Wednesday, August 14, 2019

(Not Very) Wordless Wednesday

 I do appreciate that she has moved one of my favorite things (my precious scratcher
onto the bed where I have easy access for my all-important sharpening needs, 
and also that she has given up even trying to make the pillows unavailable to me. 
It was a futile effort on her part, I assure you.
I may be getting ::ahem::  a little elderly, but please note the
excellent form and balance required for this efficient bathing pose.
Baffing is a serious pursuit for all of us, but sometimes events transpire outside the window that demand even the most crucial activities be interrupted for a good, long stare.


neora chana said...

It seems like your human is finally learning! Your training is showing results!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Yes, keep at her Spitty, you're making progress.

Just Ducky said...

Looking good Spitty, wonderful form.

The Island Cats said...

You are still very limber, Spitty.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Dearest Spitty-Love - You look pawsitively expert and agile baffing there. Maturing male cats seem to gain in dignity and attractiveness while we females cats either just feel we are "too plump" or too um "unplump".

I am very pleased you (and TBT) find my adult womanly curves enticing. In fact, TBT was cheered to discover I had gotten back UP to 10.0 pounds today.

I would LOVE for you to teleport over and spend the evening with me. And I should mention that TBT got 10 chickie thiths yesserday. He baked 8 with his usual nasty hot spices, but he poached 2 with nothing at all just for us Mews. I'll share my portion with YOU, My Love!

Then we can curl up together. We can both have full happy tummies and mine will be a little plumper for you to rest your head on. And I will purr you to sleep... We will dream of our past adventures camping in the backyard, hot-air ballooning over Washington DC, and riding in your Ferrari!

I wont even mention that the minced real chickie is mixed with some real chickie fat!

meowmeowmans said...

We're so happy you're making progress with your human, Spitty!

Megan said...

Spitty - you refer to yourself as elderly quite often, which seems to suggest that it bothers you. I don't think you are, actually, all that elderly. Mature, perhaps. Or edging towards the end of your middle age - but I think it's a little premature to think of yourself as elderly.

It comes as no surprise to me, therefore, that you can adopt superb form and balance while baffing yourself. It's what I would expect. And I see that you can hold that yoga pose even while distracted by whatever's happening outside - which seems to confirm that it's no big effort for you.

Sydney, Australia

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

It must have been something very interesting happening out there to make you forget to put your leg back down!

Summer at said...

I'm glad your human is getting SOME things right!

Eastside Cats said...

Spitty, this series of photos allows us to see BOFF of your white whiskers; one on each side. WOW!

Pam and Teddy said...

Oh I'm glad your human has finally realized and accepted who runs the show there. Scratcher on bed - curtains for viewing - good....pillow access - good. Where there's a will there's a way Spitty. Seems some of the training you've done all these years is paying off.

Hugs, Teddy

pilch92 said...

Humans can be a little dense. I am glad she finally caught on. You are looking extra handsome. XO

Photo Cache said...

Is there a little doggie yapping outside your window? We get a lot of those here.

Emma and Buster

Terri said...

Ahem, "elderly" kitties can always use a step stool to get up and down from the bed. We think if you can still baff you aren't that old!

Smudge said...

Hmm, this gives me an idea: I'm gonna see if I can convince mom and dad to put all my stuff up on their bed too. There's plenty of room for my toys, my food and water dishes and my litter box. Think they'll go for it?

Katie Isabella said...

You're right Spitty. I didn't;t even and you watching me baffling. I found it, well...very nice.