BIOTD Blame It on the Dog (Manx Mnews)
BOD Back of Disrespect (Island Cats)
BOD Bottom of Disrespect (Pikku Punapippuri)
BOTN Bring on the Nip (Nerissa's Life)
BRAT Bring Round a Toy (CATachresis)
BTM Blame the Mutt (It's Rhyme Time)
BTW Bite the Woman (Sparky Spitfire)
CAM Caught a Mouse (Sparky Spitfire)
COD Cats Over Dogs (Cat from Hell's Blog)CRAP Cats Run and Play (CATachresis)
CRDD Cats Rule, Dogs Drool (Milo's Mad Life)
CTASMNP Crazier Than A Squirrel Makin' Nut Pies (Nerissa's Life)
DBMIE Don't Bother Me, I'm Eating (Mark's Mews)
DGAW2OM Don't Go All Waffles 2 on Me (Glogirly)
DTTC Don't Touch the Cat (Glogirly)
GMD Guarding my dish (Glogirly)
GMT Give Me Tuna! (Cat from Hell's Blog)
GMTN Give Me Tuna Now! (Cat from Hell's Blog)
GMTTANOGH Give Me The Treats And No One Gets Hurt (Celestial Kitties)
GROTD Get Rid Of The Dog (Cat Chat)
GUN Get Up Now (Oui-Oui)
HARVB He's a Real Vegetable-Breath (Mark's Mews)
IDGAFFF I Don't Give A Fat Furry Fart (Celestial Kitties)
IGTOWNMB I'll Get the One Who Nicked My B*lls (Mollie & Alfie)
IKN I Know Nothing (Oui-Oui)
IWBYHO I Will Bite Your Head Off (World's Most Stunning Cat)
IWMFB I Want My Furballs Back (Celestial Kitties)
IDRBWWILDS If De Raven BURDS Win We Iz Leevin De Statez (Trout Talkin' Tabbies)
JCTIB Just 'Coz They IZ Burds (Trout Talkin' Tabbies)
KISSES Keep It Short, Simple & Extra Sweet (The Cat from Hell's Blog)
KMGFA Kiss My Gray Furry A$$ (The World's Most Stunning Cat)KMFB Kiss My Furry Butt (Derby & Ducky)
KOA Kitten on Attack (Glogirly)
KSSOGFN King Spitty Signing Off, Going for Nap (Mollie & Alfie)
LMA Leave Me Alone (Marg's Animals)
LMFBO Laughing My Furry Butt Off (Savannah's Paw Tracks)
LMTO Laughing My Tail Off (World's Most Stunning Cat/Savannah's Paw Tracks)
LWTYH Lady with the Yellow Hair [aka The Mom] (The Island Cats)
MMWGU Makes My Whiskers Grin Up (Brian's Home)
MYLIN Meow You Later I'm Nappin' (The Maaa of Pricilla)MO Mitts Off (Glogirly)
NJH No Jazz Hands (Glogirly)
NMFB No More Flashy Box (Oui-Oui)
NVFM No Vet for Me (Cat Chat)
OMC Oh My CAT (A Tonk's Tail)
PFCC Purrs from Colehaus Cats (Colehaus Cats)
PN Pets NOW (Colehaus Cats)
PPP Privacy Please, Pawparazzi (GoroGoro & NikoNiko)
PTBOY Putting the Bitey on You (CATachresis)
PUTW Pee Up the Wall (PikkuPunapippuri)
SDD Stupid Dumb Dog (Kten)
SOIS Sod Off, I'm Sleeping (Mollie & Alfie)
SPITTY - Silvervine Party In The Townhouse, Yo! (Whisppy)
SPOD - Smacky Paws Of Doom (Sparkle the Designer Cat)
TDDI The Dog Did It (Milo's Mad Life)
TMT Too Much Touching (Sparky Spitfire)
TMT Twitching My Tail (Prancer Pie)
TTTP Talk to the Paw (Mr. Puddy)
T2TP Talk to the Paw (Milo's Mad Life)
TTTT Talk to the Tail (Derby & Ducky)
T2S Time to Sleep (Oui-Oui)
T3P [Our Version of] Talk To The Paw (The Island Cats)
T4P Time for Pets (Colehaus Cats)
UTB Under the bed (The Admiral, via Katie Isabella's Blog)
UTP Under the Paw (PikkuPunapippuri)
WMC Where's my Cheez-It? (WilliamtheCat)
WMNN Where's my Nip Nanner? (Simba's Antics)
WMT Where's my Tiara? (The Cat from Hell's Blog)
WTFRULA What the "F" Are You Looking At? [Re: being photographed] (Cat Chat)
WTM What the Mouses? (Nerissa's Life)
WTT Where's the Tuna? (Tails from the Foster Kittens)
WTWD What's That Wally Doing? (The Island Cats)
WWNND - What Would Nip Nanner Do? (Colehaus Cats)
YOLNT You Only Live Nine Times (A Tonk's Tail)
ZIP Zoom In Place (The Katnip Lounge)
I want to add a special Honorable Mention for inspiring this little contest to Julia Williams at Responsible Pet Ownership. On Friday, December 7, a post called "Text Abbreviations for Tech-Savvy Felines" appeared on her blog.
I thought it was very funny and clever and I saved some of the examples because I thought they would provide the basis for a good contest (of course, in the intervening 7 weeks,my Human I forgot from whose blog they had come)!
Anyway, I think everykitty would enjoy going back and checking out the original--there's some terrific reading there!
UTP Under the Paw (PikkuPunapippuri)
WMC Where's my Cheez-It? (WilliamtheCat)
WMNN Where's my Nip Nanner? (Simba's Antics)
WMT Where's my Tiara? (The Cat from Hell's Blog)
WTFRULA What the "F" Are You Looking At? [Re: being photographed] (Cat Chat)
WTM What the Mouses? (Nerissa's Life)
WTT Where's the Tuna? (Tails from the Foster Kittens)
WTWD What's That Wally Doing? (The Island Cats)
WWNND - What Would Nip Nanner Do? (Colehaus Cats)
YOLNT You Only Live Nine Times (A Tonk's Tail)
ZIP Zoom In Place (The Katnip Lounge)
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I want to add a special Honorable Mention for inspiring this little contest to Julia Williams at Responsible Pet Ownership. On Friday, December 7, a post called "Text Abbreviations for Tech-Savvy Felines" appeared on her blog.
I thought it was very funny and clever and I saved some of the examples because I thought they would provide the basis for a good contest (of course, in the intervening 7 weeks,
Anyway, I think everykitty would enjoy going back and checking out the original--there's some terrific reading there!
That's quite a dictionary
You need to get those published, Spitty! Great list!!
Great point of reference. For some reason you look like you're laughing in that photo. Could be cos I've been working too hard to Nipclub.
NJH??? Ha ha ha ha! LMTO!
Well, nuts. Our Mommy just sucks because we had a GOOD one:
ZIP--Zoom In Place
You know, when your legs start moving before your body does!
Excellent list.
mmrrrrooowwww! what a job Spitty, no wonder you are all tuckered out...but you better get your energy back 'cuz the Valentine Ball is coming up and I expect my date to dance the night away with MEEE!!! paw pats, Savvy
I have SO bookmarked this, Spitty! MYLIN!
teehee these are so awesome! We luvs them!
We got about a foot of white stuff; not much for us. i'll come armed with snowballs. MOL
Thanks for posting this. We'll be sure to reference this often!
Fabulous Dictionary for kitty like us.
Thanks my man ; )
Happy Sunday !!!
Hey. It's the first day of the Chinese New Year today. Mommy has prepared a yummy meal for our CNY dinner. Will you get up already and come on over?
This is most excellent and I need to start to use some of these! DAICOIP is at the top of the list!
Well done on getting these down for pos .... pos .... posteriority ;)
MOLMOL @ SOIS. Buddy you are the epit ... epit ... epitomousity of that one !!! Well done Mollie and Alfie :P
Re the Ball, I am going with super, sexy, scintillating Sassy from Troublin' Times. Who's your date? Maybe we could ... ya know .... mix and match? ;)
That is a lot to remember. Have a good day. Lee and Phod
What a great list and I think your mum did great remembering all those.. Hugs GJ x
Those are sooooo good Spitty, but I don't think I can remember all of those!
Not even my brain can remember all of those, you should make it into a book.
Oh my cat, now you just need ya own phone spitty..MOL Ball kicks off tomorrow xx00xx
Mollie and Alfie
Oh good, you did make a dictionary. Now we will all know what it all means. Like our Person will remember. NOT. But those are terrific.
Its goods yous printed it all off Spitty! mes forgotted the ones me entered already. My dancing shoes is polished up, is yours?
They're all great! So very, VERY great! We should all use 'em all the time! purrs
PS. Ummm... maybe you could get the human a prezzie for Valentine's Day. Prezzies go a long way to makin' peeps happy, I find. Perhaps a little pot filled with cat grass or nip? purrs
That's quite a list!
these were ALL so much fun and great to read! We should have these in handy little book form :) LOVE THEM!
Since I am a gray kitty I think this one is my fave:
"KMGFA Kiss My Gray Furry A$$ (The World's Most Stunning Cat)"
Love, Cody
There's a lot there! Holy Cod! I want to interject something from That Woman... She said that when she first started texting (back before autocorrect didn't recognize "texting" as a word) she was texting her Gurl who was only 12 or so. When That Woman attempted to use the abbreviations her Gurl said that was for "little kids" that it only takes a couple seconds to type the whole word and AND shows you know how to spell. Purrsonally I enjoy watching their occasional role reversals...from a distance, naturally.
Ms Stella O Houligan
What an excellent resource guide.
I'm going to print this out and have Waffles Too study up. Especially NJH.
; ) Katie
This is so fantastic! Thank you so much for sending this out to us. I am definitely keeping it and maybe I can even memorize some of it. haha
This is a great list! Thanks for compiling it.
Wow that is some great ideas in and some very creative acronyms.
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