Friday, July 10, 2015

The Good Kitty

I have 12 fewer teefs (bye-bye, you bad boys!), but in their place I have some stunningly good drugs. 

Yes, I am higher than a kite on some quality meds, my friends! I am, as they say, feelin' no pain. I stare out the windows in a blissed-out trance. 

It's a good thing these little pre-filled syringes are calibrated for a kitty my size, or she'd be squirtin' those things into her own mouf.

I guess these are what the Toof Fairy left me, eh? Good job, Tinkerbell!


Furries said...

Oh my gosh, 12 teeth is a lot to lose, but if they were bad, it's better that they're gone. I enjoyed my drugs (tramadol) when I had my teeth pulled but it was a cream that got rubbed into my ear. Drug ear was lovely. I hope you're able to stay blissfully pain-free for several days while your mouth starts healing.

Catio Tales said...

Now don't get addicted, Spitty! You have to be careful when the last syringe is emptied and there's nothing in the house - then the fun starts.
We are so pleased those toofs are no more and look forward to your rehab, ooops, I mean recovery.

Summer at said...

Ah, so you got the GOOD drugs! When I had my spay surgery, I got those, but one dose knocked me out for so long, my human didn't give me any more. You probably have a better tolerance for those meds.

Katnip Lounge said...

oh...Mommy says your Human could do 'em all in one go...

Glad those bad toofs are gone!

rainbow said...

12 bad teeth - poor Spitty, no wonder you have been "under the weather"! Our paws are crossed for your speedy recovery - glad the drugs are helping.
Purrs ... Rainbow

Lone Star Cats said...

Those must be some good drugs.

Megan said...

And when does the work begin for fitting the dentures, Spitty?

Sydney, Australia

When the cat is away said...

12 teeth?? Wow, that's a lot. You're a very brave cat!

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

At least the drugs are good. Tell your mom to put on some weird 60's music and enjoy yourself! We hope you feel better without the bad toothies!

Angel Simba said...

That is a lot of toofs to lose all in one go, Spitty. Glad you are feeling sufficiently stoned not to feel any pain. Those kitties behind you look a little "stoned" too - why are they all staring into that vessel???

CATachresis said...

I'm glad you're ok, buddy!! I think on top of the meds the odd brewski might do the trick!!

Katie Isabella said...

Sweetheart, I am so happy you are alright and not in pain. xxooxx

Brian's Home Blog said...

Dang Spitty. You should feel lots better soon, even without the drugs. Purrs to you pal.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

12 toofies! That's a lot to lose. Glad to hear they gave you the good drugs, and hope you are soon healed and eating like a good 'un.

Terri said...

Wow, I've never had a cat lose 12 teeth at once. We're glad your ordeal is over and you are home to recover. Good drugs always make that easier. Heh, heh, maybe your attitude will improve now ;-)

Ivan from WMD said...

Bud, why did your human let 'July 21' appear in a previous post noting this event? Is *she* high? I had no idea why you were away and thought she might have left you again!

Anyway, I hope your poor self feels better soon. And just remember, you don't really need those teethies. Just do what I do, vacuum the dry food! That way, if you yak it up later, it's like a brand new meal, but with gravy!

Anonymous said...

WOW....12 teefs gone huh? Well you were wondering what the toof fairy would bring you - - - now you know - - -dy-no-mite drugs!

Hugs, Sammy

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

oh my you poor baby!!! We are so sorry!! :( Losing 12 teeth isn't a good thing :(
Sending much love

Unknown said... will yous eats?
Purhaps yous will gets lits more human baby fuds!
Glad yous feeling no pain and mes hopes it stays that way!

The Island Cats said...

Spitty, just think about what the street value of that stuff would be. You could be set for life in nip. :)

Cathy Keisha said...

Whoa! We could make a lot of $$ selling those drugs in da hood! Glad you’re feeling betting or at least feeling no pain.

pilch92 said...

Poor Spitty, I am sorry you lost so many teeth. I know about those meds- my grumpy Lucy purrs her little head off when she has those. Feel better soon.

noodlecat said...

Oh Spitty!
Well less teeth to brush I guess.
Have a great weekend...

Noodle and crew

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Oh MY COD, Spittykins! I dint know we HAD 12 teef. I will be right over ta help you relax from the ordeal (and ta see what you are like on all those drugs). ~ IZA LAMBIE

Saku said...

Poor Spitty! That is a lot of teef to lose, we hope you feel no pain for a long time!

Sasha, Sami, & Saku

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood.....bee jezuz....12 teeth ? we hope ta cod ya finded $ 89,455.78 cents under yur pillow for that haul.....faaaaaaaaaaaaa

hope yur doin all rite buddy....blessings frum R pal Frank two ewe...... ♥♥♥♥♥

Ann Boyajian said...

TWELVE TEEFS GONE??!!! OMC, you poor thing. That's terrible. We hope you will eventually feel better.