Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I really like my new crunchies!
As you can see (or maybe you can't because the picture is what they used to call overexposed, though that probably is not the term anymore since nobody uses film), I have an untouched little plate of stinky goodness, just sitting there being ignored because these new crunchies are crack for Spitty.

Looky Looky
My friend Cathy Keisha made me this fantabulous holiday header!
Thanks, CK! I love it!


Fuzzy Tales said...

Yes, we feel that way too, except we hardly get any crunchies anymore! Maybe we'll teleport over to your place, Spitty.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Good fur you, Spitty! We really like your header it's skeery! xoxo

Cathy Keisha said...

Tell me what kind of Crunchies! They look like the Purina Healthful Life or Purina One that I like. Sometimes I prefer them to my stinky goodness.

Whisppy said...

Hey. What crunchies are those? If you ignored the tuna for them, they must be super yummy!

KarenMcG said...

Man are you in trouble now, Spitty. The nerve...posting about new crunchies and you don't even let us see what they are. Nor do you tell us what they are.

We're excited for you, though, and hope you eventually tell us all.

Admiral Hestorb said...

Tell me the crunchies. I love cracking my morsels and I'm always willing to try another.

(still Gerbers though...UTB tonight?) (Chaser of half and half)

Angel Simba said...

Yes, do tell what kind they are! Your stinky goodness does look a little anemic there........

OKcats said...

First, we LOVE the header. Our apologies if it was up yesterday and we didn't see it. Second, we love our crunchies, but stinky goodness always wins out.

Summer at said...

I am the only cat here that gets any crunchy food because I am so picky, and my human is desperate for me to eat anything! BTW, your new header scared me a little!

Laura and Taffeta Rose said...

I only eat crunchies. That woman has put out some wet food, but I just ignored it. Maybe if she tries again, I should eat some just to confuse her.

Taffy and that woman

Luxington said...

mmmm.... crunchies...

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

If the crunchies are better than stinky goodness, they must be really special! Great header too...

Photo Cache said...

Oooh your header is scary indeed Spitty.

We love our crunchies too. We ignore anything wet that mama buys.

Emma and Buster

Mr Puddy said...

Love your new banner !!! OMC !! You are so ready for Halloween ; )

Enjoy your crunchies, buddy !!!! If you can't finnish it, call me..I don't mind left over..tee..heh


Athena said...

We haf a new kind of crunchies and we love it!

Your new header haunts me!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

we love your new header!!!

enjoy your "crunchy crack!" That's better than "Cap'n Crunch!" MOL!

Ivan from WMD said...

Er--that kinda looks like Russell got to it first anyway.

Very spooky header, Spitty!

The Island Cats said...

Can we have your stinky goodness, Spitty, since you don't want it now?

Cathy Keisha said...

I object! TW did a better job on your header than mine. I only got 2 comments on mine! What did you say those crunchies were called?

Makropoulos said...

Pisi and Squeak are digging your new header. Happy Halloween, Spitty! Spit some crunchies our way!

Marg said...

We love your new header. We didn't know that Cathy did that. Glad you are enjoying your new crunchies. Looks like you are chowing down for sure. Take care you handsome boy.

Brian's Home Blog said...

You got that yum going on darn good!