Saturday, August 11, 2018

Outside Lands Inside

What I currently look like:

What I wish I looked like:

Each August, a dreadful & deafening delightful and dazzling three-day (very loud) music festival called Outside Lands comes to Golden Gate Park, very near Chez Spittola. It attracts in the neighborhood of 200,000 attendees, and honestly, we bear them no ill-will. The Human remembers (dimly) what it was like to be young and excited at the prospect of music in the park. 
Now that she is elderly and more than a little cranky, she silently shouts, "Get off my lawn, you dang whippersnappers!" But she puts on her game face and says, "Only three days...only three days...only three days."
Me, I nap. It takes more than 130 decibels to keep King Spitty out of slumberland.


Megan said...

Oh dear. I'm with your Human all the way on this one, Spitty. I would HATE that. I like solitude, peace and quiet when I'm at home.

Sydney, Australia

Summer at said...

Whoa! I'm glad the Eagle Rock Music Festival every year is a little bit (but not too much) farther from our house than our music festival is from yours!

meowmeowmans said...

Wow, it must be super loud, Spitty! Maybe you and your human could build a giant cone of silence around your place.

pilch92 said...

It will be over soon.

Photo Cache said...

Oh wow, our Mom does not like crowded places, but it would be fun to attend once. It might be good to see you too at teh same time knowing you're just a spit away from the festival.

Emma and Buster

The Island Cats said...

Oh Spitty, we think you should have real headphones on.

Eastside Cats said...

What we each think is 'cool' changes with time, doesn't it Spitty?!?

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We would be looking for ear muffs too! We are used to a quiet neighborhood...