Thursday, August 15, 2013

Faculty Cat Gallery

Hi Kitties! The Human has returned to ::shudder:: work and has been more than a little discombobulated. I am going to try to make sure she helps me visit starting tonight and tomorrow. I cannot indulge this "tired" excuse any longer. 
I mean, is it my fault she goes gallivanting off to birthday parties (last night) and "new family dinners" (tonight)? No benefit of any kind accrues to me from any of these activities--quite the opposite, in fact. My dinner is delayed, pettings are virtually nonexistent and don't even get me started about the appalling lack of brushies.
For your entertainment this evening, we present the door of a metal cabinet in the Human's office which is devoted to ME (with red stars) and some other, (ahem) less important, faculty cats.
There are faculty members with woofies, but so far none has been granted gallery status.


Summer at said...

Now, that is something I really like seeing! More people should have cat walls at work!

Catio Tales said...

We sympathise, we sympathise. The return to work is a horrible discombobulation and the resulting neglect worthy of a whole new therapy fund. But it's the weekend tomorrow° Surely she can do the brushies then ?
We love the cat gallery - we think Ă„iti should do the same.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Spiity, she is separating herselfs from you cuz she is planning to sell you as MEAT! You better come over here right away. ~ Iza Lambie

Angel Simba said...

But shouldn't YOUR pictures be the LARGEST?

Gigi said...

Well, you'd think, wouldn't you?

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Hmmm, any bootiful ladycats on that wall?

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Oh Spitty, you are the crown jewel of that gallery collection!

Star says: I'm betting a lot of those other kitties are girlcats. It's just like you to be totally surrounded by the ladies! *toothy grin*
By the way, if you keep watching, you'll see some action on that tracky thing.. in a day or so, possibly.. (I'm not giving anything away mother! sheesh..) Isn't it the greatest though?? And daddy said it was on sale this week at pet supply plus! Isn't someone having a giveaway or contest with those now? I swear I saw that somewhere after I got mine. If I see it again, I'll direct you so you can direct your mom!
In the meantime, why don't you pop over and we'll take it for a test drive and maybe have a snuggle after we get our nip on? Purrrrr

Fuzzy Tales said...

Oh, our human loves that idea of the photos of faculty members cats--other non-humans would be cool too! She has pics of us and her angels posted up in her cubicle, but there's no common spot for pet pics.

Anonymous said...

That means, you are a double star, right? Cool! I hope they will find a place for the doggies too, how about the back side of the metal cabinet?

Katie Isabella said...

Darling! NO woofies allowed! No no NO! Mommy has brushie, will give brushies. The tunnel door is open...

Pat Hatt said...

Quite the array, but you do stand out

Marg said...

Hi there Spitty. Oh too bad the Mom isn't going visiting. You need to see our BG who is on the post today. She is a very pretty Black Lady. We love all black cats. Hope the Mom has fun at her events. Too bad she had to go back to work. Yuck. Take care.

katsrus said...
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katsrus said...

Spitty shouldn't your pictures be first? I love all the photos. If your human is working now doesn't that mean you should get more treats and toys??
Sue B

Brian's Home Blog said...

That is just a purrfect wall of fame Spitty!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

that is just the cutest but I agree with katsrus!

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

Discombobulated... I LOVE THAT WORD!

From now on, I'm gonna try my best to make my peep #1 feel discombobulated every day.


PS. Sure do wish I had been the cat to invent that word but alas, I was not. *sighs*

Anonymous said...

Well Spitty it truly is appauling that you are suffering from "no-brushing-itis" - We are SOOOO much more important than any of that other stuff you mentioned she's up to. This is NOT the way things should be.....I think it's time to send the help for re-training. With claws.

Kitty Hugs, Sammy

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Why isn't MY picture on the Faculty cat gallery?


brokenteepee said...

You are a two star cat for sure Spitty. Maybe even three stars

Saku said...

Sheesh, our mom tries to use the `too busy` excuse too. What`s with these beans?

Mom has one, that's right, only one picture of us at work. We guess she doesn't miss us as much as your mom does when she's at work. Hmmm...we thinks a hairball or two is in her future, MOL

Sasha, Sami, & Saku

da tabbies o trout towne said... like what...her runned outta stamp ma sheen ink...onlee two starz......even de oh lypmics gives out mor for like a knot sew good dive or balance beem trik.....we think sum shreddin time iz in order...hay, haza grate week oh end !!

Katnip Lounge said...

What IS it with this constant preoccupation with "work"? We'd like Mommy just as much if she lived under the overpass.

Anonymous said...

it is an academic environment requiring, how shall I say the woofies are absent...heh...heh...cats don't 'fetch'

Shaggy and Scout said...

Great place to work with fellow cat lovers! Of course YOU are the bestest of the bunch!


We love the idea that you are a BIG star amongst the faculty!

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

It is nice you work with lesser cats! Lee and Phod who also had to force Lady to let them on the computer!

Cathy Keisha said...

I don't see the Cathy Keisha calendar up there!

Misaki @ misadventuresofMisaki said...

But Spitty there arne't enough pictures of you!!

Mollie said...

Hay, where are all the photo's of you, it's your gallery MOL xxoxx

Mollie and Alfie

CATachresis said...

No brushies!!!! You know what that means? Hairball build-up and yakking session to come!!! Hehe!! xox

bethany925 said...

oh, Spittimus...this being all alones all teh day...I just can't stand it. which is WHY I am boarding a Megabus for SF tomorrow!!! Can't WAIT to see you! I think we should both bite her ankles so she knows we mean biziness.

btw...SF does stand for Sante Fe, right?
headbonk until we meet again,