Saturday, September 15, 2018

Little Boxes

Oh yes, I could have a bigger box. In fact, I *do* have bigger boxes. But sometimes, on chilly nights, I like my tiny box near the ancient radiator. It is snug and warm, and I feel secure against the elements. 

Sometimes, I permit the Human to pick me up, box and all, and put us in her lap. Really, I prefer the floor and the radiator. But she says, 'Sometimes, you have to pay the rent, Spitty.'


Brian's Home Blog said...

That looks pretty comfy to me! Hey Spitty, thanks for the kind words about Sister Precious, she sure is missed here.

pilch92 said...

I am impressed that you let her pick you up box and all :)

Michael said...

"Pay the rent"? What is she on about now? You OWN the joint, so there's no rent to be paid. Boy does she get things messed up inside that little brain of hers!

Sydney, Australia

Katie Isabella said...

I smiled at that thing your mom said to you. I hope MY mom doesn't see it though. Oh, I borrowed the flickering battery powered candle for us, and I have nip cream for us, and I, will be UTB waiting.

meowmeowmans said...

Wow, she picks you up, box and all? And you let her? Spitty, you are such a nice boy!

Catio Tales said...

We dispute the rentpaying concept-she surely should cover that for the honour of living in the same Castle as you and the privilege of having you on her lap-boxed or not.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You do look relaxed in your box, and Flynn always said the small boxes were the best ones. I was shocked to hear she expects you to pay rent for the privilege of your company.

Summer at said...

MOL! My human's father used to do annoying things to the cats and call it "paying the rent" too. Fortunately, my human didn't inherit that trait. Not that she doesn't do annoying things... but at least she doesn't add that comment on top of it.

Pam and Teddy said...

Yeah I hear that stuff too and I suppose they have a point about paying rent - so I indulge my Mom in the occasional intrusion into my purrrrsonal space; keep 'em happy Spitty - that's what it's about my friend!!!

Hugs, Teddy

Eastside Cats said...

Are you serious, Spitty?!? She put her grabby hands on you, and called it 'payment'?!? Whoa, time to get ahold of your Feline Union representative...that just ain't right!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood...if ewe dinna sign any leeze rent clawz in null N void.....trooth dood N yur smaller boz iz awesum ~~ ☺☺♥♥