Thursday, March 31, 2011

She Stalked Me

So there I was, enjoying an excellent Window Whiff of our recently-arrived Spring....
....and then chillaxin' in my Tower...
...when suddenly I had the urge to move to my hammick...
...and she sort of caught my Slither move.
It wasn't really a full-out slither, which involves a sort of slithery-slide, rather than a leap, to the floor. Still, her patience was rewarded.
Also, today's post concludes the Human's effort to post Every Single Day in March (she probably should've chosen February for her experiment, since it's a full three days shorter, but as I'm sure you've noticed, she's not exactly Einstein). Her conclusion is that until she stops working 11 freaking hours a day, she's probably not going to be doing this again! She has gained the utmost respect for those dedicated and selfless Humans who allow their kittehs to post every single day.


Kea said...

Spitty, we like your slither!

Our mom started out posting for us every day, then 5 days a week, and now mostly 3, sometimes 4. It's too hard to keep up, because we do feel obliged to visit on the days we post, and our mom is gone long hours every day too.

We think that kitties who have beans that are retired or who work from home probably find it a bit easier to keep up!

-Fuzzy Tales

P.S. It's also easier when you're following only a few blogs. But when your blog list has several hundred kitties, well, that's another matter. So your mom definitely ought not to feel guilty in any way that she can't do this every day!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Great pictures Spitty! Yep, it is hard to keep up, some days my paws get quite tired!

OKcats said...

The action shots were great, but we loved the first one the best - where you're sticking your head around to sniff the fresh air!

We do not know how people can post every day - and VISIT every day. My mom doesn't have enough to say, and there are certainly not enough photos to last. She says we're pretty boring, so any new photos look just like a bunch of the old ones. Kudos to your Human!

Ramblingon said...

MY mommy also says her teacher son goes thru long hours there.This is the Admiral's Mommy typing for me on her own account. And I love those smooth slithery moves. Makes me feel all toasty and warm. Um, yes.


Katnip Lounge said...

Smexy Slither, Spitty. Even the Baby took notice. She's a little better today.

What we want to know is why isn't your tree front and center on a window? Or do you like the view out of both?

Mr Puddy said...

Yeah, Spitty RUN !!!
I don't think she can catch you after this.


Oh that Spitty Slither is Something!!!
WOW --
Mom says she does preplan some posts and with our Internets being so precariously she is glad she does. WE never know when it will go out. It was going in and out all day today for example. But applause for your Mom was working long hours and still making a post every day! Mom is trying to do one every day this year. When she was working she was able to blog from work and she did M-F only.

>^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^<
Abby Ping Jinx Boo Gracie

Summer at said...

Your human should have tried to capture it on video - I would have liked to have seen you in action!

Jacqueline said...

We LOVE all your moves, sexy boy=we were blown away by your pole dancing too, sweetie :)...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

I am trying to cut down to 3 days a week myself.....the blog is starting to take over my life (and everything that goes with the blog, I don't work...but this has become a full time job!) I work on the blog more hours than any full time job I have ever had! I love blogging but if I don't start paying some attention to my husband, all I am going to have is the blog! xoxoxo

The Island Cats said...

That's a great leap, Spitty! We are impressed!! Tell your human to not worry about blogging everyday if she can't...our mom will only help us blog about 5 days a week and then visit our furiends and she says she doesn't have time for much of anything else. But our mom doesn't have much of a life anyway so we don't feel bad for her.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Our mom don't work but she volunteers a lot of hours so...den der is daddy and Mrs T and some other fambly stuff and us. Yeah, we don't blog a lot either.

Catsparella said...

Sweet moves, Spitty! I applaud your human's valiant effort for blogging every day this month!

Teddy Westlife said...

I posted every day for three years but then I ran out of stuff to talk about, which is why I only post every second day now.