Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Thank Bast! They're Back!

Well, Kitties, it was a close call, but my Beddies are Back! And just in the nick of time, too.

See? The snuggly bed in my cozy tent is back!

My soft round brown bed with the high sides is back!

My pawsome soft kitteh hammock is back!

And what did I do to celebrate their return? Need you even ask?

Apparently the Human decided that my beddies needed to be vacuumed, de-furred (but why? They smelled good! They smelled like me!) and then thrown willy-nilly into the Big Washer at the Laundromat. Yes, they're back all right, but none of them smell right anymore. They smell like perfume or flowers or some other dumb stink the Humans think is pleasant.

You know, I kind of wish she'd go back to work already. Then she would not have time to do all this stupid stuff.

Thanks, Everykitty, for your advice and consolation during this traumatic time! (Skeeter was a detective? How cool is that!?)


Admiral Hestorb said...

Oh Spitty, thank GOODNESS you have all of your things back! That was awful for you. I looked for you in case you wanted to share my new cushy bed. Having your own things back is much much better though. Sleep well sweet Spitty.

Raymond and Busby said...

Oh that's good! You're Mom just wanted them fresh for the new year. Now you can work on getting your smell back all over them Spitty!

Stacy Hurt said...

exactly what Ray & Bus said; now you can have all year to get them all mancatly stinky again! Good thing that's not a labor intensive job. :)

Ms. Stella O'Houligan

Summer at said...

Spitty, what is wrong with your human, making your beds smell unlike you? That is actually rude and, I believe, breaks a serious Cat Rule.

OKcats said...

Thank goodness, Spitty-the-Kitty. You might freeze without your beds. We complain about our mom being lazy... maybe we should count our blessings!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

YAY! Everything is back! Our Moms are soooo annoying when they get in "cleaning mode" huh? I notice that with everything back you aren't sleeping in ANY of them! Must be spring fresh scent! lol


We are so relieved to know you got all of beds back. *whew* We understand what you mean, because our Mom does the same thing. She gathers up our blankets and dumps them in this big wishy washy machine and they come out and don't smell like us anymore. You just rub all over your beds and get them back like you like them.


Jacqueline said...

We are so glad you got all your cozy beds back, handsome Spitty=we want you to be comfortable while dreaming of us, sweet boy :)...kisses x3...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Ivan from WMD said...

Spitty, I know just how you feel. I just hate it when my mom thinks she has to wash things that are ours. I don't even like it when she vacuums the fur off the couch!

Max said...

=whew= I'm glad they're back and no one had to be arrested.

Skeeter was an AWESOME detective. His skills are sorely missed...

The Island Cats said...

Oh Spitty, just think how much fun you will have getting them to smell good again!!

Katnip Lounge said...

Spitty, eat something that makes you gassy.
That will re-scent your beddies beautifully!

meowmeowmans said...

What a relief to have all your beds back, Spitty! Even if your mom went and ruined their purrfect smell. Well, now you can start re-secenting them, right?

Clooney said...

I missed all the drama...uh sorry about that! But I'z glad you has all your beds back, otherwise I could've got a Private Eye I know on the case...Too bads that they'z been de-stinkified or stinkified, depends on your perspective. Happy Holidays to ya, and tells that Human of yours that you deserve extra Num-Nums for theese ordeal!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Oh yes, Skeeter was a detective extraordinaire!

We bet he would have found yer beds FAST! (fer Ham and Nip). But since they got returned, he doesnt have ta help...

Now ya just hafta fur them all up again...

Teddy Westlife said...

I have never had the indignity of having my beds washed. Thank goodness yours are back now!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Now things are back to as they should be! I'll bet the beds missed you too Spitty!