Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Hots, Hots and More Hots

All right, yes, as a matter of fact, I am whining.
Oh, and pardon that little gray volcano erupting on the lower right.
It's HOT and I can't seem to do a THING with my furz.


Fuzzy Tales said...

How about a lion cut, Spitty? Hahaha!

Anonymous said...

Will yous be whining about the cold in a few months?

Shaggy and Scout said...

PLEASE try to send those hots here!!!!!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I hope the hots leave you alone and the cools visit you soon Spitty!

Summer at said...

I just looked at the weather channel for your area, and we get those kind of hots all the time, Spitty! Don't want to say you're a wimp or anything...

Ramblingon said...

Come over hots!

Admiral's Mommy

(well, maybe when she gets home tomorrow)

Ivan from WMD said...

Spitty, that's why Cod made fans and stuff. Doesn't your human know that?

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Fall is arrived here, so I am glad ta say I dont have THAT kind of heat annymore either!


The Island Cats said...

Jeez, Spitty...we sure hope the cools come soon because we can't stand seeing your furs out of sorts.

Tamago said...

Oh Spitty, I'm sorry it's so hot there. It is warm, but not too bad here. I hope it gets cooler there soon so you can take care of your beautiful fur :-)


Oh dear Spitty...and today is the first day of fall too it's not supposed to be hots anymore.

Athena said...

Spitty, I meant it when I said you could come bisit me! You could share my box!

Mr Puddy said...

You may have a HOT DREAM ! Sir Spitty..tee..heh

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Shhhhh...don't look now, but I think your furz might be planning some sort of revolt. They do not look pleased.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Don't worry bout that fur, Spitty. Let it all hang out while it's hot! xoxo

Makropoulos said...

OOH Hot! Pisi and Squeak are already missing HOT! Enjoy it!

Laura and Taffeta Rose said...

Poor, poor Spitty. Would you like a cool bath? Maybe with a hint of icicle? By the way, it is cooler near the floor. Have you tried that?

Taffy and that woman

Whisppy said...

A summer cut would cool you down really quickly. Heehee. Maybe you could ask your Mummy to put ice in a ziplock bag, and then cover the bag with a towel so you could lie down on it? Or freeze some bottles of water and put them around you. :)

Marg said...

Oh no Spitty, not the hots. Sorry you are having a hot spell.
By the way MOL, little Mahoney is a girl but don't feel bad, everyone else think she is a boy too.
Have yourself one heck of a day.