Friday, March 1, 2019

Trifecta of Trivia

So here are our Friendly Fill-In responses for today, courtesy of our furiends at 15 & Meowing and Four-Legged Furballs:

1. My favorite kind of music is the kind I don't have to listen to.

2. I don’t believe that there can be people who don't like kitties; we are purrfect. What's not to love?

3. My ideal day: Human home, radiators on, sunpuddles, my favorite foods, a nice baff.  Multiple naps.

4. Don’t let a Human "No!" stop you from doing whatever you please.

I'm doing my level best to grow a new white whisker to balance out the one I am sporting on the right. They way I see it, I have a good chance, since two seem to be sprouting. Lately, though, I seem to lose some before they ever even come to fruition. It's kind of frustrating.

Our rooftop tomato seems to be a little worse for the wear after the last couple of rains. Still, it's hanging in there and hasn't yet turned completely disgusting. It's still cold with more rain on the way.

Will the little 'mater survive? Stay tuned, Kitties.


Megan said...

Fascinating fill-ins (as always) Spitty, although I expected your answer for #3 to include at least a tinsy bit of Human blood! (LOL) And I was encouraged by your answer for #4. As for #2, I think most of the explanation for what you've observed and heard is that there are some Humans who are allergic to cat hair/fur. That is, it's not that they don't like kitties, it's that being with kitties brings them out in rashes. Not a lot to do about it apart from avoiding kitties. You've got to feel sorry for them, don't you?

Sydney, Australia

Smudge said...

Sheesh, 2 white ones? Damn, I should send you a picture of dad's chin scruff! Mom lost count of the white whiskers on his face. Sure hope the little 'mater makes it.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You are doing well with your white whisker cultivation! I hope the little tomato does as well as you but I somehow doubt it.

Katie Isabella said...

I agree...cats are all there should be and it would be fulfilling to the max! I still have my one white arcing over eyebrow.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those were terrific answers Spitty

Pam and Teddy said...

So you're squeezing out two new white whiskers? I think it's better odds sprouting two together - one of them is BOUND to hang in there! Well done on your filling in too.

Hugs, Teddy

pilch92 said...

Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers Spitty. Your #1 cracked me up. Maybe the tomato seeds will sprout eventually.XO

Cathy Keisha said...

HAH! You sure Grumpy Cat didn't fill out some of those fill-ins. Brilliant. My ideal night is spent cuddling my Spitty. I hope the tomato doesn't start to smell. Rotten tomatoes really stink.

meowmeowmans said...

We love your answer for #2, Spitty. So, so true! As for that tomato, that thing has some staying power!