Of course, an encyclopedia could be devoted to this topic, and all of us could write one of our own. The source of my particular dissatisfaction today is a further delay in the resumption of Furrari rides. According to the Human, she is too "busy" right now to properly document a little trip, and, she says, we just posted about the WienerMobile yesterday.
To all that, I say: So?
Consequently, here I am moping about in my crummy tower (I want a new one like CK's dammit! This West Coast Boy doesn't think it's right that some East Coast LadyCat has a tower that's about a squillion times better than his, which really can hardly even be termed a "tower"). Wait--where was I?
Oh yeah. The incompetence and unreliability of the Humans. Yep. 'Nuff said.
Yeah, I hear ya, bro. My mom's been "busy," too. If you count Russian Solitaire.
Spitty, we aren't sure that seeing you in your Ferrari could actually be better than the winer mobile picture. That was AWESOME!
Re the T of P that CK has: we are sulking big time here. We don't even have ANY cat tree!
You do look rather perturbed there, Spitty. We have found that you just can't rely on humans.
Humans find silly things to be busy with....we think they should devote 100% of their time to us!
The Florida Furkids
The weiner-mobile is NOT equal to a furrari!
Two more !!
No mancat EVER seduced a girlcat in a weinermobile...
Spitty - if it's any consolation the 4(count 'em 4)farm cats only have a scratching post with a small "bench" on top
Lucky cat. Scooby and Shaggy had no tower. Nope. Maybe that's why NoKitty pees. Hmmmm...
Alyssa, Mr. Fox & Scruffy - aw heck, and Scooby and Shaggy too!
Humans can be a little frustrating at times.
OMC! This could be OUR house! We definitely have to collude and come up with a game plan!
The Girls at Twinkletoes
Tower envy is always a problem. We think we have even heard kitties exaggerate the size of their tower. But now there are blogs and photos this is simply not possible.
Be patient King Spitty, then pounce in revenge.
Yous has a much nicer tower than me AND yous don't has to share yours! Me thinks yous gots nothing to complain about!
Poor Spitty, you never get what you want...
Star says: I'll give you what you want.. purrrrrrr Oh yes, definitely come over and we'll share my butterfly blanket and trade ear licks and stuff.. XOXOXOXO
You went for a ride yesterday..I neffer go for a ride..and at least you have a tower..I haven't and youz got SUN stop moaning, you sound like a girl..MOL xx00xx
Mollie and Alfie
Oh Mister Spitty.... you wish for Miss CK's tower... I wish for Miss CK's cuddles and smoochies!
Well. You do have a FURRari, you know?
Guess what, Spitty? I'm done with the toilet and decided to swallow 3 pieces of paper wrappers for the pineapple tarts Mommy was eating (she had gone downstairs for a short 3 mins) today. Yup. Trouble's my middle name. MOL.
Spitty, my human has 1001 reasons why I don't have a new, awesome cat tree. The most recent one is that my latest book has not "gone into royalties." UGH! I don't think that is a sufficient excuse. LOTS of books don't do that.
Oh Spitty, our human is out of control too. Always too busy to play with us. Mom will get to the furrari pretty soon. We just like seeing pictures of you especially in part of a sun puddle. Hope all of you have a great day.
I have to agree...theWeinerMobile never helped a powerful Mancat such as you seduce any Ladycats. So, I can understand your frustration with your mom. And as for the ToP, you can try my tree out. It has a cozy crows nest.
Do you have an outdoor tower? They are pretty cool. You can be outside and safe because it is screened. Or, in the Humans world, it means you can't leave the premises.
dood...did we menshun de car haza auto pilot switch; look under de passenger seat for spring shaped like this;
we wanted ta save thiz featchure oh yur ride... in case oh emer gencee...
this bee it....
flip de switch ta this:
a wee computer will pop outta a sekrit compart mint in de dash....
it will talk ta ewe sew dont like freek when ya furst heer it..
tell de thing wear it iz ya knead ta go; grab sum samiches, sum grazz, yur shades, a nice drivin scarf N yur set
hay, haza grate week oh end !!
I think what your human is doing is just fine :)
Same here. Sigh. Same old same old.
but...wouldn't a nice little break from YOU be just the thing your human needs? that's why I'm always standing at the back door, waiting waiting waiting to be let out. I think you should appeal to The Woman's need to relax. Remind her that SHE needs a break from you so she can watch Dowton Abbey, or some such thing, in peace and quiet and without your nasty looks. You're only thinking of HER. go ahead. tell her that. then get in the Furrari and RIDE LIKE TEH WIND!!!
If humans are oxymorons, what does that make Waffles Too??? heh heh
Sorry about your pathetic little tower. Doesn't the mom realize that size matters???
; ) Katie
We need a new cat tower too and shame on the human for not documenting the rest of your trip yet.
Spitty,wake up. I'z put youz on our blog and the lovely Miss Savannah Doll will go wiff you to the ball..You can't get'z better dan dat :) xx00xx
Mollie and Alfie
ha ha - at least you have a tower. I has nothing except window perches! Sigh - I'm so very deprived!!
Sometimes life is such a blur Spitty!
Oh Spitty the witty one, you really crack me up! Why don't you get to work destroying your tower so the human will have no choice but to get you a better one?
Spitty, I could come over and give your Human the bitey...you could watch, too!
XX Grayce.
Yeah, we hear the same thing from our humans, too. Blah blah blah. Right?
I know exactly how you feel! mine are the same *sigh*
You can come over and share my ToP, dear Spitster. And I take some of those Rumble cuddles too.
Yep! Helpful humans is an oxymoron with the emphasis on moron!!
Hi Spitty, This is the first time I've visited your blog and I think you are one pretty kitty! I love the sunbeam that crosses your head--very cool. Happy Friday.
Mum has been good, we have posted every day for us so far this year.
Holy CAT! you're RIGHT! Oxymoron! *glares at mommy*
the indignity of it all Spitty...that you, the King, must abide in an old dilapidated tower...harummpppfff...let's whine together and see if we can't get you a new one!! high paws, to the power of cats working together!! Savannah
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