The Musings
of a Calico Girl
and Buddy
the Giant Tabby,
as well as the
Permanent Record
of Spitty the Kitty
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Sunday Selfie: Sleepy Slumberland
The Human says I'm her little Muffin Man today.
::eye roll::
Well, I am fast asleep so her baby talk embarrasses only her.
Friday, April 29, 2016
The Good Boy
Spittola is DispleaseD that some of you do not consider him a candidate for the sobriquet "Good Boy." He'll be visiting you later to set you straight. Best be prepared.
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Feelin' Groovy
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
I See What You Did There
and I am shocked, I tell you, shocked! It is truly appalling what people decide to do out there on the public sidewalk.
They prance around half-naked (and believe me, Kitties, they don't look half as good as we do in their birfday suits), their eyes glaze over as they babble into some tooth in their ear (and WTF is *that* about? I mean, it doesn't look anything like any toof I ever saw), and they leave a trail of ashes and paper and spittle and masticated rubber behind them. Really, they're disgusting.
They prance around half-naked (and believe me, Kitties, they don't look half as good as we do in their birfday suits), their eyes glaze over as they babble into some tooth in their ear (and WTF is *that* about? I mean, it doesn't look anything like any toof I ever saw), and they leave a trail of ashes and paper and spittle and masticated rubber behind them. Really, they're disgusting.
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Monday, April 25, 2016
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Friday, April 22, 2016
What. A. Week.
This little kitty has had it. First, there were a HUNDRED days when some weird Intruder was staying here and refused to leave (did I mention I sharpened my claws on the blow-up bed? Yeah, those things are tougher than they look).
Then after he finally evaporated on Tuesday, I thought things would go back to normal around here. But Nooooooooooooo. The Human left at 6:30 a.m. Wednesday morning and did not return until the outrageous hour of 8:00 p.m.! Oh yeah, she said she was at a job fair, trying to scrape up some teachers* for her school. Maybe.
And then, last night, I thought surely, surely she will come home on time, and feed me, and cuddle me and brush me, and give me playtimes. Surely! Alas, my hopes were dashed yet again as she just waltzed right off to the a cappella concert and drama production at school where she already spends like 50 hours a week.
Honestly, Human, do you hate me now or something? Am I not your Fluffy Good Boy anymore?
* BTW, anyone the least bit interested in being a teacher: You Will Find a Job Waiting Just for You Here in the City by the Bay. Schools are desperate. Seriously. Desperate.
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Ding Dong, Our 'Guest' Is Gone!
Monday, April 18, 2016
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Step Right Up for
Stupid Human Sunday
Hello, Kitties and Humans! Examine the above picture carefully. Do you see anything amiss? Take your time, now.
Spitty will hum a little tune as he waits.
Time's up! Yes, now you see it: A Stoopy Human (and really, is there any other kind?) drove his car right into the Santa Cruz marina as the Human and her equally ancient boy cousins enjoyed their brunch.
The Stoopy Humans and their dog had *just* enough sense to escape the car before it sank.
Spitty will hum a little tune as he waits.
Time's up! Yes, now you see it: A Stoopy Human (and really, is there any other kind?) drove his car right into the Santa Cruz marina as the Human and her equally ancient boy cousins enjoyed their brunch.
The Stoopy Humans and their dog had *just* enough sense to escape the car before it sank.
Friday, April 15, 2016
The Intruder Is Coming
I don't really think I am hiding well enough, do you kitties?
He's bound to see me.
Note to self: You have claws.
Use them.
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Why Don't You Come Up
and see me sometime? This picture is from a few days ago when it was warmer, but the cool weather has made snuggling even more desirable, est-ce pas?
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
I Was Feeling the Tiniest Bit Chilly
So the Human provided a wee blanket (all right, yes; it was a towel) to keep out the colds. I was grateful and purred nicely for her. It didn't hurt that she sprinkled a little 'Vine in my purple beddy.
Monday, April 11, 2016
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Sunday Selfie: All Systems Go
I may *look* like I'm just lollygagging around here in my tunnel, but in reality I am powering up for transport.
Are you ready for me?
Are you ready for me?
Friday, April 8, 2016
Floppy Friday
So here I am all comfy-cozy, looking forward to the weekend.
Which is supposed to be rainy ' ' ' ϟ ' ' '
N.B. to My Friend, Miss Megan: The Human wishes me to point out that not *every* room looks like the dining room. Yet.
Thursday, April 7, 2016
It was 90-freaking-degrees here in the City by the Bay yesterday! 90! Can you even imagine the horror? Well, to be fair, I imagine many of you can. Maybe even worser than 90. But I bet you has air conditioning, don't you? 'Fess up, now; Spitty knows all your secrets.
Now on to the real reason you stopped by today:
Yes, the Human purchases compressed air by the six-pack at Costco. There are two reasons for this:
1) Elsewhere (yes, BestBuy we're talking to you), the Human pays $7.99 for two cans. At Costco, she picked these babies up for a grand total of $14.00. Can't beat it with a stick, as the Humans say when they think they're being witty ::eye roll::
2) The Human often eats random meals at the computer, and while she is ultra-careful with liquids, crunchy and /or crumby things often decorate the laptop keyboard. Phsssssssssssssssssssssssss and they're gone!
Okay, once in a great while (Like every day --Ed.) a few of my most delightful furs might also find their way atop/beside/under the computer.
So what?
Now on to the real reason you stopped by today:
Yes, the Human purchases compressed air by the six-pack at Costco. There are two reasons for this:
1) Elsewhere (yes, BestBuy we're talking to you), the Human pays $7.99 for two cans. At Costco, she picked these babies up for a grand total of $14.00. Can't beat it with a stick, as the Humans say when they think they're being witty ::eye roll::
2) The Human often eats random meals at the computer, and while she is ultra-careful with liquids, crunchy and /or crumby things often decorate the laptop keyboard. Phsssssssssssssssssssssssss and they're gone!
Okay, once in a great while (Like every day --Ed.) a few of my most delightful furs might also find their way atop/beside/under the computer.
So what?
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
For Your Edification
Champagne from Compressed air from Christmas Beer
New Year's last week's Costco trip present
from Christmas 2014
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Well, These Fevvers Were Fun.
Now bring me the head of Alvin
the Chipmunk.
On a platter.
With extra chutney.
And a few toofpicks for later.
Monday, April 4, 2016
The Back of Disrespect
She has earned this for so many reasons today!
Let me count the ways:
1) She went back to work! Gone 11 hours. Not even an "I'm sorry, Spitty."
2) The picture is blurry and she was too lazy to take another.
3) She did not Photoshop the embarrassing little gray spot on my tailio! Which by the way leads me to . . .
4) She cut OFF my tailio!
Let me count the ways:
1) She went back to work! Gone 11 hours. Not even an "I'm sorry, Spitty."
2) The picture is blurry and she was too lazy to take another.
3) She did not Photoshop the embarrassing little gray spot on my tailio! Which by the way leads me to . . .
4) She cut OFF my tailio!
Sunday, April 3, 2016
Saturday, April 2, 2016
Caturday Comfertabuls
I'm thinking of listing the Purple Beddy on Airbnb. I think elebenty dollars a day sounds about right, double with me included.
Friday, April 1, 2016
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