Oh, It's You
Well, c'mon in then, Human. My staff meeting is just about over. I was dozing off while The Boys here were winding up a few details. I know it kind of scares you when we plot plan things in your absence, but really, you have no part in these matters. Relax now. Have a martini oops! make it a Margarita then. I stand corrected.
OMC...we have that same "staff" and we're thinking we need to consult with them!
The Florida Furkids
Martini? But isn't it Margarita Day?
Yeah, we were wondering the same thing as Summer, with it being Margarita Day and all...
I like your management style, Spitty. And you're absolutely correct: the Human has no contribution to make to staff meetings, so it's actually very considerate of you to conduct them when she's not there to feel left out.
Sydney, Australia
Oh, "management style" - What a geat term, Megan! You look very comfy there, Spitty! Martini made our Mom smile - and she's just drinking coffee, trying to survive. She should definitely get some Martini.
The Human should at least provide snacks for those meetings! Then she'd deserve her marwhatsit.
that happens to my dad too... he always sleeps on meetings ... I wonder if he is a cat?
I love your 'staff', Spitty! Do they have a lot to say at meetings?
What??!!! I could have staff!!?? MMMOOOOOMMMMM!!!!!
Are those your minions, Spitty???
Your staff look very involved in their winding up of the meeting. Does it not make you feel a little uneasy?
Your human should sleep with one eye open, Spitty.
You're lucky, Spitty. We hardly ever get to have private meetings.
MOL! Did that sunpuddle and meeting make you stuporous Spitty?
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