Saturday, March 5, 2011

Aggie & Wally: Long time, No See

Obviously, Miss Aggie has forgotten those long-ago halcyon days when she used to love  like  tolerate The Human, who was shown the Back of Disrespect this afternoon.
Eventually, Princess Aggie deigned to turn around, but please note the gaze has shifted away from the unpleasant intruder into her happy home. I heartily endorse her refusal to be petted by a Strange Person. The Human said she has been sadly spoiled by her indulgent Dad.
Happily for The Human, there was Sweet Wally, ready to cuddle and purr on demand. He's just so....easy, don't you think? He barely qualifies as feline. Still, The Human is smitten by this almost-grown kitten, so what can you do?


Marg said...

Miss Aggie, we are so glad you turned around so we could see your pretty face. And Wally, you are just the most handsome ever. Good to see you two. Hope all have a fun week end.

Jacqueline said...

Good to see lovely Aggie and adorable Wally again!...But we especially loved those bath photos yesterday, sexy Spitty=we're on the way over to cuddle up to those handsome furs for the weekend :)...kisses from your girlfriends...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Catsparella said...

Thanks for sharing these lovelies with us, Spitty! Wally has quite the baby face..I do have a bit of a thing for orange kitties (AFTER black cats, of course!)

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We liked seein Aggie an Wally again... An its good fer you an Aggie that Wally is there ta distract the Strangers...

Brian's Home Blog said...

That sure is a good looking bunch Spitty!

Katnip Lounge said...

What!?! The spider plant lives? It must be a mutant. A & W need to get busy.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

You guys are AWESOME at training the humans... I need you to come get mine in line I think...

Mr Puddy said...

Princess Aggie, How your dad can spoiled the unpleasant intruder ? That's so wrong !!!! I knew how you feel !

Admiral Hestorb said...

Spitty, I have a thing for orange kitties too, after black and after gray.

Your Gerber's was soooo delish. I will reciprocate that invite with: a nappy on the spare BED which has soft comfy quilts!!

The Island Cats said...

Wally, are you thinking about nomming on that plant?? Well, that's what I would doing, so get going there, namesake!!


Summer at said...

Sounds like sort of a good cop/ bad cop situation going down at Aggie and Wally's place. Hope they are keeping a good eye on your human when she stops by!

Stacy Hurt said...

MOL Spitz, it's those danged redheads everytime!
That Woman is a sucker for them.

Thanks for gettin' That Woman off her bum so I could at least come visit you today.

I really enjoyed the 'pin up' pictures of you and your bath yesterday! MEEEEEEE---YOOOWWWWWW~

Ms. Stella O'Houligan

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Aggie and Wally have grown up to be such beautiful kitties! We are a bit disappointed that they have been neglecting their duty to destroy that houseplant.

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Beans, sumtimes dey has no gud taste in any fing so dats when we leave a huge yack pile right where they step, preferably nice and warm. MOL The mom said Aggie and Wally are furry nice lookin Spitty.

Teddy Westlife said...

Well, you can't just let anyone pat you. I certainly don't.

Raymond and Busby said...

We gotta say, we like Miss Aggie's catitude.