You mean OTHER kitties' Humans took them to the Big Event? And I, I, Spitty the Kitty, am stuck here at home with my germy, miserable excuse for a Human who did not even offer to take me (not that she even went herself, but that's beside the point).
Well, phffft to her, say I.
So be it then. I am on strike until I can get some decent service around here. Or until the end of the weekend. Whichever comes first.
PHFFT to her indeed. I'm not 100% sure that your Human is cut out for the gig of providing staffing needs for a king, Spitty. Have you considered trading her in for an upgraded model?
Sydney, Australia
I wish you could come! I think it would be great if there were more blogging kitties in attendance.
We agree!
You should be treated as the king you are!
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ
Poor Spitty - life is hard!
Purrs ... Rainbow
Come live with us till you want to go back home. Mom and I liked your idea. The beddie is ready.
I'm staying home too, Spitty, but mom is going.
Rough life you got there. Maybe the tide change in your favor soon.
I'm with ya pal!!!! I am in the same boat and my useless Mom WAS going and had the audacity to cancel the trip at the last minute! Geeze...what losers! Love, Cody
Welcome to the club Spitty! Wes should has our own meeting! Those who is NOT going to Blogpaws!!
Yous can bes King, Mes Queen, Katie Isabella the OTHER Queen and Cody Viceroy and wes will gives everybody titles and badges!
Spitty, time for a big hairball in a shoe, methinks.
We'd like to go on strike too, whatever that means. Does it have anything to do with not barfing? 'cause we kind of like doing that from time to time.
Mommy and I are staying home, too. Something about not any green papers for things like that....
You have it tough, buddy! I think some serious demerits are in order! there is no way a human is allowed to be ill!!
dood....sew whatz thiz we heer bout BURDZ on tella graff hill.....be jezuz...they wuz parrotz...yea....we saw thiz on another
un menshuned blog......ewe betcha we did
pee ezz...one oh de bass terd burdz steeled R fish N de un menshuned blog even haz PROOF
( manee thanx nellie ) ♥3♥
YES! We should band together! We Who Are Left Behind...in callous abandonment or still here with our humans and no excuse to us for this terrible thing..
I think Nellie is right. We should not countenance this behavior of the human attendants.
Pfffth, I don't get to go either. No fair.
Yeah, we're stuck here too. On the other paw, since any travel would involve a troll box, I'm OK with it.
Oh, and about that secret? I have one, too--my mom crushes on the boy Shaun Evans. Personally, I think after a certain age they lose their tiny minds. But as long as the food keeps coming, let 'em have their fun.
Seems I never get to go anywhere. No, the Vet doesn't count!
We hear ya, Spitty! We (and our humans) are staying at home, too!
Would you really rather have travelled fer all day in a small box?
You mean you wanted to go, Spitty? Shoot, if I knew you were so friendly and would allow hundreds, nay, thousands of humans to pet your silky furs and rub your soft tummy and scritch your beautiful ears, I'd have hopped a flight and been there myself! I mean, that IS what were saying when you said you wanted to go to blogpaws, right?? Smooches!!
PHFTT is right! Our mom is all sad she's not going this year, since there will be more blogging kitties in attendance. Maybe you can go next year? On the other hand, there are WAY too many doggies at BlogPaws for our liking. So we prefer to stay home.
Now that is shocking!
Spitty! Were you referring to my gentleman callers over at FB?
My mum didn't go either.
Poor, poor Spitty. Stuck at home, sleeping half the day, getting all your food found for you, tummy rubs on demand - what a dreadful life you lead...
Mommy is simply GNASHING her teefs that she couldn't go...hmmmm...you might try THAT on Teh Human, Spitty!
Spitty, I think you're better off at home, even if there are some germs. Would you really want to be crammed into a carrier for hours to go visit a place with lots of people scrambling about?
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