Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Big Event

This is the one straight stretch of the nauseatingly windy (that's long-i windy) road that leads 
to the lovely little town of Mendocino, where yesterday
my Beloved Aunties became genuine, official Married People with fancy rings
and a fancy cake and everything. And afterwards, right across the road . . .
several actual whales (this wasn't really one of them, though) came 
to disport themselves throughout the reception! 
While the newly-married pair were the main attraction,
they didn't mind sharing the stage with their uninvited--
but most welcome--cetacean guests!


Pat Hatt said...

That would be quite the guests to have, your artwork redo captures them well lol

meowmeowmans said...

We are so happy for your Aunties! And it sounds like the whales were kind of pleased, too! :)

Katnip Lounge said...

That has GOT to be the best omen, EVEH!!!

Best Wishes and Kitty Luvvins to the happy couple!

The Island Cats said...

Congrats to the happy couple! :)

brokenteepee said...

How nice to have whales as wedding crashers!
Congratulations and many happy years to your aunties

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

I am sure the whales didn't need to crash the wedding - they could have gotten invitations if they had asked!

What an awesome day!

Catio Tales said...

Bravo to the dancing whales for dropping by to help celebrate! A most excellent event - congrats to the Aunties.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Spitty Dearest, King of ALL, you are not yerself lately. Come over fer some cuddling! ~ IZA

Lone Star Cats said...

Congrats to your aunties!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Wow, what a day! (and cake!)

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Spittikinest, I am resting on the comfy TV chair, just WAITING fer you ta come over and snuggle with me fer a while... ~ IZA

Unknown said...

Congratulations and we are so glad it was a great day. We wish them well for the future. Have a wonderful Wednesday Spitty.
Best wishes Molly

Cats Herd You said...

Concatulations to your aunties. And we love the whale reenactment photo.

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Congrats to your aunties! We are glad the whales were able to join in! Lee and Phod

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Congratulations to your Aunties! Wow! Not just anyone gets whales to come to their reception! How cool!

Star says: Heh heh, I love that Leo's calendar picture was only up for a little while at your house! Thanks for the anti-barbarian support! If you see our post today, you'll see that *I* know how to get things done! The barbarian might get yelled at, but I get conceded to! heh heh heh! Want to come over and share my spoils? Purrrrrr

Anonymous said...

Pawsome.....what a great day for your Aunties and I think having a whale sighting at a wedding reception is definitely a sign of a very long, very happy life together!

Hugs, Sammy

Tamago said...

Sounds like the wedding was wonderful! The cake looks pretty and delicious. Congratulations to your aunties!
How neat you got to see whales. Maybe they came to congratulate your aunties, too :-)

charppps said...

Oh what a purrfect day! A wedding, fishies and cake, too!!
Best wishes to the Aunties for a long, happy life together.
Jasmine, Joey, Eddie & Rosie

Misaki @ misadventuresofMisaki said...

Congrats to them, sounds like a lovely day xxx

Terri said...

Congrats to your beloved aunties! We think whale watching would be good entertainment after a wedding ;)

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

I bet it was a beautiful wedding. Lovely cake. Too bad you couldn't go, too.


Kitties Blue said...

We can't say we know any other couple who had live whales at their wedding. We guess you could get that at sea world, but this had to be much better. Congratulations with special hugs for your Aunties. Purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Ohhh sooo beautiful! This brought tears to my eyes!! YAY!!!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood....sew everee one can say they hada whale ov a time then huh !!!! we wood like 3 slices oh cake pleez N de picture
o de ocean iz rockin awesum !!! ~~~~~~ tho frank lee we thought whales bee a lot bigger...

conga ratz two yur auntz !!

Ivan from WMD said...

Concats to your Beloved Aunties! I think the only thing that would have made the day any cooler would have been if the cake was made out of tuna!

CATachresis said...

ConCats to the aunties! Was there a lot of blubbering? MOLMOL ;)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Concats to your aunties! That was special that the whales arrived to give their blessings.

Mr. Black said...

Lovely photos. I also like the "artist's rendering" of the whale. Hee, hee.


How beautiful!!!! Beautiful photos and concats to the very happy couple.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I am glad your Aunties finally get their official happy!

katsrus said...

Congrats to your Aunties!
Sue B

Shaggy and Scout said...

Many congrats to them!
Disport....that sent mom to the dictionary app.
(The journalism major and avid reader learned a new word today!)

Clooney said...

That is awesome about the whales! Big congratulations to your Aunties, how wonderful!

Cathy Keisha said...

And I good time was had by all even the whales. My best to the happy couple.

Furries said...

Congratulations to your aunties. Hopefully you get a little piece of wedding cake when your mom gets home.

Saku said...

Congrats to your aunties. The whales came to party too!

Hope mom didn't get so distracted she forgot to bring you a treat, MOL

Sasha, Sami, & Saku

Unknown said...

What a fabulous day! And what auspicious visitors! Whales symbolizes family, romance, longevity, harmony, travel, community and protection. He is said to protect those who travel away from home, and lead them back when the time comes. They mate for life and raise each child with care. They also travel in large groups of families, working together to protect all members of their pod.

Ann Boyajian said...

What a lovely, blessed event! So happy for your aunties, and their whale bonus!