Friday, August 4, 2017

                                Are You Kidding Me?

What?? "NOM NOM NOW" on a package of Human Boom Chicka Pop? And the Chicka is *not* even chick-hen neither! It's an outrage is what it is.

Here's what real Nom Nom Now looks like, Kitties!


Lone Star Cats said...

Looks like some "cultural appropreayshun" to me.

rainbow said...

Oh dear - this is what happens when members of an inferior species (humans) try to imitate us!
We are very pleased to see that YOU have the real thing, Spitty.
Purrs ... Rainbow

Just Ducky said...

Mum is going to have to look at those packages in the store next time she is there.

Summer at said...

I can't believe they put that on human food! They are nuts.

Catio Tales said...

Humans steal all the best stuff.

Megan said...

Call out the copyright lawyers - there's been a breach.

And I appreciate that your purpose in recording the latest action-packed thriller from you Spitty was to showcase what real noms look (and sound) like, but I was distracted by the Human's use of what looks like a paper plate. Admittedly she has served the food on the table (where else?) but on a paper plate? Have her housekeeping standards fallen to the extent that she can no longer be bothered washing up china plates? Since when does a king eat off a paper plate???

Sydney Australia

Gigi said...

Oh Miss Megan, I *knew* you'd notice! Yes! Yes, she HAS started using paper plates and it's a crying shame. Did you see how it kept inching away from me as I nommed? Did you? That is SO annoying. She has become something beyond "lazy"--I am going to say she's dropped a level into outright SLOTH. I would have hoped she'd have the decency to be embarrassed at your noticing, but she just laughed (yes, LAUGHED--can you believe it?) and said, "That Miss Megan's a real pip, isn't she?"

When the cat is away said...

Did you know that there’s actually a cat food brand called NomNomNom ?

Megan said...

Abandon hope, Spitty. What you're saying, in effect, is that her standards have dropped to a level that it will be impossible to recover from. Despair.

Sydney, Australia

Katie Isabella said...
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Katie Isabella said...

Spitty, my ancestor Robin used to stand in her paper plate to keep it from moving while she nommed. It was so funny to mom and her human kids. Two little feet (she was petite always thru her 16 years) in the plate with much room to spare.

Anonymous said...

Having trouble with you - the King - eating from a paper plate.....should be a jewel-encrusted paper plate at LEAST!

Hugs, Teddy

A Tonl said...

Seriouslies! That's a nomming offense if we ever SAW one!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Yeah, Beings don't "nom". Or shouldn't.

Well, TBT HAS eaten a kibble or two out of curiouslity. That MIGHT be "nomming".

Marvelous Marv said...

This human LOVES that stuff and I probably resemble you eating it!

meowmeowmans said...

False adverting! Why call it "Chicka" if it doesn't contain any? The nerve!

Valentine said...

I can't believe it! They are misrepresenting the words "nom nom nom!" Those words are only for we kitties to use & not for false foods! Tee hee hee. -Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

oh that's just wrong