Sunday, January 12, 2020

Sunday Selfie: My Day of Rest

Hello Kitties! Yes, it's me, doing an actual Sunday Selfie. Not that I'm awake for it, you understand. No, on Sunday, Spitty snoozes. It's a rule. Just like all the other days.

The Human's not much better, you know, what with her Sunday afternoon nappies. She didn't want me to tell on her like that, but Spitty don't take no orders from no stoopy Humans.


Erin the Cat Princess said...

Excellent rule, Spitty. I should start a few like that here, especially since Mrs H has taken to falling asleep in the afternoons; I mean a solid eight hours digging in the garden and cooking and she needs a nap. Whatever is the world coming to?! ;)

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Honesty is the best policy. Except for cats of course. We are allowed to SAY ALL!

Smudge said...

Oh Spitty, your furs are all nice and floofy. I say there's nothing wrong with napping. In fact, dad said I napped literally ALL day Saturday. Though like in your house mom and dad napped a little both Saturday and Sunday as well. There's nothing wrong with napping!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Of course you must get your full quota of snoozes, Spitty.

Katie Isabella said...

Hey, me too!

Pam and Teddy said...

Spitty I know it's not easy being a cat - it takes a lot of rest and relaxation to maintain our fabulous REST!

Hugs, Teddy

Eastside Cats said...

Why mess with purrfection, Spitty!

Just Ducky said...

Snoozie Sunday. Heck, mum takes naps most days!

pilch92 said...

You look so handsome snoozing away. XO

The Whiskeratti said...

Yep, you take a wonderful selfie, awake or not.

Ivan from WMD said...

We *do* see a bit of stink eye there, Spitty.

Dash Kitten Crew said...

You are the cutest hidden stink-eye I ever saw!

Happy Sunday Selfies!

Megan said...

Hey - that's sounds more like your old self! You need to step up and put a bit of stick about with that Human of yours. For starters - only cats make rules; Humans follow 'em.

Sydney, Australia

meowmeowmans said...

A day of rest sounds purrfect, Spitty!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I don't know how I missed your selfie Spitty, it's almost time to do another one!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I don't know how I missed your selfie Spitty, it's almost time to do another one!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I don't know how I missed your selfie Spitty, it's almost time to do another one!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I don't know how I missed your selfie Spitty, it's almost time to do another one!