Saturday, January 11, 2014

Should I Sue Her for This?

A boy can't always help looking ridiculous 
when he's deep into open-eyed slumberland, 
but it is cruel and unusual punishment 
for his Human to publish such a thing 
on the Innerwebs, don't you think?


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

No kitty should be cameraed asleep with eyes open! It lets in light... We say a suit might be in order. Demand extra brushies and treats!

Max said...

Dood, you look EVIl and your eyes are like LASERS. That's pretty cool!

Katnip Lounge said...

Two words: WHISKER HOLES!!!!!

Willow said...

Demerits fur sure. After all both fur bed head and lasers. Wow!

Catio Tales said...

Yep, we think those eyes are definitely worthy of a law suit. However the whisker holes are totally endearing, as is the brown under fur so I'm not totally sure you'd win. The eyes, though, the eyes....

Summer at said...

Yes, I definitely thing some sort of compensation for pain and suffering is in order!

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

No, because you are an absolutly adorable sleeper and we want to see you all the time! Besides, the laser eye should take care of her, yow!

Star says: Come right over Spitty, I have a plan! You go in on side of the barbarian's tunnel and I'll go in the other and we'll see if we can get him to flip out and run out the side! hee hee Then we'll use it for our secret snuggle shack! purrrrrr

Katie Isabella said...

I am with Katnip Lounge...whisker la laaaa! Gasp!

Cory said...

Amazing whisker holes!

Sweet Purrfections said...

We think you're cute sleeping.

Anonymous said...

You look always beautiful. I'm a fan of your eyes, wow! I wish I had kitty-eyes too!

Pat Hatt said...

Well you can show off your glowing eye of doom

brokenteepee said...

Call a woman a harpy....


We all love your whisker holes Spitty, we have to say thumbs up to the photo!

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

I would be happy to help you sue as I am the legal defender in Blogville. Hailey

charppps said...

Sparkle, put her on detention for the next week. Make her brush you every day until YOU say stop.
Purrs of solidarity,
Jasmine, Joey, Eddie & Rosie

charppps said...

OOPS We meant Spitty, sorry.

Anonymous said...

Spitty I think you may have a case here. Time to "lawyer-up" buddy.

Hugs, Sammy

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

OMG YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!! No question!! Get everything she's got!!!

Unknown said...

But Spitty we can see by your green laser eye you are plotting revenge. You have her in your sights. Have a serene Sunday.
Best wishes Molly
Get some big easy on today.

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Do you blink when you sleep with your eye open? ;)

Ivan from WMD said...

This is where it actually pays to have a terrible photographer, Spitty!

Maxwell, Faraday and Allie said...

well at least you had your mighty lazers set to KILL!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Well I think you have a case but it kind of cute with the lasers on full beam.

Mariodacat said...

I don't know pal - maybe you should think that over. Seems to be you have a few ladycats that think you are adorable in that picture!

Kitties Blue said...

There should be some kind of law, 'cause we think you look really scary. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

The Island Cats said...

We're thinking of starting a class action, Spitty, because that eye of yours is blinding all of us! :)

Shaggy and Scout said...

That woman needs some sense horked up on her pillow.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh yea, or at least you need to get even!

katsrus said...

I think your headlights are on Spitty. You are so cute.
Sue B

Unknown said...

Yous looks like a demon cat from Hell!!
mes LOVES that look!

Furries said...

It is utterly disgraceful of your human to post such an unflattering photo of you.

Mr. Black said...

arrrgh. We hit "sign out" instead of "publish" and couldn't figure things out for awhile. (Not WE. The lady did it).

ANYWAY, I think I tried posting something on the previous comments, but who knows what happened.

Spitty, you look like you might be having a weird dream. You seem a bit discombobulated.