The Musings
of a Calico Girl
and Buddy
the Giant Tabby,
as well as the
Permanent Record
of Spitty the Kitty
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Friday, November 29, 2013
Still Life with Fishie
Hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, got some turkey if you wanted it, or a nice plate of whipped cream (yes, Wally, I am talking to you)!
As you can see, I am comfortable [and well-fed ~Ed.] and warm, and I feel another nappy coming on evennnnn nowwwwww............Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Stealth Kitty
wishes all Creatures Great and Small, and their Humans too, a
Happy Thanksgiving!
And to our friends who need some extra
purrs and purrayers, we send our extra-best of both today.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Hardly Strictly Wordless Wednesday
Yes, I see you there--can't you see I've opened one peeper
to check out what the Sam Hill you're doing with that flashy box again?
I know you are on Thanksgiving Break from now till next Monday,
and I assume that means there will be another Spa Saturday
on the horizon? Get out those brushies and stock up on the Gerber's, Human Lady.
In fact, I'll be expecting extra attention for the next five days.
And yes, yes, I'm sorry you seem to have caught another cold
(I trust that will not be interfering with the quality of service around here?),
but I hope all that sniffling and hacking can be kept to a minimum during my naps.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Home for the Holidays?
Make PHINNY's Holidays Happy

Phineas needs a home! To find out more about him, visit
Savannah and scroll down a bit. People came together
to save him, but now Phinny needs a home of his own!
Phineas needs a home! To find out more about him, visit
Savannah and scroll down a bit. People came together
to save him, but now Phinny needs a home of his own!
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Easy Sunday: Post-Prandial Slumbering
Wait--what's up? I hear kitties and Humans
guffawing all across the Blogosphere.
Haven't you ever seen
a ManCat stretch a bit after his dinner?
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Contemplative Caturday
Hmmm. The Human did *not* help me blog last night, as she surely should have, and she ran off at 6:30 a.m. today to some sort of "sale," and none of the loot she brought home was for the kitty, so I think she has earned the Cold Shoulder of Dissatisfaction.* Don't you agree?
* a close relative of the Back of Disrespect, which saves a comfortable kitty the inconvenience of rearranging himself
* a close relative of the Back of Disrespect, which saves a comfortable kitty the inconvenience of rearranging himself
Thursday, November 21, 2013
On November 22, 1963, the Human was a 13-year-old 8th-grader at Sacred Heart elementary school in Sacramento, California. Shortly before lunch, the Sister of Mercy who was the principal came into her classroom and told the teacher and students that President Kennedy had been shot. Not very many minutes later, the grainy black-and-white classroom TV delivered the punch to the gut: This handsome, young, Catholic president was dead.
She can hardly believe it has been fifty years. It's a cliché to say so, but she remembers that day, and the three that followed, with astonishing clarity. Nothing since has affected her quite so much, not deaths in her own immediate family, nor subsequent assassinations, nor wars, nor earthquakes, nor 9/11. It was, she thinks, for her and for so many Boomers, the abrupt end of childhood innocence and the rosy optimism of "Camelot."
She can hardly believe it has been fifty years. It's a cliché to say so, but she remembers that day, and the three that followed, with astonishing clarity. Nothing since has affected her quite so much, not deaths in her own immediate family, nor subsequent assassinations, nor wars, nor earthquakes, nor 9/11. It was, she thinks, for her and for so many Boomers, the abrupt end of childhood innocence and the rosy optimism of "Camelot."
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
A Story in Five Short Chapters
Step 1: Do not prepare a post in advance.
Step 2: Take a quick blurry shot.
Step 3: Try out "Rough Pastels" filter.
Step 4: Try out "Watercolor" filter.
Step 5: Give up. Get kitty's dinner.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Monday, November 18, 2013
Another strike: $1.09 a can @ PetSmart.
The Human says for that much,
I have to at least eat it all.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Pretty in Pink
I have not been frequenting my pink beddy as it has been a bit too warm outside in the past the couple of weeks, but this afternoon was surprisingly chilly Chez Spittola, so I curled up comfily and, of course, out came the flashy box. I quite like the floofiness factor in today's portrait of A Cat in Dreamland.
Also, although it was purchased too late for my Spa Weekend, this appeared today after the Human's trip to the Great Temple of PetSmart in Daly City. I am told it will be served for dinner this evening and though I am loath to try new foods, I really do like salmon so my expectations are high.
Also, although it was purchased too late for my Spa Weekend, this appeared today after the Human's trip to the Great Temple of PetSmart in Daly City. I am told it will be served for dinner this evening and though I am loath to try new foods, I really do like salmon so my expectations are high.
Saturday, November 16, 2013
All right, Mr. DeMille
I'm ready for my close-up.
We have a photo-rerun today because the Human's outrageous laziness has led her to dip once too often into my savings account of ready-made posts, and today after her half-day exhausting day at work the well ran dry (don't tell me I don't know how to mix my metaphors). Even if I had not freely admitted this was an older picture, the eagle-eyed and attentive amongst you would surely have spotted Mr. Tree in the background, alive and well, before he was slowly eaten to death by yours truly. Hope every kitty is getting ready for the Easiest of Sundays.
Friday, November 15, 2013
And They Called Him
My Human earned a lot of good will last weekend, as you saw with that B+ and all, but she has very quickly slipped into D territory since Tuesday. Since she has remembered to feed me, I won't fail her, but the box-scooping has left much to be desired. She has left home early and returned late. And, worst of all, she has to work tomorrow:
Human! It's Caturday, remember? You got a lot of 'splainin' to do!
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
I Wonder If It's Occurred to You
that I have retreated UTT for a reason?
I feel fine, I'm not ready for my dinner yet--
in fact, everything is was just dandy here on this nice chair.
Until . . .
I'll be ready to play later. Just cool your jets
for another hour or two, okay?
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Yep, Kitties
I finally killed our tree. I sure did.
The Human says this one
is all I get for now.
Charppps friends: Thanks for visiting and leaving me such nice comments. We can't find a blog for you or we'd visit back! Do you have one? We can't find any way to reach you--you are a mystery!
Monday, November 11, 2013
Tidy Tuesday
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
My spa weekend drew to a close with a nice baff on Monday afternoon.
All in all, I will give the Human a B+ for her efforts this weekend. I got a lot of attention, the noms were tasty, and the brushes were available on demand. She did go out on Sunday, though, and I was left to fend for myself for quite a few hours. Despite my abject begging, she did not help me post Sunday night either, so no A for the Human this time.Hope you all had a fine three-day'er!
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Friday, November 8, 2013
TGIF, eh, Kitties? The Human has three whole days
to devote to my care and feeding,
and I am expecting a Spa Weekend Extraordinaire.
She only thinks she has other plans.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Da Purrs, Boss, Da Purrs
Turn your sound up
and purr along.
It's quite a good day to send some purrs
around the blogosphere.
It's quite a good day to send some purrs
around the blogosphere.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Monday, November 4, 2013
Dona Nobis Pacem
We're a little late to the Peace Theme today
but it's still the Fourth!
§ § § § § § § § § §
And now . . .
My buddy Nerissa gave me this fantastic MOUSES Award on his Second Blogoversary, so in keeping with the grandeur of this Moust Auspicious Occasion, I am honored to share it with my readers today.
I thank him moust profusely for this grand award, and I happily pass it to
The Farm Cats @ The Maaaaa of Pricilla
Cathy Keisha @ The World's Most Stunning Cat
Now the third requirement is to use the word MOUSES in some form while accepting the award. MOUSES! It was hard to think of the best way of going about this. I moused have pondered the problem for moust of an hour before I settled on the purrfect solution. Can you guess what it was?
And take a look at THIS, will ya?!
Yes, it is, it IS me!
It's my very own Christmas Ornament
from Mollie and Alfie's
Isn't it great?
I can hardly wait to hang it
on my Tree!
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Cleanest Little Face in the West
All right, yes, I know it's kind of boring.
But still, I'm pretty adorable, don't you think?
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Easy Sunday: Sun-Spit
Hello, Kitties: The waning days of our peculiar Bay Area summer have arrived, and soon the sun puddles will not warm my furs as efficiently as they do even now.
Today The Humans return to Standard Time, which makes no difference to me, understanding as I do that Nature provides the same number of daylight hours no matter what those silly Humans choose to call them.
My Human is pleased at the departure of "Daylight Savings Time," as she is tired of arising in what feels like the middle of the night and arriving at work under cover of darkness.
Hope you all find something amusing to occupy your "extra hour." Me, I'll be napping (and you can all keep those smart-aleck remarks to yourselves if you know what's good for you)!
Today The Humans return to Standard Time, which makes no difference to me, understanding as I do that Nature provides the same number of daylight hours no matter what those silly Humans choose to call them.
My Human is pleased at the departure of "Daylight Savings Time," as she is tired of arising in what feels like the middle of the night and arriving at work under cover of darkness.
Hope you all find something amusing to occupy your "extra hour." Me, I'll be napping (and you can all keep those smart-aleck remarks to yourselves if you know what's good for you)!
Friday, November 1, 2013
Pillow Talk
She loved bluuuuue pillows
Bluer than skylight was the glow
Softer than silk the gentle flow
Of her purrs
She loved bluuuuue pillows
Warmer than velvet were her eyes
Softer than May her tender sighs
On my furs....
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