Sunday, September 30, 2018

Sunday Selfie: Je suis 'ee--dee-us!

Do you see? Do you see, Kitties?

I am . . . am . . . unbalanced!

My glorious left whisker is gone, gone forever, gone like the fog that swept through the hills of San Francisco, gone like the morning dew on the grass, gone like all things upon which a kitty sets such store.

Should I ask the Human to remove the remaining one so that I am not quite so hee-dee-ous?

She says I am being a drama queen, and that it will grow back as it did before. I don't think she is offering the proper amount of sympathy, do you?


Erin the Cat Princess said...

I whisker lost, especially a white one, is not to be taken lightly. Maybe you need to go into retreat till it grows back?
Or, as Mrs H does, you can have a trip to the hairdressing salon and have one greyed to match. It works wonders for Mrs H and she has loads done! ;)
Toodlepips and purrs

Anonymous said...

Goodness gracious...this is horrible Mr Spitty! If you like, I can send you one of Queen Penelope's (Mom keeps them in a box in a drawer in ou bedroom)...and you could glue it in place...

Megan said...

Well, for starters, Spitty, you couldn't look hideous if you tried, so you can stop worrying about that. I think 'unbalanced' is quite appealing as a new look, showing your non-conformist, artistic side. I vote for leaving things as they currently are, soaking up the adoration of fashionistas everywhere and waiting for a new white whisker to grow in its own good time.

Sydney, Australia

Brian's Home Blog said...

Dang Spitty, I can send you one of mine!

pilch92 said...

That is awful. I don't think you are a drama queen Spitty.

meowmeowmans said...

Oh my, Spitty! That is tragic, we agree. But we do think the human may be right ... that whisker might just grow back.

Summer at said...

If Binga is any indication, it'll grow back, and bring a couple of buddies.

M Dawson said...

Our Miranda loses whiskers now and again nd she gets new white ones now and again.

Take a breath Spitty you are greater than whisker!

Katie Isabella said...

No...BUT darling, it WILL grow out. Hopefully she will find it and treasure it for ever and EVER! My mom says all that she can find. I am so glad to popped over night before last while I was wrapped in loneliness because of her desertion. You can and do come over whenever you wish, but when it is an especially lonely time, I am even more grateful. I know you know that. wink wink nod nod.

Katie Isabella said...

here here!

Colehaus Cats said...

Goodness, no! Where did it go? And why did it go elsewhere, we presume, to find others of its kind and perhaps raise a whisker army to fight against unsympathetic nay-sayers? Or its probably tucked into your bedding awaiting re-discovery. Probably.

Pam and Teddy said...

Well she might be short on empathy but she's right oh great one - that white whisker WILL might even return as a DOUBLE - then you will be unbalanced AGAIN!

Hugs, Teddy

Photo Cache said...

Keep it, it adds more character!

Emma and Buster

Eastside Cats said...

Oh noes, Spitty! Between Manny and CB, there was only ONE WHITE WHISKER, and now it's gone, gone...GONE! You look amazing with one; you are much too handsome to worry about balance, because it's all about the INNER CAT that shows...right?!?

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood.....want we shuld sendz ewe a whizker......we can....let uz noe....ore may bee
a visit ta mom's mite help sum how, we bet they can tern ya a white whizkerz;) ♥♥☺☺

Just Ducky said...

You speaking Frenchy Spitty. Fancy boy.