Sunday, July 15, 2018

Sunday Selfie: A Shocking Display of Infidelity

So Lord Chancellor Fritzie was abandoned by his People and for the past few days MY Human has made twice-daily visits to his home (last night's lasted over three hours). While I have great respect for his stately age (18) and wisdom (considerable), I was unprepared for this appalling turn of events. Look, if you can bear it, upon his majestic furry head, snuggled comfortably in MY Human's hand, upon his furry orange legs flung with abandon over MY Human's arm, upon his casual ownership of MY Human's lap. No, no--this cannot stand. 
I mean, as Humans go, this one is no bargain. But she's MINE. Or so I thought.


Katie Isabella said...

Oh, my word and honor. This is insupportable. But then...he IS a venerable stately dignitary. I cannot blame her for being overwhelmed.

Have a cold sip of haf&and concentrate on forgiveness. She's unable to resist his charm and savoir faire. And his orangeness.

The Whiskeratti said...

Well, normally we would be outraged on your behalf but this time.. we mean, 18 years, that's... worthy of respect even from you, King Spitty.

Erin the Cat Princess said...

Come now, Spitty, is it not nobler to share and thus show compassion than leave another on their own, sans all the things a kitty needs? Especially one so noble and of great age. Just think, not many others could say the same, not even I... Maybe you could charge per hour?
Toodle pips and purrs

Stacy Hurt said...

He's Ornj. There is no defense. Case closed. xoxo

meowmeowmans said...

Pardon our insurrection, Spitty, but that is a wonderful kindness your human bestowed upon Fritzie.

Summer at said...

He does look very sweet, though.

The Florida Furkids said...

She's totally yours.

The Florida Furkids

pilch92 said...

He is cute.

Megan said...

Oh dear. I'm with you all the way on this one, Spitty. Of course the Lord Chancellor should receive a high standard of care while his people are absent, but they had no right - no right! - to ask YOUR Human to be the one responsible. My goodness - what were they thinking? Don't they read your blog? Your Human is flat out trying to meet your very humble expectations of her. She is certainly not ready to take on the care and support of a second pusscat. That said, he does seem to be having a bit more success than you in some departments, so perhaps you could ask him for some tips on Human wrangling?

Sydney, Australia

Brian's Home Blog said...

Well dang. Two out of three of you were happy though!

Ivan from WMD said...

Fritzie clearly knows about the honey v. vinegar rule, Spitty. Just sayin'.

The Island Cats said...

Spitty, we’re sure this is just temporary so don’t be too upset with your human. We sure hope she doesn’t make a habit of this though.

Anonymous said...

Mr Spitty, Queen Penelope asked me to write and remind you ... who does your human come home to and sleep with every night? You, who are the center of her universe!

Photo Cache said...

Even Matlock can't find a defense to this!

Emma and Buster

Katie Isabella said...

Spitty Spitty Spitty. One must needs take well meant (yeah, I know...heheheh) advice and consider if it fits the situation. One of your other constituents mentioned that she DID come home to you each night. Something very worthy of your consideration. However, it does hurt when they cause us pain like that. I concede that. I have chick-hens. Come on over. I will soothe your fevered Kingly brow. She can pine for your company while you are here. What do we care.

Eastside Cats said...

Spitty, I understand your feeling of abandonment and loss of laptime! However, when you score those extra treats and luvin' bc she knows she's done you wrong, you'll feel better in no time.

Colehaus Cats said...

Goodness! Those arms draped over your human's is so confident, so brazen, almost as if. . . no, we're not even going to think it. But we will remember it!

Thank you for your kinds words today over our loss of sweet Sunny. We very much appreciate them, take comfort with them, and know that Sunny's spirit does as well.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Spitty, surely, yer Human was merely practicing on "that other" to do better with you when she returned to your loving enbrace later...

M Dawson said...

Spitty, you are a great spirit and soul and I know you are not jealous at ALL of the gorgeous ginger boy (A mere 18 years old....)

YOU are a BLACK CAT, stand tall and proud and (let's face it) Your human came home for tea....... right?

Kitties Blue said...

We are assuming by abandoned that you mean his humans have gone on vacation and not left him FOREVER. That would be totally cruel. We do think that three hours is a bit long to spend with Fritzie. He does seem like a pretty nice kitty, though. We're pretty sure your mom knows where her allegiance lies, but she has a big heart! XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

Charliepuss said...

That’s some serious betrayal, Spitty. But she was being kind to a geriatric so she must be a little bit alright! Allow her this concession.
Charlie and Finn.