Wednesday, November 18, 2020

(Not So Very) Wordless Wednesday

Hello New Friends, I am Grayson (above right) and She Who Must Be Obeyed is on the left. Though she is all-black, she does have the most wondrous pure white whiskers, which I must say I envy. I hope Spitty's Mama (henceforth SM) will get a good picture of those whiskers soon.* We have both lived Outside all our lives as far as any of the HBs (what we call the Tall Hairless Ones) know, and we aren't saying any different. The Chief HB tells SM that she thinks we are somewhere around 10 or 12, but again, we are not saying. That information is on a need-to-know basis. Even though we live Outside, we have many creature comforts, including a lovely garden all our own, a nice building with a gated forecourt to keep the HBs out, and a secret way to get underneath the building to keep out of the rain and away from any unwelcome visitors. Okay, I think that's it for now. We might see you again next week, and in the meantime here's a video from this morning's foodtime!

You may notice that SM calls us The McChonkersons 'cause she thinks we look pretty well-fed for Outside kitties. That's pretty rich coming from her. I wonder if she's looked in a mirror lately? 

*P.S. Found one!


Megan said...

Welcome Grayson. You and SWMBO seem to have things worked out pretty well: food, shelter, garden - and now the opportunity to blog! I'm concerned that your involvement doesn't get Spitty's nose out of joint. With SWMBO's white whiskers being so sensational, I'm also a little concerned that Spitty might be overwhelmed with envy of them!

Sydney, Australia

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I agree with SM, you do both look very well fed. I hope Spitty doesn't see the photo of SWMBO or he definitely will have whisker envy.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I'm sure glad you two are getting some yummy meals on a regular basis, that surely helps!

meowmeowmans said...

Oh, just look at you two cuties. We are so glad to meet you, and are glad for those nice HBs takig good care of you. :)

pilch92 said...

Very cute kitties. Nice white whiskers. XO

The Island Cats said...

So nice to meet you, Grayson. And we’re glad you and the Mrs are so well taken care of.

Summer at said...

How nice to meet you two!

Photo Cache said...

New friends of yours Spitty?

Emma and Buster

Pam and Teddy said...

So very nice to meet you two - any friends of yours are friends of ours. They do look to be quite content and thanks to your Mom, well fed. We send them hope for a WARM winter!

Hugs, Teddy

Eastside Cats said...

Wonderful to meet you two!
TNR works, and just 'cause you aren't housecats, that doesn't mean you can't live a good life where you are.
Sounds like you have a great set-up!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

itz veree nice two meet ewe grayson & she who; we troo lee N joyed yur moovee thanx for sharin...due ewe guyz noe wear de haight iz? spitty who roolz over SM...well, spitty iz lord N laird oh all oh frisco reel lee; any way we watch out for
that part oh spitty's kingdom sew may bee stop bye sum time... N we can grab a snax & window shoppe at MOMZ !!!! we iz buzzed happee SM looks out for ewe ....blessingz two her ♥♥♥

Timmy Tomcat said...

You two are a fine couple and just look at those whiskers! We know you are so very proud of her beauty and you are quite the dood yourself. Glad you have some HBs keeping a watch and making sure you get enough to nom. Hey, outsiders need more fuel!

catladymac said...

Nice to see you both looking so well ! We have black cats and cats with white whiskers but never one like "She Who Must Be Obeyed !" C'est magnifique !"

Mickey's Musings said...

So good to see that you are both well cared for and healthy :)
Those white whiskers are very impressive.
I think you both are quite lovely!(So does mum)
Purrs, Julie

Dad P said...

Ah Spitty...there is nothing more satisfying than to help take care of two community cats who might well benefit from being inside as you are but have done quite well for themselves it seems. Tell SM and the others like her to please slip in a treat or two while they're at it. Feeding them well now is particularly important because of Winter coming on. I'm sure that's happening.

Cathy Keisha said...

Those are pretty pawsome white whiskers and welcome to the block. Can I have pictures of Spitty now?

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Those ARE rather inneresting outside kitties becoming semi-feral, we think.