
♫ If there's somethin' strange in your neighborhood . . .
Who ya gonna call?
If it's somethin' weird an' it don't look good
Who ya gonna call?
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Dream a Little Dream of Me . . .
Yes, yes, I know. Here I am in dreamland again. What can I say? Napping is one of the very best parts of being a kitty! Am I right, or am I right?
And you know the best part of napping, don't you? Of course you do: Dreaming of all the beauteous LadyCats I have met over the past few years. It's been lovely being surprised by a stunning LadyCat* on my Cats of the CB calendar (* it's nice to see the ManCats, too, of course--though they don't turn up in my dreams nearly as often).
The Human doesn't let me look ahead, but I just know there are some beauties coming up soon ♥
And you know the best part of napping, don't you? Of course you do: Dreaming of all the beauteous LadyCats I have met over the past few years. It's been lovely being surprised by a stunning LadyCat* on my Cats of the CB calendar (* it's nice to see the ManCats, too, of course--though they don't turn up in my dreams nearly as often).
The Human doesn't let me look ahead, but I just know there are some beauties coming up soon ♥
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Head-Spinning Award Winning
I told the Human that if we did not post some awardies soon, our friends were going to start taking them back! Bad enough that they date all the way back to last year (::glares at Human::), let's not make it worse by leaving them till 2015!
Anyway, I want to say how grateful I am to my furiends for being so nice (even if I am not going to follow any of the rules, and I hope they forgive me for that).
My good buddies Nerissa and Texas and the
Lovely Ladies at Cat on My Head (+ Mauricio, too)
gave me this wonderful award. Of course, it's 2014
now, and so I'm sure they are all
but I will try hard to make the Human keep up *my*
standards for this new year (which really isn't SO new any
more, huh?) Thanks, Guys and Ladies!

My Bud Nerissa gave me this fantastic Box Award,
which is really kind of great because just a week ago,
for the first time in the 9 years of my current lifetime,
I, Spitty-the-Kitty, adopted a box for my very own.
The Human left it on the floor for me, but she could not
believe her eyes when a few days later I strolled
right into it and curled up for a nappy. I will prove it
too, maybe on the weekend. Once I let her take a

My sweet and beautiful Queen Katie Isabella
shared the Sunshine Picnic Award with me after
our fabulous outing with Nellie, Kozmo and all
our friends. We had a wonderful time and I love
this sweet memento of the day!
Anyway, I want to say how grateful I am to my furiends for being so nice (even if I am not going to follow any of the rules, and I hope they forgive me for that).
My good buddies Nerissa and Texas and the
Lovely Ladies at Cat on My Head (+ Mauricio, too)
gave me this wonderful award. Of course, it's 2014
now, and so I'm sure they are all
but I will try hard to make the Human keep up *my*
standards for this new year (which really isn't SO new any
more, huh?) Thanks, Guys and Ladies!
My Darling Iza-Lambie chose me for this awesome
yellow award (one of my two favorite colors!) But it's
not awesome because it is yellow, it is awesome because
it came from You-Know-Who of the Soft and Silky
Tummy Furs where a King can rest his weary head.

My Bud Nerissa gave me this fantastic Box Award,
which is really kind of great because just a week ago,
for the first time in the 9 years of my current lifetime,
I, Spitty-the-Kitty, adopted a box for my very own.
The Human left it on the floor for me, but she could not
believe her eyes when a few days later I strolled
right into it and curled up for a nappy. I will prove it
too, maybe on the weekend. Once I let her take a

The Beauties at The Cat on my Head (+ Mauricio, too)
made my day extra-special with this very colorful and
inspiring award called Best Blog Around the World. Wow;
I'm a little intimidated by the pressure on this one.
It's such a pretty globe. Thanks, my Friends!
My sweet and beautiful Queen Katie Isabella
shared the Sunshine Picnic Award with me after
our fabulous outing with Nellie, Kozmo and all
our friends. We had a wonderful time and I love
this sweet memento of the day!
Being a teacher, the Human just could not resist
this funtastic Gold Seal of Excellence Award,
though frankly I think her picture-taking skills have a long,
long, l-o-n-g way to go before they deserve the
gold seal OR the E-word. But we love our pal Nerissa
and his family and thank them for thinking of us.

Monday, March 3, 2014
C'mon now, admit it: They're just adorable.
And go ahead--you can give 'em a little smoochy, if you dare.
N.B. Congrats to Stunning Cathy Keisha who rattled off those artists and titles in record time! The prize will be on its way to Joisey soon!
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Spitty's Soft Brown Blankie Blues
The sad kitty was a sittin' on a block of stone
way over in the corner weepin' all alone.
The warden said, "Hey, buddy, don't you be no square.
If you can't find a partner use a wooden chair."
When I was just a Kitten my mama told me, Son,
Always be a good boy, don't ever play with guns.
But I shot a dog in Reno just to watch him die
When I hear that whistle blowing, I hang my head and cry.
When I was just a Kitten my mama told me, Son,
Always be a good boy, don't ever play with guns.
But I shot a dog in Reno just to watch him die
When I hear that whistle blowing, I hang my head and cry.
Breakin' rocks in the hot sun
I fought the claw and the claw won
I needed Noms 'cause I had none
I fought the claw and the claw won
Then you hear somebody say
That's the sound of the cats,
Working on the chain ga-ang
That's the sound of the cats,
Working on the chain gang
That's the sound of the cats,
Working on the chain ga-ang
That's the sound of the cats,
Working on the chain gang
So, can you name all these songs and the artists who first made them hits?
There could be a prize for the first completely right answer.
This little quiz isn't very hard though, so it probably won't be a very thrilling prize, MOL.
P.S. Yes, that *was* Will Gardner in The Good Wife (or the actor who plays him anyway)! The Human is mad now that she needs to wait for Season 5 to come out on DVD.
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Name That Show!
No, not Spitty Spit-Shines His Butt, Sillies!
The DVD on the teevee that the Human keeps pressing
"Next Episode" on, like the addict she is, MOL.
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