Thursday, November 8, 2012

Wake Me on Caturday

The hots are all gone and the colds have arrived, bringing in the best sleeping weather of the year. The loathsome Daylight Savings Time has ended (honestly, Kitties, even *I* understand that the Humans cannot manipulate the solar system into having more hours in the day.  Are they really that stupid? Oh wait--am I seriously asking that question? Of course they are, ha ha ha)!


Ivan from WMD said...

Spitty, I have to tell you, you are so handsome in that photo that even *I* want to give you a love nip.

Catio Tales said...

Ah - the sweet king at rest having a beautiful sleep. What better picture to start the day with ?
And no, we cannot supply you with picture of naughty bits on our blog every day. And we also have the pristine reputation of our girlcats to protect!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Tell the truth Spitty. Do you like cold weather just because it's good fur nappin or cuz it's good fur snugglin?

A Tonk's Tail said...

*snicker* Stupid? Um, we plead the FIFTH. Yeah, we don't understand the whole clock thing either.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

You're lookin' real comfy there, Mister Spitty. While you're napping I'm off smoochin' the ladycats of the blogosphere.

Just sayin'.

Summer at said...

It was raining here today and I really missed the sun! Unlike you, I miss Daylight Savings Time. I like all that sun - windows to my house face both east and west, so I get sun puddles coming and going!

Summer at said...

Spitty, you don't understand - the east windows to the house are closed off until my human wakes up! And she is not exactly a morning person. So yes, I actually DO get an hour less sun puddles in the morning in the winter. I just get the last of the good stuff in the A.M. and then have to wait for the afternoon sun puddles in the bedroom, with its west facing windows.

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Spitty... that picture is so wonderful that I feel like I could almost reach through my computer screen and pet that luxurious fur... lemme try that! ow... rats, didn't work!

By the way, Leo cheered when you up and walked out on that lazy player meeting! With more energy than he usually plays with! MOL

Star says: You mean it's snuggling weather over there now too? Stay right where you are, I'm going to teleport over and nuzzle up next to you!

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Hey Spitty! You look cold. Wanna come over and share my cave? I normally don't share, but as long as you stay in your corner, we'll be alright.


Mollie said...

Looking pretty in PINK Spitty xx00xx

Mollie and Alfie

Marg said...

We so agree about the daylight savings idea. It is just nuts. Glad you are getting those much needed naps Spitty. We have the cooler temps here too. Take care.

Katie Isabella said...

Oh Spitty, mom and I boaf hates daylight savings time. As you said, it's not like you can change the universe's time. You just make it tiring and inconvenient for everyone forcing them up earlier. Mom loves when we "fall back" because then, SHE gets extra time. I still get her up at exactly the same time..7:30 if it's DST or 6:30 now. 6:30 is so much better for her. She gets my bloggie help done, works out earlier so there are less people there..just all kinds of things. She and I both wish they'd leave it alone. MOM! You wrote a BLOG here fur petie sakes!

Katie Isabella said...

Now. You look very inviting and so kissable there. I made mom buzz off so I could concentrate on how handsome you are. I'll be checking the cupboard for hams in a few mnutes, just in case. XXXOOO

Pat Hatt said...

LMAO yes the humans are that dumb with their time changing crap, looks like a wonderful nap.

Pandafur said...

Ware did teh hots go? We losted em too! High of 79 today an...rain in teh desert! I iz glad your hots iz gone so you can sleep well. We nevar chanjis time in AZ cuz AZ likes to be diffrint (rill diffrint if you saw owr elekchun results MOL) *purrrrr* sweet dreams!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Yes Spitty, the surely are!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Spitty if it involves more sleep than it's ok with us!!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

ewe noe what we like ta due at day lite savins time......set de clocks BAK like two hours while R mom iz werkin sew when her comes home N changes it a head; we still get three dinners...ore sumthin......ewe noe uz and math...haza grate week oh end

Misaki @ misadventuresofMisaki said...

I now get my food an hour early, so not complaining!!!

Katnip Lounge said...

Oh Spiiiiiiiiitty......wake up! It's Caturday, a day early! And I'm here to Bite you.


Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

You're right, Spitty. The answer to your question IS yes. The second question, that is. purrs

Mr. Black said...

I am very glad for the cooler weather. You're right, it is good for sleeping.

I don't like this whole moving the hands of the clock around this way and that. I usually get my Fancy Feast treat at 4:00 p.m. My internal clock tells me the time and I wait patiently for it. And, wait. And, wait. Stoopid humans.

Unknown said...

Colder weather means Kozmo is in the house more demanding a share of the attention that me thinks should be ALL mine!

meowmeowmans said...

Sadly, Spitty, they ARE that stupid. MOL!

We agree, the cooler weather makes for good sleeping. :)

CATachresis said...

Oh they ARE that stoopid!!! Trust me on this! The Staff is making me tell you that she swoons every time she looks at your pic on the header!!!! The cheek of the woman!!!

Anonymous said...

oh is that why teh foods don't come? here, i wastes another perfectly good day of mole-hunting, only to have teh humans stare at me wif "what do you want little kitty?" faces. now it all makes sense.
but seriously, King Spitty. Get yer royal butt up. It's hunting season, my liege.

Cathy Keisha said...

I can just imagine my stunning little head lying right new to yours … whispering about how stupid humans are … maybe we'll share a laugh …

Anonymous said...

Spitty, I agree with Mollie, lookin VERY manly sleeping on the pink :)
Just kidding, you're cute (for a kitty) when you sleep

The Island Cats said...

Spitty, you look all content and snoozy there. You must be having some good dreams.