Can we talk?

Oh my goodness, Kitties, this was a drama-filled week, and no, I am not talking about the Humans Misbehaving Themselves in Washington, D.C. either.
I am talking about the heart-stopping brush with mortality yours truly experienced from Monday - Thursday of this past week.
I got sick. And I mean sick. I was limp and listless and without appetite Monday, so I got carted off to the stabbyplace where I was a Very Bad Boy indeed and, as usual, had to be knocked out. They stole my bloods and other precious bodily fluids, and gave me shots and finally allowed me to go home.
The verdict was I had a heart murmur (perhaps caused, or at least exacerbated, by the horrific heat and stress), a fever (who knows why?), dehydration (cf. the Heats), hyperthyroid, and a few other random old-man-cat things probably of not too much importance.
I refused to eat or play or even purr or enjoy my brushies. All day Tuesday and Wednesday, the Human was beyond distraught, convinced that I was going to cross that Bridge.
Miraculously, during the wee hours of Thursday morning, as the temperature plummeted, I decided: "Huh. I'm hungry." And within 24 hours I completely returned to normal.
The Human says I'm now on medication for my thyroid--but because it's a cream she rubs into my inner ear, I don't even really know it. I eat, I pee and poop, I play, I nap comfortably, I converse with her, and I purr like a champ.
She was a hot mess, of course, and now she's driving me crazy with Too Much Snuggling. But honestly, I do feel sorry for her. I'm going to try to be a little nicer to her.
We are very relieved you are feeling better after all those problems. We didnt know yer heart could murmer to you like that, all dangerous. You be careful now, and dont listen if the Bridge starts calling you again. Just put yer paws in yer ears and say LA-LA-LA-LA if you hear it again until it goes away. ~ IZA-LAMBIE
Oh Spitty. That sounds terribly traumatic for both you and your Human. I'm so so pleased that you've recovered fully. I do wonder whether this incident might cause the Human to understand how very precious you are. After all the attempts you've made over the years to get her to lift her game, perhaps this will convince her that her primary purpose in life is to cater to your every whim. One can only hope.
In the meantime, take good care of yourself - demand extra treats, brushies and play time for as long as you think you can get away with it.
Sydney, Australia
Oh my, we had no clue. We are so sorry that you both had to go through worse times. But really glad that you are back to normal. Take care always.
Emma and Buster
As you know, we are delighted that you turned that corner and most emphatically said 'Not today'. Äiti has been very concerned and glad of extra contact with the Human over your progress but we feel maybe Äiti has been adding to the overdose of snuggling by sending them from afar. would you like us to exact revenge here with a few swipes ? We would send you a squirrel tail as a get well present but apparently they may not be allowed in - clearly the US customs reognise evil squirrels as a terrorist threat. Even dead ones.
So you be a good boy and allow the sneaky medication in the ear rubs, and make that heart stop murmuring - unless it is sweet nothings to all your ladycats. And eat loads! And even more than loads. Take care, buddy.
I'm so relieved that you are feeling better, Spitty! I can only imagine how your human must have been beside herself. I would have been too... and my human.
Take my advice, Spitty- soak up all the "too much snuggling" you can. You sure must've scared the poor lady with your body's antics. We're glad to hear that you're mostly better, though. Take it easy and get your rest!
OMC how scary. We're glad you are better now.
The Florida Furkids
Oh Spitty, that's so very scary and I'm so glad you decided to eat and feel better again. Hugs from all of us pal.
oh Spit-tay, do not scare da mom like dat
I am glad you are feeling better again, Spitty. Your human must have been distraught. Keep eating and try not to scare her again.
Thank goodness you are OK now. The whole cuddling thing is, I suspect, something that you will have to get used to. I mean old age has to have its perks, right. Bus pass aside I expect you'll be getting lots of soft tasty food and the best mice to play with as well as lots of foreign not-so-hot holidays to exotic locations and plenty of nipbars and nightclubs. Feel free to delete any of those that don't meet your needs and add some extras. ;)
Stay well, Spitty, and keep taking the meds and purring up a storm.
ERin & Mrs H
Spitty, that is so scary! We understand about your human being distraught. We would be, too. We are happy you're doing better. Sending you and your human love and hugs. XO
I am glad you are feeling better. That must have been very scary for the human. My vet has me give my hyperthyroid cats ( 6 of them), a half of a baby aspirin twice a week to prevent clots. You should have your human ask your vet about that too. We want you around for a long, long time. XO
We are SO happy to read you've overcome your walk on the wild side! Yer human I'm sure will get a mini a/c unit just for your solitary comfort now. If not we suggest the following That Woman rigged up for us. A small table fan and a giant bowl with a bag of ice in it. She put the ice bowl directly in front of the table fan and we would perch about 3 feet away and enjoy the cold air. Ollie would lay belly up!
Grab all the guilt laden care you can and be sure to scoff at every turn!
alla us
I'm so glad you pulled out of all that, Spitty!
Oh Spitty. What an ordeal. For you and your human both! So pleased you have had a miraculous recovery and are you same old self. Purrs and hugs your way kiddo. And to your human too!!
Spitty darling...I knew it through and through that you would make it to the other end of that feel bad trip you were on. XXXX
Precious kitty, I'm so glad you're feeling better! Be extra nice to your human, she probably went through he** and back again worrying.
Oh Spitty - we are so glad you are feeling so much better and that you didn't get any worse news at the stabby place ! We have an idea how your Mama feels and send purrayers to both of you !
OMC, Spitty! We're so sorry to hear you were so ill...but we're glad you're feeling better. That ear cream should help your thyroid. And once you get that thyroid under control, your heart murmur may go away. We're purring for you.
What a scare for you two!
We are so happy to hear you are better. My old cat is 17 years old and I know how your human feels about all of this!
Sorry you didn't feel well, but hopefully your treatments will be of help to you. Snuggle all you want with the human.
Spitty, you gave us such a scare! I hope I knocked some sense into you and all that talk of you joining Buzz at the Bridge.No! I'm sorry to heard about the thyroid stuff. Do you know like almost a hunnert percent of older kitties suffer from that and it's caused by fire-retarded materials in our environment. Love you Spitty!
Spitty, we are so relieved with this outcome. As much as we like to keep our humans on their toes, we hope this never happens again. Be well, Good Boy.
Yikes Spitty! I bet your Human was rather distressed by YOUR distress. I assume you were either (a) making a play for some Spitty pity with that alleged medical emergency?, or (2) actually having a medical "event" for which you have recovered and are again relaxing as you should be? Whichever, we do hope that you FEEL alright and you plan no more incidents in the health arena.
Hugs, Teddy
We are so relieved to are on the mend. Our momma knows well the scaries that come with an older kitty and send thoughts of comfort. Sorry though, Spitty, you are going to have to put up with the extra snuggles. It's the price we pay for scaring our servants. Purrs - Dot, Mack and Teddy
Spitty we are sending lots of purrs and prayers my friend.
Timmy and the Crew
Doant be worry cuz ah bin at da stair ta da bridger foue time. Yepper an here'z ah be takin mah medi-cat-ion, Har Har Har. Yoo bein well mah fren
Buddy Budd
Spitty, we're so sorry to hear this! We're glad you're on the mend, though. And also glad the medication is so easy for you to have.
We're rooting for you!
--Angel and Gandalf
dood....theez R de kinda postz we due knot like ta reed; but due
....we iz buzzed happee ya snapped bak ta yur royal self
tho we gotta say we haz asked st francis ta send sum blessingz yur way for continmewed grate health... ya noe ~ ♥♥♥
OOOHHHH! How did I miss this post, Spitty!?!
It's fantastic to hear that you are better, but I'm betting your momma's nerves are still a jingle-jangle! I vote that you get to keep that pillow, but heck, we give all Eastside Cats whatever they want, so we are known as 'push-overs'. Hugs and purrs, dear Spitster!
Oh Spitty, how I wish I could have been there to hold your paw while you were feeling so poorly. I know your mom had to be beside herself with worry. I am over the moon happy that you are better now. I'll be on our blog for WW if you want to stop by and say, "hi." 💋Misty May
We understand that your human would be so upset. We are glad you are feeling better. Sending purrs for your continued improvement.
Winston and Emily
Spitty, my darling, handsome man cat. It truly hurts my heart to even think about you being sick. What a relief to know you are back to normal. If you need me to transport over to comfort you, just let me know. I know my mom would be happy to get rid of me, as I am driving her bonkers. Since losing my hearing a few months ago, the only time I am not screaming at her is when I am sleeping or eating. I am sending you love and lots of warm hugs and kisses. Your always, Misty May 💋
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