Risky Bidness
I know I am at considerable risk of cuddliness happening if I plant myself here on the desk. However, I know there is an equal--or even greater--chance that that closed drawer will open and my beloved pink brushie will emerge.
And did it?
Of course it did!
P.S. The Human has been a little under-the-weather and a lot uncooperative! We are sorry we've been a little scarce. We should be back on track tomorrow!
Oh dear Spitty...The King. Brushie! I got my brushie today too. I had to sit in the brushie place till she finally caught on! Sheesh!
PS tell your mom to feel all better as soon as she can. xoxox for her.
I can empathize. I am not feeling so well either.
Give her a head butt for me, eh Spitty?
You sure do love your brushies, dontcha, Spitty??
You are such a softie, Mr. Spitfire. What won't you do for a brushing? MOL!
I never would have guessed you had a pink brush. I'm glad you were able to entice it to come out and give you a good brushing.
Looks like Truffle and you had the same idea of posing on the desk today. She figures she'll usually get some treats if she hangs around long enough.
Pink brush for a mancat?
Thank COD that your human was able to get your girly pink brushie out for some groomie action. We are sending mystical purrs your way in hopes that your human will be back in satisfactory working order soon. We know how upsetting it can be when the natural order (i.e., our humans waiting on us hand & foot 24/7) of King Spitty is disrupted. Perhaps a nip on the cankle would speed up the recovery time.
Oh yes, Flinty Heart goes purring like a motorboat. You cannot fool us!
Well Spitster, it was a 50-50 chance. You got lucky this time, what about next time? We think the odds are not in your favor and cuddle might be in your near future!
Spitty Spitty Spitty... you ALWAYS look so cute as to endanger yourself cuddle-wise! But I'm glad you got brushies!
Star says: It's ok if you notice that the barbarian is also gray. As long as you note that my gray is much prettier, which you did, so it's all good. I like to think that my mom liked my color so much that she choose to get him because he resembled me. Of course how was she to know from pictures that he was twice my size and a giant pain in my... well, anyway..
I happen to think your black coat looks fabulous against all the pink. And the love eyes you have in the second picture.. I can almost imagine those are for me, not the pink brush.. purrrrrrr
My brush sits right on top of the desk, within arm's reach. My orders.
Mom is all jealous of the owners of kitties who like to be brushed. Because cleaning up cat-fur-dust-bunnies from the floor all the time, and yacked up hairballs are not her favorite activities. Simba has always been a hair producer but now for some reason Audrey is also shedding a lot (we think her coat has grown thicker from the thyroid piles, leading to more shedding of her finer furs). Actually, she is quite good about brushing, but not Simba!!
Yay! You beat the odds, my man. You beat the odds!
You sure know how to play the odds Spitty!
Nice one Spitty :) xxooxx
Mollie and Alfie
yay for brushies!
dood...tell yur mom ta go out side with an umbrella ore a rain coat on next time in bee rainin N her wont bee under sew much weather
heerz ta a grate week oh end :) !!!!!!
you must have a lot of magic power - I'm deep impressed. can you show me the trick how to disperse a brush? I don't like brushing ... Have agreat Friday!
Do you allow cuddliness once the pink brushie makes it's appearance?
Mom keeps my fave brushie right on our nightstand...never out away...just sayin Spitty. And tell Miss Mary to feel better. Paw hugs, Savvy
You wished it and it happened. You have fabulous and impressive mind powers, Spitty! Purrs...
Oh, Spitty, darling, there is nothing to forgive you for! In fact, I thought you had grown bored with me and that made me all sad and fainty, when all the time it was just your human! Of course I hope she feels better soon, but I did miss you so.
Oh, and P.S. *My* mom turned off the PC early last night and has been out all morning getting supplies--those stupid stairs, you know. Plus she's old and stuff so everything takes so long.
Way to weight those options, Spitty. Looks like your careful consideration paid off in (pink) spades. :)
Oh yeah the pink brushie is the best, isn't it Spitty.
YAY for your pink brushie, handsome Spitty!...We hope your Mommy feels better soon...Happy weekend, precious friend...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Sometimes ya gotta take a risk to get the Pink Brushie!
haha you have her wrapped around your finger
Spitty! how brave! and wut a coincidence, as I was just day-dreaming for a half a second, when The W. snuck up behind me and grabbed me and I was in the middle of impressive evasive action, when I felt this WUNNERFUL brushie-brush all over me! Wow! it was scary it was so nice. So I stuck around long enough for the Mrs. to gather a hamster-sized pile of orange and brown fur. Maybe I will let that happen again, but it will take some concentration on my part not to leap away, what with all my rapid-response reflexes and what not...
You are a smarty parking yourself where you know you'll get just what you want. have a great weekend. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Dood! SCORE! Allie got hers but good yesterday. The neighborhood turned grey with her furs, MOL!
It takes a confident mancat to embrace his pink brushie.
; ) Katie
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