Saturday, September 6, 2014


NOTE #2:  Our laptop's motherboard 'sploded or something, so time for a new one. The repair place is encasing the hard drive to work like an external hard drive (d'oh! That's what it *is*, right?) with a usb port and all, so at least we still has all our documents and pictures and stuff. The Human is going to order a new laptop Monday and we hope it comes pretty fast. Fooey--she says it's not even the money so much as the irritation and inconvenience and delay factors, and she's lost all her bookmarks of efurryone's bloggies and stuff. Sigh. Oh well, many a worser thing has happened so I told her to shut her pie hole and stop yappin' and complaining.

We took little videos of a pawsome block party on our tiny street today with a bluegrass band and a bouncy house and efurrything, and it makes me MAD we can't post them. There were WAY too many woofies there anyway.

So it is what it is. It is hard for the stoopy Human to type on this little Chromebook, but we will do what we can. ::sharpens claws::


Katnip Lounge said...

WHAT??? Your human uses BOOKMARKS??? Those are so LAST YEAR. Go with Teh Cloud, baby!

Srsly, Mommy feels your pain. Her aging laptop is making her increasingly nervous. But she LOATHES windows 8. And Apple. It's quite the little dilemma...

The Island Cats said...

Spitty, like I told you at Cat Scouts, that really bites. I hope the new laptop comes soon and you can get back to normal.

And as for what the Katnip Lounge said above...stay away from the cloud. Just think about all those nekked celebrities who wish they had. ;) And as for Windows 8, the mom doesn't like it either...and when the peeps needed to get a new 'puter recently, they bought one that had Windows 7, not 8, and are much happier with the old technology. Of course, they're too cheap to invest in a mac book.

Summer at said...

I have the feedly list that Sparkle built for everyone's blogs. My human doesn't do the cloud because she hasn't yet resigned herself to spending money for storage.

Furries said...

Bummer about the computer. But if they rescued your hard drive, won't your bookmarks still be on it? Your misfortune has reminded us to back up our stuff. Mom's been thinking of signing up for online storage and maybe she'll finally do it now. Losing everything would be awful.
We hope to see your block party video, even though there were too many woofies in it. They can be goofy cute.

Lone Star Cats said...

Hisss! Dat are frustratin!

brokenteepee said...

Oooh, that is frustrating. I hope the new one comes soon

Megan said...

Did the laptop overhead because it was clogged with cat fur perhaps? Your human needs to take better care of her things and vacuum out the (gorgeous) furs from the vent more often! Sorry that you've experienced this setback to your blogging. I will wait patiently until the videos of the block party are posted.

Sydney, Australia

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Yep, our Mommy's craptop is getting crotchety, too. At least that's her excuse. MOL!

Catio Tales said...

This is our combined nightmare - Äiti has realised she has had the same macbook for about 4 years now and that's the longest she has ever had a computer thingy. But she cynically thinks all of them have this built in obsolesence stuff . But we hope your bookmarks will be backed up. And in the meantime, we hope you can still get her to do some posts!

Unknown said...

Drats! We hope mum gets a new laptop soon till then no worries. Have a serene and easy Sunday.
Best wishes Molly

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Adslong as you can talk to me again my dearest! ~ Iza- Lovey.

Katie Isabella said...

SO glad to hear from you again aside from your nightly visits, I mean. Heeeeee. XXOO

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Isn't it terrible when technology fails. Hope you get a replacement very soon.

meowmeowmans said...

Well, we are glad that you didn't lose your pictures and documents and stuff, Spitty! Maybe your human could build a Feedly list or something of the blogs you visit?

Pat Hatt said...

blah, yeah the biggest thing is the aggravation of having to wait for a new one

Deb Barnes said...

Grrr... computer stuff can be so annoying! That's why were glad we make our human deal with all that stuff and not us! Hope it is resolved soon! Purrs from the Zee and Zoey Gang!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Ugh that stinks! My Mom is worried about that happening cause her laptop is getting much older!!! Hey! Just subscribe to everyone via email like my Mom does, then YOU can have 500 emails a day TOO! MOL! Love, Cody


Oh we keep hearing about everyone's computer troubles...yikes that is bad!!!

Brian's Home Blog said...

That is so awful and we sure feel your pain. Good techy luck!!!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Oh no! Computer troubles make the humans say bad words. My mum has automatic back up to her external hard drive. The desktop monitor was going wonky last week so she did extra back ups as well in case it was the computer. She got a new monitor and everything is hunky dory again.

charppps said...

*stoopy 'puters* just about as reliabull as humans oops here comes Meowma. bye Spitty
J,J,E,& R

Anonymous said...

Dang Spitty! That stinks! Well, sounds like your Human has things under control..........and even though you lost a little bit of stuff you have all the IMPAWTANT stuff.......Hopefully the new laptop will get there ASAP and you'll be "back in biz"!

Hugs, Sammy

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

Did you go to the block party, too, Spitty? Did you go in the bouncy house???


Misaki @ misadventuresofMisaki said...

Oh noes, hope you get the new laptop soon xx

Saku said...

Darn 'puters, mom bean thinks they has a mind of their own. We say just like beans they is confusing, MOL

Sasha, Sami, & Saku

Anonymous said...

Oh Spitty weez so sowwy yous 'puter stopped workin'. Weez worry 'bout dat a lot now, cuz weez made so many wunnewful furiends here on da net and ifin ow lap top wuld wuz to bweak weez wuld be up a cweak. Weez of course not hav da munny to weplace it as weez bought this one on cwedit and will be payin' fur it fur anudder 4 years. Yes weez know, weez paid way too much fur it, but wuz da only way weez kuld get one. Anywyas, hav a pawsum Sunday!!!

Luv ya'


Mickey's Musings said...

We purr your new 'puter comes soon as we
want more fursplosions ;)
We miss your handsome face Spitty.
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ

Just Ducky said...

Hope your new puter arrives soon.

Photo Cache said...

awww, hope you get a new one soon.

emma and buster

Marty the Manx said...

Well phooey! Hope the new pewter comes soon!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

I'm sorry your mother ship 'sploded.

Kitties Blue said...

Hey Spitty, at least Mom Mary posted for you. She could have just blown you off. Hope you don't experience too much down time. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Cathy Keisha said...

Spitty,if you’re human can’t spend all her time on FB, she should be spending it catering to you, playing with you and brushing you. Am I correct?