Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Make It Stop!

Geez, the Human accidentally took a "burst" with the camera on her new (and first-ever smart)phone  and decided to see if it would upload to the blog. It did, but now I'm all yellow and seasick. Please get me out of here!


Mickey's Musings said...

Hold on Spitty!
Hope you don't get sick :o
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ

We think the 2nd shot of that bunch would be the best ;)
Yup, in spite of the burst we saw it ;)

Photo Cache said...

That is so cool. What a neat trick - tell your human that.

Oh our human loves the quilt.

Emma and Bustre

Ivan from WMD said...

We just ate dinner!!!

Thank Bast out mom's phone is a stupid one. It just turned 12.

Just Ducky said...

Yeah, it is a bit woozing inducing series of pictures.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Jump off the seasick bed Spitty! The floor wont move...

Megan said...

Oh - that looks like one of those rides at the fair that makes you feel ill for hours after you've been on it. I think a quick swipe with a clawed fist and the letting of some blood might be called for on this occasion, Spitty. That should make it stop.

Sydney, Australia

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

Whoa, that made me dizzy!

Catio Tales said...

Aaaargh, Äiti's dizzy (er)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Eeek! For one minute I thought I had overdone the nip.

Katie Isabella said...

MINE did that too! She didn't send it to my blog but she sure did the burst. What in the world is the matter with them???

Anonymous said...

Uhoh......if you feel anywhere near as dizzy as I do just SEEING you, all I can say is EEEEEEEK! Humans and their toys......good grief.

Hugs, Sammy

Cathy Keisha said...

Whoa! Earthquake!!!! Run for your life!! Or not. But if this had been an actual emergency, I would have been calm.
BTW, I think TW’s post was a bit much and she will be punished. I may take away her account access.

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

Oh my mouses! Are you movin'? Or is the phone movin'? Or are you BOTH movin'? I can see how you might be feelin' seasick, for sure.


Kitties Blue said...

Our mom "goofs" and takes those all the time, but she always selects just one photo to use. She didn't know what Mom Mary posted was an option, but we are with you...too much motion. Oh NO, we're afraid we're going to hork we are getting so dizzy. Hey, has anyone seen an unoccupied shoe around here? XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

pilch92 said...

Are you having an earthquake?

Hairballsandhissyfits.com said...

We would help but we are so dizzy now we have to sleep! hairballsandhissyfits.com

Ivan from WMD said...

Yo, Spitty! Did you fall off the bed or what?