Thursday, May 15, 2014

Can Someone Call the SPCA for Me?

So last night, the Human thought she'd take this art-say/fart-say overhead shot as I was squeezed onto the window sill, wedged in between the window and the chest. 
So she sticks the flashy box through the little curtains and ::click:: and then, and THEN, Kitties, she dropped the freaking camera right on top of me! On ME, Spitty the Kitty. Like I haven't had a bad enough week?

Well, I was outta there and UTB like a shot, Kitties, like a SHOT.


Lone Star Cats said...

OMC, dat are kitty aboose! I'd demand a whole ton of treats to make up for dat one!

Pat Hatt said...

She is going to have to do some real sucking up all weekend

Ivan from WMD said...

I am horrified to say that my mom actually laughed, Spitty. But you know what I say. Humans--can't live with them, can't leave them on the side of the road after you're done with them.

Sweet Purrfections said...

OMC! Poor Spitty.

Catio Tales said...

Epic fail. BUT at least the camera had a very soft landing, Dude. Hehehehe.

Summer at said...

Geez, all that trauma for a shot where we can barely find you, Spitty?! Forget the SPCA - it's time to call homeland security (or whoever deals with this sort of thing) because that is torture!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

DROPPED the flashy box on you? OMC, that must have been a shock. Tell me where it hurts Spitty-Kingly an I will come over AT ONCE and lick that spot til it stops hurting... Then we will cuddle. ~ IZA -LOVEY

brokenteepee said...

Now, was it a big, heavy DSL or a small, lightweight point and shoot. It DOES make a difference my furry friend. I am sure either way she felt terribly about doing it and tried to comfort you.

Megan said...

This is close to being outrageous, Spitty. Definitely a reportable offence. No mercy - enough is enough and you simply have to let her know that.

Sydney, Australia

Furries said...

Clumbsy human! I hope the camera didn't hurt you. After your ordeal at the vet the least she could do is ensure your peace and quiet. I'm in the same boat my friend. Last week my mom thought it would be fun for me to see a lion on tv again. She held me up at the same height as the tv and a big lion made scary noises. It scared the tinkle out of me....literally, I peed on her. She deserved it! Humans can be so trying.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Spitty-Dearest, you would not be "hideous" iffen you were shaved nose to tailtip! Its YOU I love so dearly. I am coming right over. ~ IZA-Lambie

Angel Prancer Pie said...

That's awful! Our bleeding heart Mommy feels sorry for your human. Like SHE was the one with the camera "thrown" at her!

Ann Boyajian said...

The horror of it all......shudder

Photo Cache said...

oh my cod!!!!

we're dialing!!!!

emma and buster

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Oh the indignity!! These humans!! Withhold cuddles for a few days to teach a lesson.

Thank you so much for your good thoughts for Rumbles, we sure appreciated them. :)

Unknown said...

OMD she really did???????? What a scandal. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

Cats Herd You said...

Has she no respect? You can't let her live this down.

Fuzzy Tales said...

Hahahahaha! Sorry, Spitty, our human's laughing, she can't help herself. :-p

Katie Isabella said...

Oh Honey, those 18-200 lenses are NO fun. As bad as it is for you, your mom is devastated she hurt you.I say cmd over here and repose on a silk comforter. xxooxx

Brian's Home Blog said...

Poor Spitty, you got the Kodak Krunch pal.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood...shoot on outta under de bed coz de fone will bee ringin ina few...we contacted a purrrsonal injree a tern knee...riiiiing....riiiing....ther they iz now........

and in honor oh R pal Godzilla’s new movie debute two day….heerz ta a dragonfish kinda week oh end !!

Kitties Blue said...

The indignity and pure lack of thoughtfulness and care on the part of your human. There had better have been a lot of treats, smooches and brushies when you came out from UTB. Hope things improve this weekend. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Anonymous said...

And I thought I need help, because I'm on a diet. Poor Spitty, that's really not the best week. Send you a big hug.

Pasha's Mommy said...

I'm on it Spitty! calling 1-800-SPCA

Anonymous said...

OMC Spitty. Meez so sowwy. Meez hope yous didn't get cwushed neaff da heavyness of it all. And meez hopes yous got lots of kisses and hugs and tweats when yous 'cided tu gwace hers wiff yous purresence again. :) Hoomans, always gotta hav da flashy box chasin' us wound evew whewe. Is nuffin' sacwed anymowe?? MOL

Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses ♥♥♥


charppps said...

Spitty we keep them on speed dial for just such occasions.
J, J, E, & R

Cathy Keisha said...

I cannot believe she did that to you!!! OMC! I bet she saw those pics TW took of me squished behind the blinds and TW is responsible. I hope I could coax you out when I visited.

CATachresis said...

I hope it didn't fall on your ... ya know ...... fundamentals?? I hope it fell on your floofy part! Just for your info, I have RSPCA on speed dial. It keeps "her" on her toes!!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Sheesh. She's hopeless. Just hopeless.

Terri said...

Jenna and I are sending purrs and hugs. How frightening for you! Jenna thinks a bitey at your first convenience is in order.

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

We are dialling for you!

Saku said...

OMC Spitty, what an awful thing to have happen. Specially after you had to go to the stabby place earlier this month. We thinks a late night hairball, delicately placed enroute the bean kitty litter room (cooled by the night air) would be the best revenge! Good luck!

Sasha, Sami & Saku

Kitty Cat Chronicles said...

What an outrage!!! Do you need reinforcements, Spitty? Caster is ready.

A Tonl said...

Oh that must have been good for at least a week's worth of treats. ....right...?