Sunday, May 19, 2013

Spitty's Week'o'Mischief: Monday

She'll never find them here! 
And if she can't find them, she can't leave for work, 
so she'll have to stay home, and do my bidding all day long!


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Great plan, Spitty!

Angel Simba said...

Crafty bugger, aren't you?
Boy, how did you train her to buy you those Whiskas dinners?

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

What a plan! What an AMAZING plan! You are a GENIUS, my friend. A GENIUS!!! purrs

Sweet Purrfections said...

Maybe we need to try that!

Furries said...

Spitty, you're a wonderfully devilish boy.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Oh Spitty, about the comment you left about curling up next to me on the fancy towel instead of on Iza's soft tum? Um, how can I say this? I'M NOT SUICIDAL! Iza would chew my ears off, pull out my whiskers, and then pee on me! And THEN she would get MEAN!

I would never risk that. Even iffen you WERE my type, which you arent... ~ Ayla

Summer at said...

Spitty, if you do not think she will find them there, doesn't that imply that you do not get fed enough?

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Excellent work, Spitster!

brokenteepee said...

Oh, Spitty. You are an evil kitty

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Oh My Most Dearest Spitty-Kins, Sweet Lambie-Boycat... Iza here...

Ayla alerted me to your attempts to engage her in SNUGGLING ACTION while I was nappin peacefully on the cat tree dreaming of you and practicing my tummy-plumpin exercises FOR YER BENEFIT.

You commented "Well, you can't blame a boy for tryin'".

Well, Dearest One, I can. I blame Ayla in not the least bit; I won't even hiss at her. In fact, I will push some treats her way tonight... She dint invite yer seductive tomcattery except by her bootiful existence. (But it's good ta know she worries about my reactions and feelings).

YOU on the other paw, are in TRUBBLE! I will not speak to you for a week.

THIS is my payment fer the grandios lovely balloon ride (and serious cuddling) I treated you to last week?

THIS is the payment for many "relaxing yer weary royal head" times on my most soft tummy while I stayed very still so as not to disturb yer headweariness?

Ayla is distraught, DISTRAUGHT, I say! Im just "enlightened" that you tried to seduce my OLDER sisfur while I was IN THE HOUSE!

~ Iza

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Marley here: Spitty-Dude, when yer in trubble with the girlcats, stop digging yer way to the bottom of the litterbox...

You said: "Uh. Oh.

Uh, Iza-Lambie, It was nothing! I was just mesmerized for a moment by the delightfully stripey fancy towel. Uh, yeah, that's all. The towel! That alluring little vixen atop it means nothing to me, uh, wait--no, she does, but she's just a nice furiend is all.

Marley, Dude, help a ManCat out here! "

Spitty, my friend, I am willing to allow that you were not feelin herself the past week or so. And I am willing to allow (without thinking about it too much as a brothfur of Ayla an Iza) that they are (ick) probly both desirable girlcats each with their own (gag) "allure").

But I'm not gonna help you out of this mess "King". As a Knight of OUR realm, I am honor-bound to protect both sisters from dishonor to their reputation and girlcathood. Iza isn't buying the excuse.

But I WILL suggest a strategy for honorable return. Not for your sake, but for theirs. Just between us, and strictly as an appointed negotiator, both the sisfurs want something to restore their honor.

Ayla, being the least dishonored (she did tell you off and reported to Iza right away) simply wants a pouch of treats. She says "Minor compensation for a minor crime". But she says real treats and you have to send them.

On the other paw, Iza is Iza and she IS a bit shallow. She wants more bling. She wants to be "almost covered" in trinkets. Purrsonally, I would suggest gold and diamonds, but she DID say "trinkets" so you can get away with that IF YOU CHOOSE". Just sayin that I will know the difference even iffen she doesn't... (hint hint) .

As an honest negotiator, I can only tell you the truth. But it's YOUR apology so you decide.

But just a thought. I'm around here alla time, and she IS my beloved sisfur. Next time you visit, I WILL be here. Nothin purrsonal, I just gotta support my sisters, ya know? An just wanna mention off-pawedly that I'm 3 years old, 12 pounds, have large sharp untrimmed claws, trained in fast-kibble-grab and real-mousie-snatch-from-hole.

Just saying...

~ Marley

Ellen Whyte said...

Wow! What a haul!

Katie Isabella said...

Whoa Spitty, your foolin' around is having consey-quinces!

Marg said...

Well done Spitty. Bet she never finds them. Hope your cleverness works for ya. Have a great day.

Unknown said...

Hey Spitty thanks for stopping by and as to meatloaf...dude let me tell you it is the best lip-smacking, paw-curling, hair-raising, whisker-twitching, meat dish you ever tasted! It is filled with some fine meats veggies and some sort of special sauce and ingredients all rolled into a big loaf and topped with that sauce,, its the cat's meow good and tasty! I tell you, it will make you wanna slap your mommy. I guess if you add a little catnip, you will slap her, 15 20 times! Mol!! Meow.... Kitty

Unknown said...

Dude, are sooooo sneaky!!!

Oui Oui said...

If that doesn't work, try burying them in the litter box. She won't want to touch them then! Thanks for helping to trash the house, the mom was beside herself.

The Florida Furkids said...

Smart thinking!!

Thank you so much for your kind words about Auntie El's passing. We're sorry it's taken so long to reply but Mom is having a hard time. It's comforting to have the support of the Cat Blogosphere at this sad time.

The Florida Furkids and Mom Sharon

Pat Hatt said...

hahaha great job, she'll never leave

Kitties Blue said...

Unless you quit getting fed, we would think those keys would be pretty easy to find. But we hope your ploy works so that you can get some extra Mom time. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

Terri said...

Spitty, we hate to tell you this, but cars come with two sets of keys :(

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Looks like a good plan to me. It looks like you are in big trouble with Marley and his sisters too. Rather you than me!

Tamago said...

Hee hee great plan, Spitty! And I love your evil...I mean, handsome laughing face!

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

Did it work? Inquirin' minds have just gotta know! purrs

CATachresis said...

Hehehe! And what's more SHE won't be able to come after us if we stroll down the pub for a pint! Eh mate! ;)

Unknown said...

Hey Spitty!
me sees your wandering eye has gots yous into trouble yet again! Has yous not learned yous can't mess with sisters?
Yous can always comes hand hides out here. Yous knows me loves yous almost as much as me lives the other man cats

Nermal said...

Ha ha!!! You are so funny Spitty...I love your blog!

katsrus said...

Ha, ha I had a kitty that hid my keys in her toys. Toke me an hour to find them.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood...un less yur mom noez bout hot wirin...her will never leeve de houz...N say...just a thought...has ewe ever tried whiska's...we think ewe will like it


Katnip Lounge said...

Spitty, you are diabolical, and we like that! Honestly though, if your Human was home you would just ignore her, right?

But it's the PRINCIPLE of the thing.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Oh Spitty! I LIKE how you think! Love, Cody

The Furries of Whisppy said...

That's very smart! I'll have to try that some time...if I can figure out how to open the drawer.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I think I see the key to your heart on there Spitty!

meowmeowmans said...

Great plan!!! We are so impressed by your cunning genius, Spitty!


Spitty that's why I love you ... a man with a plan!

Shaggy and Scout said...

GOOD ONE with the keys, Spitty!

On the other paw, we thinks you are in a wee bit of a pickle with yer girlcat!

Photo Cache said...

wise move spitty.

emma and buster

Cathy Keisha said...

She owes you these for what she put you through last week. I used to get Whiskas as a treat. Sometimes I get the pouches.

bethany925 said...

SpitOLA - you are TERRORible. I like that about you. keep up teh good works. *headbonk*

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

You mean your mom doesn´t give you any food ??!!