This is the view from my Tower, from which I observe the neighborhood. I watch cars and neighbors, crazy homeless guys, trucks, lost buses, doggies and other denizens of my neighborhood as they go about their business every day.
I am not allowed to go out there, which annoys me, but even I have to admit it doesn't look very kitteh-friendly.
Still, a guy can dream, can't he?
I don't know, looks pretty scary out there to me, you best stay put and dream about Nip n' Mice!
Spitty...based on all those cars out there and all the other crazy stuff...we think you're much better dreaming about being out there!!
I'm with you Spitty. It doesn't look very kitty friendly. I think you've got an awesome command center to keep an eye on things.
I'll bet you never get bored looking out there.
Nah, you don't want to go out. Besides, with windows in stereo, you'll never miss a thing!
OUT is bad, but so is TOUCHING. We kittehs are caught between the frying pan and the fire...
xx Scouty the Lounge Kat
Spitty, it looks like you can see everything that goes on outside from your great spot on your cat tower...You've got the best of both worlds sweetie...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Spitty, unless you have a nearby park and will walk on a harness and leash, you definitely are better off keeping watch from inside! We're glad your human is smart and doesn't let you roam.
WE fink the view inside your home is much better than outside!
It looks like you have a great view of some pretty interesting stuff from the comfort of your comfy and safe kitty tower. It's a much better view than mine. My kitty tower window faces our neighbor's window which contains an evil meezer who gives me the stink eye all day.
Yeah, no green grass to roll in or chew on. Probably better to stay in and be safe.
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