Monday, December 28, 2015


Is she worthy of Spittola's attention and forgiveness 
after the long abandonment?

Nah, fugeddaboudit.


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...


Catio Tales said...


PS Any photos of the delicious Butterscotch ?

Mr Puddy said...

Great Cattitude, Dude !
But what's about Dinner ??

Megan said...

My thoughts exactly.

Sydney, Australia

Summer at said...

Ha-ha! That's what she gets!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

I see a frigid winter ahead for the human...

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

She has to pay for her indiscretions!

pilch92 said...

Maybe some extra food would put you in a forgiving mood :)

Colehaus Cats said...

Awww, sometimes they don't understand. But still, lessons must be learned....

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

don't blame you one bit!

Ellen in Oregon said...

We can hardly believe that you are already considering "forgiveness" for your Human. We think forgiveness seems vastly premature given the degree to which your Human abandoned & neglected you of late. Remember, she had plenty of time to cavort with that slut Butterscotch & his feline companions, but was fine with leaving you all alone for hours on end. She stopped giving you brushies and let your once beautiful black furs become matted & lackluster. She claimed she had no time to play with you, but she had plenty of time for mindless activities, but zero time for you Spitty No, we hardly think she is worthy of forgiveness just because she played one round of wand toy with you. She ahs not done sufficient penance for her transgressions against you. Perhaps if she stopped seeing Butterscotch, gives you brushies twice daily and at least one play session daily, then she might be considered forgiveness worthy. We are worried that you are going soft Spitty. Forgiveness must be earned and we do not think your Human has seen the error of her ways - yet. Action speaks louder than words my friend.

The Island Cats said...

Make her grovel a little, Spitty. :)

Ivan from WMD said...

She *has* been mighty mean to you, pal.

Cathy Keisha said...

You read my mind. No.

Katie Isabella said...

It's hard to forgive after a long abandonment. I think my mom is planning a weekend soon. I am NOT invited.

Marty the Manx said...

Ohhhhh that is a good "talk to the back" Spitty!