Sunday, October 18, 2020

Sunday Selfie: Easy Like Sunday Morning

So, I was sleeping so very peacefully when she made her little (annoying) kissie noise, which I have learned usually presages brushies or treats. But I was sleeping so very soundly I never even twitched. She was sooooo disappointed.



Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You look so peaceful sleeping. How could she think of trying to disturb you! Were you really asleep or just pretending? That is what I do when I am too tired to be disturbed and don't want to talk.
Ivor wakes up often around 3 am then asks if I am awake, then it is yap yap yap and I am soon wide awake too. It is much easier to pretend to be asleep.

Mickey's Musings said...

Gee! You must have been having pawsome dreams Spitty!!!
Purrs, Julie

Brian's Home Blog said...

You are a snoozy pro Spitty!

Eastside Cats said...

The King does not twitch for kissie noises.

Pam and Teddy said...

Good job of faking it Spitty!

Hugs, Teddy

meowmeowmans said...

Excellent snoozing, Spitty. No twitching to be had ... you were sleeping!

Timmy Tomcat said...

You sure do a fine Easy Selfie Spitty. We defer to your Kingliness

Megan said...

I'm with the crowd who suspect you of faking it - 'cos if you were truly asleep, I think the ever-alert-for-any-hint-of-treats part of your brain would have reacted instinctively to those appalling kissie noises and dragged you to the surface, ready to gobble something wonderful.

But the fully-awake-but-faking-it part of your brain KNEW that she was just trying to get you to open your eyes for the camera and that she had no intention of actually delivering on the implied promise of a treat.

I call her out for cheating, Spitty! If she deigns to make those kissie noises, then she MUST deliver on the treats. Otherwise, over time, you'll learn that SHE is sometimes faking it, and those kissie noises will stop working. How dumb is she? (LOL)

Sydney, Australia

pilch92 said...

My Emmy wants to join you. XO

Ivan from WMD said...

Good job, Spitty.

The Island Cats said...

Were you really sleeping, Spitty, or did you choose to ignore her?

Summer at said...

You really were deep in snoozeland, Spitty.

Just Ducky said...

She disturbed your nap? Shameful.

Valentine said...

But as we all know, our humans are persistent, so she'll be trying again later. Tee hee hee.

Marvelous Marv said...

Spitty...are yous going deaf? Wow yous was totally zonked!
Marv, jo Jo, Kozmo, Cinnamon and Angel Nellie

Smudge said...

Well that sure is what I'd call sleeping soundly!!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

They all make some weerd noise to get our attention. TBT clicks like cricket in the house and makes whistling sounds outside.

Well, it sort of works. We know it is HIM and not some cat-nappining stranger. As IF we couldn't tell him from one.

You were wise to stay napping.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

They all make some weerd noise to get our attention. TBT clicks like cricket in the house and makes whistling sounds outside.

Well, it sort of works. We know it is HIM and not some cat-nappining stranger. As IF we couldn't tell him from one.

You were wise to stay napping.