Monday, October 13, 2014

Still Life with Hot* Cat

1.  I, along with my predecessors, take complete credit for the destruction of the top of this nice chest that belonged to the Human's grandmother. Phfft!You say destruction, I say artistic creation.

2.  The Kitty Coven meets nightly to ensure my Royal Dominance of the Castle.

3.  A little glass lamp that belonged to the Human's mother. It has thus far survived BooBoo & Angela, The Destructo Brothers Mr. Teeth and Clarkie, and me. Thus far.

4.  The Overheated King around noon today.

5.  My friend Stampo, all the way from Finland. The Human likes him because he almost never Sings the Song of His People. I mean, he does, but only I can hear him.

6.  This is my tiny tent I have had for nearly all my life. The Human bought me a new soft insert beddy last Friday (she likes to think she was being nice to me but I know the truth is she was too lazy to wash the old one, which was new about a year ago and started out white but had become almost entirely furred over with black).

* LadyCats may interpret this word in whichever way they like.


Anonymous said...

MOL Now dat's cute Spitty. Looks like yous havin' a purrfect day.

Luv ya'


Ivan from WMD said...

Have the bad times finally left you? Have you tried the new bed yet, or are you banned as we are from bed sleeping? We've had some wonderful weather here but I don't want to torture you and the Human with too many cool details.

Cats Herd You said...

Looks like the perfect place to spend the afternoon, Spitty. We have the head peep's grandmother's cedar chest that is starting to look like that table. We think that makes it purrrrfect.

Katnip Lounge said...

oh, the depth and permutations in this photo!!! Bibs wants to know what your Human did with your old beddie...

Eastside Cats said...

Spitty, you are a cool cat, so the heat shouldn't bother you much. I like the cat coven!

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

South you always crack us up. Stay cool.

Pat Hatt said...

Hopefully the heat dies off, just like that human, but at least you get a new bed

Summer at said...

I think getting a new bed is nicer than washing an old one - they smell funny after they have been in the wash! Just sayin'.

Mariodacat said...

That's a pretty nice new bed you got pal. I think you must "rate" in the human's eyes that she bought two in two years. My bed is 6 years old! (Glaring at M) Oh, yes, that message to the ladycats - he he - if I were a ladycat I'd come yowling at your door!

The Island Cats said...

We think you fit in there very well, Spitty. Try to stay cool.

A Tonk's Tail said...

Dood, that lamp would NOT survive in our home!

Catio Tales said...

An interesting composition and we see no marks at all of destruction. Send our regards to Stampo - I hope he and the coven are keeping cool, while you try to chill.

meowmeowmans said...

Yup, that looks like the purrfect spot for you, King Spitty!

Shaggy and Scout said...

What a lovely tableau Spitty!

Furries said...

You have a pretty nice set-up there Spitty. I'm glad you showed Stampo- I was confused by your post the other day and wasn't sure what to think about Stampo's mighty paws. Mom knows one Finish word: karhu - it means bear. She learned that from one of her college friends.

Pasha's Mommy said...

Spitty, You da King!!!!

Megan said...

A still-life art appreciation post, Spitty. How cultured is that?

Sydney, Australia

The Swiss Cats said...

Great spot for King Spitty ! Just to know, is the lamp glued to the furniture ? It's amazing it survived to so many kitties ! Purrs

Lone Star Cats said...

Looks like a great nappin spot.

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Melted Spitty among treasures, I love it!

I know a certain angel lady cat who would certainly think of that picture as hot hot hot!

Unknown said...

The King of all you survey Spitty. Ha, ha we think you might be right about being too lazy to wash the old one. That would be exactly what my peeps would do. No fooling us. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly

Tamago said...

That glass lamp is very pretty! I sure hope it'll survive :-) But without it, you get more space for napping....oh bad thought!

Katie Isabella said...

SPITTY! You naughty naughty boy!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the ladycats will understand the secret message. I like your friend Stampo... it#s great to have a friend only you can hear :o)

Kitties Blue said...

Spitty...the lady cats at our house know what kind of hot kitty you are! This is an excellent still life. That new beddy looks extra special comfy and just the right color to fit the HOTS and your purrsonality. Thank you so much for donating to the YouCaring Campaign for Audra, Dezi and Lexi. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

pilch92 said...

You are a hotty Spitty. Sorry my SPAM folder wouldn't post your comments- I should send you a can of SPAM to make up for it.


Spitty that looks like the purrfect spot!

Anonymous said...

Well Spitty I can almost feel the heat in the photo and I'm not sure if that's because YOU are a hottie (as evidenced by the comments above) OR, is it just so darn HOT where you are that it's melting my Mom's computer screen??????

Hugs, Sammy

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood...we new we new de doodz frum number two frum sum place...HIGH GUYS !!!! waves ~~~~~~

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

I think that table and all is gorgeous!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

You ALWAYS look hot to ME Spittikins! ~ IZA-LOVEY

Kitty Cat Chronicles said...

Lookin HOT as always, Spitty! Enjoy your relaxation.

Cathy Keisha said...

You be one hot* mancat that’s for sure. Hey, is my photo in that man cave of yours? If not, why? I don’t see any marks on the furniture.

CATachresis said...

We have just read about the bed bugs!!! Scratching now big time! Thanks buddy!! But I really hope the hots and the bugs are, like, easing or gone!! Your mancat cave looks real cool (not errr literally!!) Oh and don't worry about the not visiting thing! It's a big problem over here too. It's a Staff thing! Oh and I hope both you and the human are feeling better!! xoxox

Brian's Home Blog said...

You fit up ther purrfectly Spitty!

neora chana said...

just stopping by to say hello, sir spitfire. pm neora and sas ringo

Marty the Manx said...

Spitty you look like you are melting my friend. Love the description of your surroundings. Mom loves the lamp, I am partial to your tent!