Sunday, September 4, 2011

Uneasy like Sunday: Can We Talk?

Kitties, You know how I enjoy complaining about my Human. But it seems that during this past summer break, I became accustomed to her presence around here, playing fevvers with me, providing the more frequent brushies, filling my food bowls on demand, helping me blog and visit almost every day.

Since she returned to day-hunting in mid-August, I am experiencing an unprecedented realization: Perhaps I have become ( ::shudder:: ) attached to her. Perhaps for the very first time in my tiny feline life, I miss her? Could that even be possible?

Such are the questions occupying my prodigious brain on this fine and foggy Sunday morning.

PEEESS:  We are having the Bad Computer Problems and may be here and gone and here and gone for a few days/weeks as the Human is going to have to invest in a new computer. Meanwhile, when this one decides to work, we'll do our best, MOL!


Whisppy said...

Of course it's possible, Spitty! Despite your complaints, it's evident you love your human very much. :)

Katnip Lounge said...

Well. Do you miss her, per se, or do you miss her servitude? it's important to make the distinction.

Admiral Hestorb said...

Spitty I would say you really DO miss her and ::GASP:: love her. I am so bonded to my mom that it makes a difference when she is gone a few days. I don't tell her anything about how I feel while she's here serving my every whim...but when she comes back to me..then it all comes out. I tried holding back but I just can't..especially when she's down on the floor loving on me. xxoo

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Getting attached ta the Beins happens ta the best of us Spitty. But it can get moreso. TBT has been here all the time since anny of us arrived here! So it feels weerd even when he goes out food or toy hunting for just a few hours. And he has never, not once, not been there at night ta sleep around...

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Well, I am very attached to my mom, but at first I wasn't at all and growled at her to go away. I let attachment happen on my terms. So make sure if you are feeling like you miss her, that she makes it up to you like you want. Beins should not go away during the day. That's when the best sun is outside for naps. Hope you are doing fine, Spitty. Thanks for coming to see me twice on my last post to get my mom to stop slackin'.

Stacy Hurt said...

THAT is the last EVIL weapon in their armory! You KNOW it! They lure you in, all nice like, with treats, brushes, their incessant idiotic babble, and food! THAT is why they are so insidiously EVIL! Because after all that they turn nasty and withhold! I'm sorry to say, but it may be too late for you SS. Just know that you don't suffer alone. There are many (housecats) out there who suffer as you do. It's the heartbreak of HCI (humancontactitis).

be well my friend,

Ms. Stella O'Houligan

Summer at said...

Or maybe it's just indigestion!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

I wouldn't worry too much, Spitty. That's wat the human beans are for. You'll be snoozing thru the day-hunting gig, anyways. Purrs.

The Florida Furkids said...

We're laffin' at Sparkle's comment!!

Strange isn't it? We sort of get used to them being around and then they leave!!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Angel Simba said...

Welcome to the club, Spitty. We try not to admit it, but all we kitties do adore our humans.

Mr Puddy said...

Sir Spitty, Nothing wrong to miss your human. Cause she is the best !!! and seriously, you need lots of spoil from her : )
Have a lovely day my friend

Shaggy and Scout said...

Dangerous territory, for a Formerly Feral.
But now you are Permanently Domesticated and can use words like "miss her"; "attached"; and yes, even "I love her." Give it a whirl. You'll never turn back.

Unknown said...

Spitty - no need to join a 12 step program regarding this issue. Just admit you love her and miss her. You do not have to remember it, just admit it. Then you will not have to think about it, and you will feel better in no time.

Tucker The Crestie said...

Spitty, it's ok, we won't tell anyone that you're attached to the Human. It happens to the best of kitties!

Brian's Home Blog said...

It is so easy to get attached to those beans! Good luck with the new computer, we just went through that and it's a wee bit of a pain. We're missing you already though...hurry back!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

It's ok Spitty, REAL men DO miss their Mommies!

Oh nooooo! computer problems!! Ok then maybe it WASN'T my blog page after all!


The Island Cats said...

Spitty, could it be you miss the fact that she caters to your every whim when she's there...but not her, exactly? Nah...we think you really do miss her...and that's okay!

Hope your computer problems get fixed.

meowmeowmans said...

It's possible, Spitty. Scary, but possible!

Good luck with the computer stuff ... such a hassle.

Laura and Taffeta Rose said...

I have to admit, Spitty, that I miss that woman when she's not around. I have made that clear, but sometimes she has to go out anyway, I guess. After all, there's cat food, treats, litter, and toys to get and bring back for me.

Taffy and that woman

KarenMcG said...


You are a wise young kitty for your age! And it sounds right, too.

Luxington said...

Aw Spitty, it's okay to love your human, your human loves you too! My humans just went on vacation and now that they're back I won't even let them sleep because there is too much cuddling to catch up on!!!