I am Gigi. I am a girlcat, a Calico, about 7 years old. In the Long Ago times, I was probably someone's pet. Somehow, though, I ended up in a feral colony in the East Bay for several years. About three months ago, my heroes Linda and Peter (aka Mom L and Dad P on Savannah's Paw Tracks) took me home to foster me and see if I could re-learn to live in a house with Humans. I did pretty well, and just about the time they were starting to look for someone to adopt me, the Lady who lives here was starting to look for a new kitty to love. (While Linda and Peter worked with me, she had a foster cat named Maggie for about two months.) But finally, earlier this week, I arrived at my new furever home.

Last Tuesday afternoon, I was escorted to this Lady's house in San Francisco. To tell you the whole truth, I was maybe just the littlest bit high on something, as I was just a wee bit uncooperative about getting into my carrier, and I don't really remember exactly how it was that I got here. I do know I haven't seen the sun since!
See how happy and comfortable I look? Well, that's because I was still just the tiniest bit high as a kite, and everything seemed purrfect! I was seeing all the rainbows!
The next couple of days were maybe not quite as glorious as that memorable Tuesday, and I confess I was UTB for substantial portions of those days. Still, the service has been excellent; the food is fresh and plentiful, litter deposits are whisked away within minutes, and playtimes are reasonably frequent (and I have to admit that it is I who sometimes declines to participate).
I really love this little tent. It may look like cheap nylon, but I am sure it really is made of impenetrable iron that will protect me from invading fingers and hands. I don't mind her looking at me, or talking to me, or even singing to me (right now she is alternating between Blondie's Tide Is High and Brahms Lullaby), but get too close or too grabby, and all bets are off. I have a mean left hook, which I have (thus far) had no reason to deploy.

I have explored the apartment a little bit, but mostly I hang out in the bedroom (which is mine now, as the Lady has banished herself to the blow-up bed in the dining room. Good thing, too, because if she hadn't I would have had to). Overall, things have gone pretty well. I guess there was somekitty named Spitty who lived here before me, and he taught her very well how to respect boundaries or pay the consequences. I thank him for that as it should make my job easier, don't you think?
Well, that's it for now. The Lady says I can talk to you next Sunday, or maybe even before that if I am very, very good. We'll have to wait and see what happens next. I am super glad to meet all of you!