Monday, October 15, 2012

How Sweet It Is!

Well, Kitties, I don't necessarily think of my Royal Self as sweet, but evidently Mollie and Alfie and Sassy (but NOT Callie*) AND my Good Bud Austin think so! I must say I luffs this awardie because #1) It's my favorite color, and #2) It has all those adorable -- and maybe even tasty? -- cupcakes. The Piggy is my favorite because of my new-found luff for The Fudz, but I also the Panda and the Tiger. The old King Spitty-the-Kitty would have said they were too cute to eat...but the New Me? Well, the new me might bite their little heads clean off!

* Evidently, she Holds A Grudge. Who'd have thunk it? Well, this is for Little Miss Callie:
Press Here

I know I am supposed to pass this awardie along to Five Sweet Kitties, so I will, but I totally release them from any obligation to do anything with it but enjoy it! (And some might already have it.) Here are my Fantastic 5:

                                       Pandafur      Cory      Kassey      Audrey      Willow

P.S. The Celestial kitties point out that what I took to be a Piggy (hey--it's PINK) is in reality probably a Hippo based on its toofs. Well, then, my favorite is The Hippo! 


Mr. Black said...

I got myself a tray of those cupcakes which I will scarf down post haste.

P.S. I'm looking forward to my crown. Thanks!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

One of them must be tuna flavour...

Congrats on your award!

Summer at said...

Concatulations on your award (several times over), Spitty!

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Congratulations! We think you're sweet, Spitty! Sweet looking, if not always in temperment.. ;)
Oh, and we think, that because of the teeth... that that is a hippo, not a piggy, but hey, same difference right? MOL
Biting their heads off might remove some of the sweet that you think isn't so mancatly MOL

Star says: Dearest Spitty, even if that were drool in your picure yesterday, and seriously, blow up the picture and see.. even if it were, I'd not need your silly ol' suit. After all, we exchange drool/saliva all the time anyway when we lick and snuggle and groom each other. I'll be over soon to swap some more spit, so chase away the other girls before I get there. MOL

Catio Tales said...

'Sweet' - nope that word has never come into the same sentence as your name in our heads.
And we notice you didn't award it to us. Part of me is deeply offended by this snub. And the mancat part of me is glad as I am not sure a pink award would suit us.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Concats Spitty. You must be in heaven wif all that pink delishisnus!

Unknown said...

Bwaa! Haa! Haa! Mommy loves the button! Me thinks it suits Callie but Kozmo (the demented fool) did not get the joke!

Mollie said...

You iz sweet Spitty and youz lovez pink..Alfie made it but he made it for mez, that why it'z pink. He is a Mancat of sort'z BOL xx00xx

CATachresis said...

You really are in the pink, buddy :) and getting superstar status too. Tutoring is not all bad. Cheers! ;)

Marg said...

Oh those cupcakes do look so good. Our Person is sitting here just drooling over the little cakes. We are not sure which one we like the best.

Fuzzy Tales said...

Concats on the award, Spitty! Our human certainly would like to sample the cupcakes. :-)

Brian's Home Blog said...

Congrats Spitty! I thing Royal and Sweet got paw in paw!

KarenMcG said...

Congratulations on your award, and thank you for sharing a photo of your cupcakes. They look nummy.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

conga ratz on yur award spitty N a werd oh add vise, dont eat one coz its way two hard to put it bak on de plate lookin az kewl and nice az it came off...

also we haza diva livin heer...dai$y...if we press that button will she go a way.....a LOOOOOOONG way a way !!!

:) uz boys

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...


Hey it's looking like HOPEFULLY we will see each other in the World Series!

Pat Hatt said...

Those cupcakes look grand, congrats on the award in your land.

Pandafur said...

Nom nom thanks you so muches

GreatGranny said...

Concats on the awardie, King Spitty. And thanks to you and your Mom for passing it to us.
xoxo Kassey

GreatGranny said...

The awardie is so furry cute. Mom could sure dive into them and fill her sweet teefs...mol
We got King Spitty's photo too to put on our blog.

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

Guess what? I think you're sweet, too! purrs

meowmeowmans said...

Concatulations, Spitty! You know, it IS possible to be sweet and ferocious, you know. No conflict there, if you ask us! :)

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Congrats on the awardie, Spitty. It just looks so purrfect with you!


concats on that award Spitty and oh my you are sweet, yessiree you are.

The Island Cats said...

Congrats on your sweet award, Spitty! Are those nip flavored cakes???

Cat Tee Mission said...

Cupcakes are my weakness! Especially if they're animal-themed ;)
ConCATs on the award too, well deserved! :)

Katie Isabella said...

SPITTY! It DID look like that! No, I'm not boycotting my love. I read the blog and something had to have distracted me like the phone or mom! XXXOOOXXX