Friday, May 22, 2015

We'll Be Back

The Human has the sick--a bad cold? the flu? I mean, really, who knows?

She's useless.

I'm guessing it's going to be a few days till she can stay upright long enough to help me post. Good  thing it's a long weekend.


meowmeowmans said...

Spitty, we are sorry your human is sick. Please take care of her, okay?

The Cat Guy said...

It's all on you now, you get to run the home. No pressure, you'll do fine, bet you do better than human.

Just Ducky said...

Sending healing purrs to your mum. What will we do with no Spitty postm

Katnip Lounge said...

Our Mommy had Teh Crud a couple of weeks ago, and it damn near killed us she was coughing so much. We NEVER got any sleep...Spitty, heal your Human up quickly and avoid our fate...

The Island Cats said...

Well, that's too bad, Spitty. We hope your human feels better soon.

Shaggy & Scout said...

Ours is weird in the head too. Might be allergies.

Shaggy & Scout said...

Ours is weird in the head too. Might be allergies.

Summer at said...

I hope your human feels better soon, Spitty! Otherwise, you may need to have her replaced, right?

Furries said...

Oh no. I hope the human is feeling better soon. Be glad you're just hosting germs. I have to host a dog!

Saku said...

We hopes the human feel better soon. What will you do if she can't get your fuds, and treats and scritches? Mind you she might be furry warm to sleep with.

Have a great weekend Spitty!

Sasha, Sami, & Saku

Max said...

Bummer, dood. I hope she's back to being normal-useless soon.

Megan said...

Is your human completely useless, Spitty? Who gets sick over a long weekend? Long weekends are intended to give humans an opportunity to unwind, relax and, of course, invest time and energy serving their cats. And yours gets sick? Geeez mate. It's a worry.

Sydney, Australia

Photo Cache said...

Aww, poor mommeh. Spitty are you going to be good nurse to her?

Emma and Buster

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

There seems ta be a Woman Flu going around... We are seeing at blogs all over the place...

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I hope your human soon feels better.

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Oh Spitty dear, I sure hope your human gets better faster than we did/are! There's a bad bad bad bug going around here. We're all praying and purring for her!
Leo says: Dude! wow do me and the girls feel your pain! The coughing and the hot humans and the lax attitude about our snack times! Oh, both Cashmere and Glitter have offered to come over and keep you company while your human sleeps, but if you feel you need some dude time, just meow and I'll pop over with a healthy supply of pilfered nip! hee hee, their also lax about guarding the nip containers..

CATachresis said...

Argh! Poor human! I guess you'll have to move out while she hacks and coughs and generally is upsetting to felines! Come over here buddy. Brewskis are calling!!

easyweimaraner said...

the flu-bug jumped on my staff too, they both SAID they are sick. 87 get well hugs for your human :o)
easy rider

Eastside Cats said...

It's a good thing that cats don't catch that stuff from their humans, huh Spitty!?

Katie Isabella said...

Honey, did MY mommy pass it to her through the computer wire thingies? I hope BOTH of our mommies get back on track. How horrible that both of them are down for the count!!! Nurse your mom and I am doing the same here. MY mom found on Wednesday that she has acute bronchitis. She is getting a Z Pack and now some cough medicine that's prescription to give her a bit of a break from the constant harsh coughing. MAKE you mommy go to the ebil human vet! XXOO

Brian's Home Blog said...

Purrs to your human from all of us Spitty.

Mariodacat said...

Oh noooo, so sorry to hear that. Nothing worse than having a sick human cuz then they can't do anything for us. Tell her to get well soon as we'll miss you and her.

Stacy Hurt said...

Sending soft purrs,and looong cuddly naps your way. Oh, and tell your human to hurry up and get back to work for pity sake!

Stacy Hurt said...

Sending soft purrs,and looong cuddly naps your way. Oh, and tell your human to hurry up and get back to work for pity sake!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

oh nooo! Your poor human! Hoping she feels better soon!

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Hope your human feels better real soon!