Thursday, May 9, 2013

I Feel Pretty

Oh, so pretty, 
I feel pretty and witty and bright
And I pity 
Any Cat who isn't me tonight.


brokenteepee said...

Are you the craziest cat on the block?

Just Ducky said...

You're so handsome,
worth a ransom,
we pity the kitty
who won't agree, we're right.

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

You look pretty!

The Island Cats said...

Are you gonna start dancing too, Spitty??

Cathy Keisha said...

Whatchu doing under the table if'n you're so pretty? I fell stunning so I'm heading out to see you tonight. Gotta drink in your smexy eyes.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Hey wait, dint I do that recently? But you ARE a pretty kitty. Love, Iza-kins...

Angel Prancer Pie said...

You're eyes are certainly bright. We wonder what is going on behind them....

GLOGIRLY said...

Uh, Spitty???
I'm thinking you might be just a little TOO into show tunes.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

; ) Katie

Summer at said...

I feel that way daily!

Photo Cache said...

are you watching some musical right now spitty?

emma and buster

Catio Tales said...

You are indeed pretty, but you appear to be hiding under a table dude.....

Max said...

Um, dood... Sheesh. Witty, maybe. Bright, maybe. But pretty...? Heh.

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Oh yes you are Spitty! And I pitty any kitty who isn't Spitty tonight too! Smoochas!

Star says: I've always admired your wit, Spitty darling, and you're nearly as pretty as me! But your furs are too dark to be called bright. Unless you're talking about your sparkling eyes? Yes, those are bright.
And Yes yes yes, I'll share my downstairs bed with you and only you! No barbarians allowed!

Katie Isabella said...

Ah Spitty, Mommy said thanks for the earworm. She's re-playing it over and over in her addled mind.

You are gorgeous and one can nor will deny that. XXOO And where is your pink beddy I might ask? Still UTB for the last beautiful ladycat that appeared there clothed in stars?

Marg said...

Spitty, we hate to agree with you since then your little cute head will swell way too much. You left out handsome. But great song. Take care.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hey, you got it pal!!!

Mollie said...

MAWAHWAWWW Well I have a hot date tonight :) XX00XX

Mollie and Alfie

Pat Hatt said...

Looking down on all from your perch, how rude haha

Unknown said...

And will yous be ready when mes gets over!

Katnip Lounge said...

Well well well.

I'd rather be ME with you, if you get my drift, Spitty...

xx FDW

Ivan from WMD said...

Caroline can scream those words right along with you, Spitty!

Jacqueline said...

MOL=you are a very handsome dude, Spitty!...Have a fun weekend, precious friend...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Julia Williams said...

Haha!! Spitty, you are ALL of those things ... and so much more!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Spitty? I'm startin' to worry about you. Love, Cody

CATachresis said...

Well thanks Spitty! Now the human is caterwauling at the top of her voice!!! ;)


Oh Spitty now we're gonna be singing that song! :)

Shaggy and Scout said...

We think mom's going to be singing that song at us too, Spitty!

We is back! New router in place and the innerwebs are back! We've missed so much from our blogging friends!

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

That looks like a GREAT spot! Too bad it was invaded by the flashy box, huh? May the purrs be with you. purrs

Kitties Blue said...

You do look pretty or should we say handsome. And quite alert as well. So what was going on? Purrs and hugs from the kitties at, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

Misaki @ misadventuresofMisaki said...

I pity them too:-)

bethany925 said...

See that Pretty Cat, under the table there?
(What table, where?)
Who can that Atractive Cat Be?
Such a Pretty Schnoz
Such a Silky Furs
Such Yummy Ears
Such a Puh-reeeeeeety SPITS!!!!
He feels stunning
pretty cunning
Feels like running and pouncing for joy
For we're all in LOVE
With this Furry Wonderful Boy!!!