Today's picture of me is rather mundane, and, alas, offers not even a glimpse of the Handsome Royal Visage. What it does offer, however, is a fine view of the kind of workout your New Spirally Toy will provide you over (potentially) years of play, though its lifespan may depend of the number of kitties who play with it and their customary level of mayhem. I have deaded mine many times over.
The Human and I have enjoyed your fine entries (see previous post) and can already tell choosing a winner will be tough. Remember: You have till 11:59 p.m. PST on Friday to enter!
The Musings
of a Calico Girl
and Buddy
the Giant Tabby,
as well as the
Permanent Record
of Spitty the Kitty
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
A Short Course in Feline Texting
A couple of weeks ago, The Human and I ran across a little article on Cat Texting.
to share a few examples today anyway.
Because we are the Human is so boring, we never do fun stuff like giveaways or contests.
Well, guess what, Kitties?
We is finally having a tiny contest and you could win this felted spirally toy:
I love love love mine and I play with it all the time. It doesn't look so pretty anymore
like this new one does. I will be sure to send you the New One, I promise. Really.
So what do you have to do to enter? Well, it's EASY!
Look the samples below and then leave your suggestion
for a useful kitty texting acronym in the comments.
The winner will be the one the Human and I judge to be the best,
and no we probably can't explain what the criteria will be.
We'll just know the winner when we see it!
So here are the samples from the ones we saw:
BBAN - Be back after nap
CCLIH - Crazy cat lady is home
GYFIO - Get your furs in order
HAGN - Have a good nom
INAC - I need a catnap
HAW - Humans are weird
MFBIE - My food bowl is empty
HOC - High on catnip
T4N - Time for noms
WTH - What the hairball?
We'll send the prize anywhere, in or out of the U.S.!
Contest closes at 11:59 p.m. PST, Friday, February 1, 2013
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Liebster Spitty, Herzog der DamenKatzen

In accepting this award, I have to say five things about myself. Well, I am a King, crowned just over a year ago by Glogirly and Katie. I try to be a Benevolent Monarch! I am a lover AND a fighter (the former to LadyCats and the latter to Humans). I was born a feral boy, but I was snatched up in my youth and eventually landed with My Human (she's not really so bad). I prefer Vine (thanks, Whisppy furiends!) to Nip. I think that's at least FIVE!
Now I must answer the following five questions:
1. What is your favorite thing to do?
I would like to say travel the world, but everykitty knows the real answer is sleep.
2. What is your favorite time of year?
The month between Thanksgiving and Krissymouse!
3. What's the most important thing you want to do?
Um, I'd like to find those things I lost last August. And get them reattached.
4. Who is your favorite person or animal pal?
Okay, okay, okay: My Human. But honestly, the bar is pretty low. We're the only two who actually live here. Let's say this: I don't dislike her as much as I used to. And that's as far as I am prepared to go today.
5. Where in the whole wide world would you like to go?
I would like to travel all over the U.S to meet all my Blog Pals and then to Finland and Malaysia and CANADA and England and to all the other countries where kitty furiends live.
Now, to pass along this award to five more blogs:
§ My Fellow Royal @ Punapippuri
(If you already posted about this recently, we 'pologize! Just bask in the glory of getting it again ;-)
P.S. Sorry to be a little scarce....a few Giant Work Projects for the Human that should be over soon! Be patient with me--I just can't do a thing with her when she gets like this.
5. Where in the whole wide world would you like to go?
I would like to travel all over the U.S to meet all my Blog Pals and then to Finland and Malaysia and CANADA and England and to all the other countries where kitty furiends live.
Now, to pass along this award to five more blogs:
§ My Fellow Royal @ Punapippuri
§ The Adorable Miss Tutu @ Whisppy
§ The Ever-Lovely Katie Isabella
§ My Pal Prancer Pie
(If you already posted about this recently, we 'pologize! Just bask in the glory of getting it again ;-)
P.S. Sorry to be a little scarce....a few Giant Work Projects for the Human that should be over soon! Be patient with me--I just can't do a thing with her when she gets like this.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Sunday, January 27, 2013
It Is a Happy Talent to Know How to Play*
It's rather a difficult maneuver to generate the exact
amount of force needed to jump up on the chair
between the seat and the upper back.
Sometimes, not often, I miss and bonk my sweet heddy.
But not this time.
Once in playing position, it is good to take a moment to collect my wits
about me while the fev-ver toy is still unaware of my presence.
Where is it? Where is it? Where is it? Where is it? Where is it? Where is it?
*Ralph Waldo Emerson
Saturday, January 26, 2013
So, What Was It You Wanted, Human?
If it was a great big honkin' picture of my nosicle,
looks like you got it. Nice job cutting off my earsies, by the way.
Friday, January 25, 2013
More Texas ToyTime
Spitty's email was hacked! Aaaarrgh!
Password's been changed so all should be okay ~
meanwhile, don't open any emails from me
unless they are timestamped AFTER 8:15 a.m. PST
This is the last of the cat-tastic toys from the totally terrific Texas,
who was my pawsome Secret Paws last month!
I think this attachment is my favorite--
it's even pretty fun when the Human stops playing with me
(as, of course, she too-often does)!
Thanks again, Buddy!
And speaking of toys, notice the red string is right there,
awaiting its turn in the Spitty Play Rotation.
Mr. Stringy was part of last fall's stunning
Winnie's Wish Collection
still available from the Fun Fun Fundraiser
@ the Celestial Kitties blog.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Playing with Myself
No, no no, you naughty, naughty Kitties!
Get your furry little minds out of the gutter right now.
Here I am, forced to play with my spirally toy all alone
since my Human is stubbornly refusing to quit her day-hunting
and stay home with me like she should.
Honestly, is it really so much to ask?
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Defurmination = Spontaneous Generation?
After a brief session with the Furminator,
I escaped to relax a bit with Pinkie.
The little pile of defurminated furs?
Well, it does kind of look like it might
be enough to turn into a kitten,
a small one anyway.
You think?
I escaped to relax a bit with Pinkie.
The little pile of defurminated furs?
Well, it does kind of look like it might
be enough to turn into a kitten,
a small one anyway.
You think?
Monday, January 21, 2013
S'okay Inna Box?
S'alright inna box.
N.B. Okay, it's a shallow box. But today marked the first time in his 8+ years that Spitty has willingly played in any box, so we'll note it down as a Red Letter Day anyway!
Extra credit to those of you old enough to get the source of the quote ;-)
Sunday, January 20, 2013
♫ Wake Up, Little Spitty, Wake Up ♫ ♫
Awwww, didn't I look just so adorable, all a-sleepy here
on my (substandard) tower, that you had to run and get
the flashy box?
Why yes, I suppose I did look that cute when I was all a-sleepy.
Please note: Past tense.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Friday, January 18, 2013
String Theory
Now pay careful attention, Kitties:
This is Advanced Maffamaticks!
String theory is an active research framework in particle Feline-Physics that attempts to reconcile string color mechanics and the general relativity of the Kitty to the carpet. It is a contender for a theory of everything (TOE*), a self-contained creamy maffamatickal model that describes all fundamental forces and forms of Feline entertainment and food.
String theory posits that the elementary particles (i.e., kittens and toys) within a Feline's Realm are not zero-dimensional objects, but rather 1-dimensional oscillating line-toys ("strings").
* Not to be confused with THOE, or Thundering Herd of Elephants, a game extremely popular in multi-cat households, although equally entertaining in its solitaire version.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Today's Oxymoron: Helpful Humans
Of course, an encyclopedia could be devoted to this topic, and all of us could write one of our own. The source of my particular dissatisfaction today is a further delay in the resumption of Furrari rides. According to the Human, she is too "busy" right now to properly document a little trip, and, she says, we just posted about the WienerMobile yesterday.
To all that, I say: So?
Consequently, here I am moping about in my crummy tower (I want a new one like CK's dammit! This West Coast Boy doesn't think it's right that some East Coast LadyCat has a tower that's about a squillion times better than his, which really can hardly even be termed a "tower"). Wait--where was I?
Oh yeah. The incompetence and unreliability of the Humans. Yep. 'Nuff said.
To all that, I say: So?
Consequently, here I am moping about in my crummy tower (I want a new one like CK's dammit! This West Coast Boy doesn't think it's right that some East Coast LadyCat has a tower that's about a squillion times better than his, which really can hardly even be termed a "tower"). Wait--where was I?
Oh yeah. The incompetence and unreliability of the Humans. Yep. 'Nuff said.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Oh I Wish...
Oh I wish I were an Itty Bitty Spitty--
That is what I truly used to be;
'Cause when I was an Itty Bitty Spitty,
The Human didn't count my calories!
Photo credit: Aggie and Wally and Madie Mitten Kitten's Dad awoke one morning to find the WienerMobile parked directly across from his house. Being the enterprising Internet journalist he is, he called me and I raced over to pose for him as he snapped this photo. Then we went for a little spin out to the ballpark and back, but please don't tell the Oscar Mayer people. We've had some, uh, "run-ins" in the past.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Monday, January 14, 2013
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Saturday, January 12, 2013
A Day Late and a Dollar Short

1. How long have you been blogging and provide a link to your post from last year’s Pet Blogger Challenge so we can refresh our memories.
Our first post was on April 14, 2010. This is what we had to say back on January 13, 2012. (I guess we were even later last year, ha ha ha!)
2. What do you consider the most important goals you set out in last year’s post?
Myself, I try not to actually have too many goals. Or any, really. That way, I am never disappointed in myself. Now that doesn't mean I don't like to set goals for the Human, of course, and last year I told her on January 1 that I wanted to post every day for a year. She whined and complained and asked why we had to start in a year that had a freaking extra day in it, but I insisted.
3. Have you made progress toward those goals, or have your goals changed over the past year?
We did manage to post every day last year, which is great, but now the Human feels all smug about it and I can't complain as much as I would like to.
4. How often do you post?
Well, so far we have posted every day this month, but the Human says she doesn't think she's got it in her to keep up the pace for another whole year. *I* think we can do it, though!
5. Has your opinion of blogging on a schedule or as the spirit moves you changed?
*My* opinion? Nope-ity-nope-nope!
6. If you publish on a schedule, why? How strict are you about your publishing deadlines? What do you do for inspiration when it feels like you’ve covered every topic?
I am very strict with the Human. There's a very good reason Ceiling Cat gave us 18 razor-sharp claws and a bunch of pearly teefs.
*I* am all the inspiration I or The Human needs. I am endlessly fascinating and even if we blogged for fifty years, we could never do justice to the Glorious Enigma that is King Spitty I.
If you don’t publish on a schedule, why? How do you think your decision affects your audience? How do you know when a topic is “post-worthy?”
What are you talking about??? All topics concerning Me are post-worthy!
7. How much time do you spend writing your blog per week? How much time visiting other blogs? Share your tips for staying on top of it all.
We probably spend about two hours a day, sometimes more, doing our post and visiting our friends. We love getting comments and we try really, really hard to comment each day on the blogs of my friends who left me a comment and lots of days on some others as well.
The Human says The Blog has kind of taken over her evenings and that sometimes she'd like to spend time with, you know, her friends, or watch a little TV, or read a book, or (gasp) do some schoolwork.
My position is that she does not need to do any of that stuff.
8. How do you measure the success of a post and of your blog in general (comments, shares, traffic)?
We don't really pay attention to that. I pretty much think that anything I get posted counts as a success. That said, once in awhile a post gets a whole bunch of comments and I don't know why. Usually it has nothing to do with how much time I spent on it or how good or bad the picture is or anything I can figure out.
It must be the alignment of Saturn and Pluto.
Do you look strictly at the numbers, or do you have a way of assessing the quality of those interactions?
Since we never really looks at the numbers, it must be that other thing, though like Nellie I do not have interactions, I have furiends and I think they all has a lot of quality.
9. If you could ask the pet blogging community for help with one issue you’re having with your blog, what would it be?
My Human seems to wait till I am sleeping to take her pictures. This is because she is lazy and unskilled at taking more action shots. I wouldn't care much about this, but everyone seems to think I am comatose most of the time.
I think maybe she needs to buy a better camera so pictures where I am moving won't be so blurry.
10. What goals do you have for your blog in 2013?
I have found goals to be overrated. Plus, having goals just makes The Blog seem too much like a j-o-b, and she already has one of those that takes up like 11 hours a day.
I think we'll just wait and see what happens this year.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Sunny Side Up
Well, at least the radiator got left on today so I didn't freeze or anything. (The sunny scene so pleasantly depicted here took place last week).
At least tomorrow is Friday and perhaps I will get more than 2.83 minutes of playtime. Honestly, it's neglect is what it is. There better be playtime-a-plenty and lots and lots of heavy petting this weekend, or it's Reporting-the-Human time for sure.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Why did Starz cancel Boss, which The Human loved?
Why is it so cold in here?
Where is Pinkie?
Why doesn't Donald Trump switch barbers?
What the heck is wrong with Brent Musburger?
Aren't BoxBoys supposed to be paid?
* And I *do* mean chillaxing--the Human failed to turn the radiator on before she left this morning. Good thing I'm wearing my furs.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Oh My Stars!
There was an adorable card whose little shiny ornaments opened up into 3-D balls (alas, still not my missing ones....), and best of all, there was a little black box filled with a very precious substance! No, Kitties, not Gold, or Frankincense, or even Myrrh....but rather the most-awesomest substance known to all of Kittydom: The 'Vine!
Yes, that's right, Kitties, SilverVine, with a Capital 'S' and a Capital 'V' and that rhymes with Wheeeeeeeeee!
Thanks a whole bunch, my furiends.....You're the Best!
Monday, January 7, 2013
Good Day, Sunshine
The Human went back to work today and I had Teh Sad about it.
No one home to play with me, talk to me, pet me, feed me when I want:
How much would a Nanny cost?
You know you've spent too much time in the Cat Blogosphere when you see this headline:
Obama nom brings new D.C. fight
and you wonder to yourself, "What's Obama been eating that started a brouhaha in Washington?"
Sunday, January 6, 2013
I'd Like to Thank the Academy...
Our lovely and generous Furiends have given us some awards over the past 6 or 8 weeks, and we have neglected to post about them! So Today's the Day:
First, I want to thank my darling Iza-Lambie and Ayla & Marley, too, from Mark's Mews
who gave me this Next BIG Thing Award!
I am very grateful, especially since there's no requirement to DO anything
except enjoy the glory of having received it! Thanks, Furiends!
A shout-out to my Woofie Furiend*, Cotton, who gave me this Friendly Blogger Award
a while back! Thanks, Buddy! I am to pass it on to a few Friendly Bloggers.
(* To tell you the truth, this still seems like an oxymoron to me.....)
My Good Buddy Texas gave me this Great Reader Award!
For this award, I have to finish the sentence, "A great reader is . . ."
So here goes: . . . one who can take whatever truth a writer offers and make it her own.
full of two of my favorite things: Mouses and 'Nip!
I have to nominate some pawesome kitteh blogs who are
deserving of this mousy, nippy award!
Okay! So we are going to choose FOUR blogs that we love as recipients
of each of these awards!
The Next Big Thing Award: The Kitties at Colehaus Cats
The Friendly Blogger Award: The Misadventures of Misaki
The Great Reader Award: The Brilliant SparkySpitfire
The Bring on the Nip Award: That Dynamic Duo Derby and Ducky
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Under the Rainbow
There's a land that I heard of, with catnip that's just for me!
Somewhere under the rainbow, foodz are free
And the naps that I dare to take, are filled with lovely Zzzzzzzzz.
Okay, Lissen up! My furiend sparkyspitfire wins the Innernets with her pawsome next verses:
♫ ♫ ♫
someday I'll find a wounded mousestumbling blindly thru teh house
in front of me!
where he sort of melts and feebly hops
until my mighty paw says 'stops!'
that's where you'll find me.....
Somewhere under teh rainbow
Mousies fly.
Straight into my mouthie
Why, can't I eat them - why?
♫ ♫ ♫
Friday, January 4, 2013
Making A Clean Start
A Boy needs to look his best for the New Year, don't you think?
P.S. The Human predicts: Best Picture of the Year
And when you see it, look for my
cameo appearance
about halfway through!
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