Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Eh, Whatev.

A dear friend purchased this fine toy 
for her Kitty. Her kitty didn't much care 
for it. Our friend boxed it up, batteries 
and all, and mailed it to me all the way 
from Sacramento. Wasn't that super
nice of her??
Last night the Human *finally* put it 
together for me, and . . . 
Well, I'll let you see for yourselves 
how excited I was!


CATachresis said...

I can see you are absolutely riveted by this new toy, Spitty!!

Katie Isabella said...

Mommy never was tempted. That is for a kitten, I think. Grown up kitties like us, and Royal ones besides, find that frenetic action just too too. xxoox

Cathy Keisha said...

You’re not scared of it, are you? I had about the same reaction: indifference. We had one years ago and TW had to give it away. Then I won another one and I don’t know why TW didn’t give it away today when the shelter made a pick up. Walgreens has these in their clearance shelf and no one will buy them.

Ann Boyajian said...

Hmm. That toy does not look like a keeper!

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

Hmmm... Any paws up?

Nissy #Niss4Senate

Lone Star Cats said...

MOL, ya look thrilled wif it.

I got one and I luv it.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood...we iz on de korner oh geary & divisadero N guess what..........

Fuzzy Tales said...

Hhahahaha! We love your exit. Not sure we'd like it -- it's the update to the old "undercover mouse," isn't it, with a new name, package,etc.

Maybe your human can donate it to a local shelter/rescue. :-)

Ivan from WMD said...

Ha ha ha ha! Spitty, kibble came right out of my nose!!!

Pat Hatt said...

LMAO we have that one the blog today too

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

We had that toy and enjoyed staring at it. Ambrose enjoyed ripping the moving wand off and dragging it away to chew on it,

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Our cousin cats have destroyed one of those, they loved it. Clearly they are not as sophisticated a you!

Megan said...

Curious Spitty - I would have thought you'd really enjoy playing with that.

Sydney, Australia

Mickey's Musings said...

We think Katie may be right.
That is a toy for youngsters. We are all older kitties.
Except Julie who is 5
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ

Cats Herd You said...

Too bad, Spitty. We enjoyed ours. It's not something we would play with every day, but it has enough novelty that we are interested in it now and then.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Now Spitty, don't get so excited pal.

Summer at said...

Well, I see you gave it the paws down too - so where is it going next?

brokenteepee said...

The Farm cats reacted similarly to the same toy

meowmeowmans said...

You seem kinda disturbed by that thing, Spitty...

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Well, at least yours WERKED right! TBT got US one an it just fluffed around a few times. He returned it.

But we DID like it when it moved.

IZA- Oh dear Spittikins, I am SO sorry the whirly thing scared you. Shall I 'port over and soothe yer beating heart? Please?

The Island Cats said...

Try to contain your excitement, Spitty! We had one of those toys and we liked much so, that we wore it out.

Angel Prancer Pie said...
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Angel Prancer Pie said...

HahaMeow! Spitster, you never disappoint us!

Catio Tales said...

Hehehehe - yup, we love your response. Maybe in time you'll like it. Maybe.

Ellen in Oregon said...

Spitty - We love to see you struggling to hide your enthusiasm for your new toy. We had one of those a couple of years ago and we found that if we ordered the human to adjust the speed to a less frenzied mode, it was interesting to gaze at for at least 45 seconds. Your thing-a-ma- jig appears to be running at full bore speed which may be more suitable for kittens wanting a cardio-workout. Being old fart senior cats, we prefer the less convulsive low speed setting which sustained our attention for an astounding 27 seconds & lulled us into a wonderful hypnotic Zen state of mind. Humans can be such suckers to believe that toy would make us want to exercise & act like kittens again MOL!

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Well, sure, you're not going to show off your best moves when the pawparazzi is right there wtih the camera in your face! Understandable! You'll go nuts for it when the camera is missing, hee hee

Star says: You're too smart to fall for that thing, Spitty. You know it's not a real... Was that a mousie? A fuzzy black mousie with felt ears? Sorry, gotta go! Pop over later and we can snuggle! Purrrr!!

Eastside Cats said...

Same thing happened at our house, Spitty, then the arm broke about 30 seonds later. We packaged it up and sent it back for a full refund. Dangling the shoelaces from my shoes got more of a reaction than that toy.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHA.....that's why my Mom didn't get me one....she knows me too well! HAHAHA

Hugs, Sammy

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

I am super surprised! Most kitties I see, LOVE IT! So much so in fact that I have been contemplating getting one for Cody!

Kitties Blue said...

Hope you decide to try this out, Spitty. It is one of our favorite toys. Tell Mom Mary to try it on the rug. It doesn't make as much noise, which can be scary sometimes. Bet you will play with it if your mom isn't filming. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


Nope nope nope not gonna happen, right on Spitty!

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Wow! That toy really got your heart pumping from the workout, eh, Spitty? MOL!

Marty the Manx said...

MOL MOL! At least you didn't run away from it like two Powder Puffs did when Mom brought one home to our house! Needless to say we were about as excited as you and it got returned

Kitty Cat Chronicles said...

MOL! Not one of your favorite toys then, we guess? Maybe it will grow on you!

Anonymous said...

YUP! exactly what The Kid and I thought...ours is now at our former shelter