Thursday, February 18, 2016

All Work and No Play

You may not think this about me, but I love to play. It is my very favorite thing, even better than brushies. Now, yes, many of my blog pictures are of me being a stately grown-up Kitty-King with many impawtant responsibilities and deep thinkings and stuff, but honestly, if the Human were more dutiful, I would play with her all day long! Instead she tells me she has a 
j-o-b which brings in the Green Papers and stuff, so I need to be more patient and understanding. But Spitty has his limits, yes he does, and then he starts jumping up and biting her. Gently, of course.


Ivan from WMD said...

Even the best humans need love nips, Spitty, so it's OK.

Catio Tales said...

It is a real drag about those green papers. Apparently Äiti says she must go get some soon too. Pöh. Andmaybe The Human needs to learn the timer setting onthe camera so we get more wonderful shots of you killing toys. happy Friday dude.

Summer at said...

All kitties like to play - it's the humans who are the boring ones.

Lone Star Cats said...

Maybe some gentle biteys are what my momma needs.

Kitties Blue said...

That is one goofy photo. We sure hope Mom Mary plans to spend the entire weekend at home playing with you and not gallivanting with friends. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Katie Isabella said...

You can bite MY mom too if you don't mind.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood.....ewe wanna bite sum oh de nayborz we haz { N we due knot meen de onez in de haight } ~~~~~

heerz two a flathead sculpin kinda week oh end ♥♥♥

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Sometimes the humans need a bite or two to remind them who's Da Boss!

pilch92 said...

Poor Spitty- I think you need to bite harder to get your point across.

Katnip Lounge said...

damn'd jobs...

Photo Cache said...

Don't you remind us about those jobs. She leaves when it's still dark and gets home when it's dark. What kind of job is that, tell me Spitty?

Emma and Buster

The Island Cats said...

Your human needs to learn how to play more, Spitty.

Megan said...

Have you ever considered the merits of asking your Human to bring in another kitty so that you have someone to play with when she's out getting the green papers?

Sydney, Australia

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Spittykins Dearest, annytime ya feel ignored, you know you are welcome here. Without prior notice, by surprise, unexpected... I am allus waiting for you... IZA-LOVEY

Ellen in Oregon said...

Spitty, we have long suspected you were a seriously playful kitty when given adequate attention from your Human. We consider ourselves very lucky because our Human is retired which means she has lots of time to cater to our whims like whirling de bird around for us to leap at & chase & our other favorite toy, the laser dots we love to chase all over the house. We may not be rich with green papers, but we get lots of quality time & attention from our mom now. Not every kitty's Human is able to stop working so they can give us the attention we crave, but your Human does her best to find time to play with you, give your brushies & let you know how much you are loved.