Monday, November 10, 2014

Larry, Moe and . . .

1.  I feel a teeny, tiny weight on my left haunch.

2. And I used to be such a svelte boy. Sigh.

3.  It really wasn't very nice of her, was it, to take such an unflattering shot? Why, it's almost as though she's mocking me.

4. Do you think I will like this little orange pipe cleaner toy? (And let me tell you, she never woulda thought of it on her own.)

5. She has tomorrow off. There better be playtime aplenty is all I'm saying.


Pat Hatt said...

haha the toy doesn't seem to interest much

Cathy Keisha said...

Spitman, not only don’t I like pipe cleaners but I won’t sniff that snakey toy you sent me. I’m sorry. Hope she pays attention to you and not some other kitty.

Katnip Lounge said...


Catio Tales said...

Orange is good, dude. But only those with a certain style can pull it off.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

I love toys like that. Though our curley toys are stiffer wires so I dont smash tham flat too fast. IZA-LOVEY

Summer at said...

Oh, the disrespect!

Unknown said...

LOL they think they are funny those humans Spitty. Have a terrific Tuesday. Hope you get plenty of playtime.
Best wishes Molly

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Spitty darling... you don't have an unflattering side! I do hope you get some quality playtime and that you like your curly pipe cleaner! Smooches!

Cats Herd You said...

She owes you big time for this one, Spitty!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I am sure you can think of a suitable revenge for her Spitty.

Katie Isabella said...

Horking always works around HERE!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Look at you go after that thing!!!

Eastside Cats said...

Hahaha to Katie Isabella's comment!

Unknown said...

Oh! My! Cod!!! THAT is my favorite toy!!!!
Mes will be right over.

Stacy Hurt said...

You look so...tense. you really should learn to unwind a bit and's playtime. It should e micro seconds of fun for you and hours of work for the human (in unflatteting positions) so get busy and start flingin them things right under the heaviest appliance you can find!
Ms Stella O Houligan


We all figured you were so asleep you didn't even notice that toy. But we hope you get lots of attention today.

Furries said...

Just one toy? That's nothing. My dad likes to cover me in toys. I humor him. I don't think you're human is mocking you - much - she's just having fun with you. I hope you get lots of playtime today.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood...if ewe roll yur own... you can cut bak on de amount oh time spended on kleenin yur pipe...hence
mor play time with de pipe kleener, thatz act shoo a lee ...kleen....


pilch92 said...

Poor Spitty! That was not nice at all. I hope she makes it up to you.

Misaki @ misadventuresofMisaki said...

Mummies sure can be meanies at times

Angel Simba said...

Maybe it will actually be a fun thing to play with. Please report back to us.

The Island Cats said...

Well, I would like that toy, Spitty, so if you don't want it, send it to me. ~Wally

Ivan from WMD said...

Number 3? You should be grateful your Human does that only once in a Caroline moon, while mine does it all the time. It's one reason I hardly ever show up on my own blog anymore.

How'd the toy go?

Kitties Blue said...

Just saw the next days post, and it appears as if you had to take care of your own needs. Figures! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Marty the Manx said...

That is a pretty neat toy Spitty, want to share?