Thursday, April 14, 2016

Today, We Are


The Island Cats said...

Hey, Happy Birthday, Spitty!

Gigi said...

Just so's we's clear: The Bloggy is SIX today. The Human and I are MUCH older than that! Especially the Human, MOL!

meowmeowmans said...

Happy 6th blogoversary to you and your human, Spitty! We lubs you very, very much, and are glad you started blogging on this day. :)

Summer at said...

Happy blogoversary, Spitty!

Cathy Keisha said...

Happy Blogoversary!!! I’ll be over later and we can celebrate.

Lone Star Cats said...

Happy blogoversary!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Happy 6th Blogoversary Day, DEAREST ONE OF ALL TIME! And I am on my way over ta make it a even more SPECIAL DAY (night). I will groom you so thoroughly, you will either pass out or not sleep at all (I'm not sure which, but lets find out)! ~ IZA LOVEY

Catio Tales said...

Happy blogoversary Dude. Against all adversity - ie the Human's work schedule - you're doing good!

Ivan from WMD said...

Happy blogoversary, pal! I hope you celebrate well.

P.S. I know you like the Intruder, you can't fool me.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Concats on 6 years of blogging!

Megan said...

Congratulations Spitty and Human. Terrific effort.

Sydney, Australia

rainbow said...

Happy Blogoversary, Spitty.
Purrs ... Rainbow

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Happy blogoversary Spitty!

Katie Isabella said...

Happy 6aversary to you Spitty!

KitKat said...

Happy 6th Blogoversary Spitty and Human!

Angels Normie and Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

Eastside Cats said...

Concatulations on your six-year Blogoversary!

Photo Cache said...

Happy 6th blogoversary Spitty!

Emma and Buster

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood.....a most happee 6 two ewe, N heerz ta another 60 !!! tho we haz knot been heer az long az most oh yur friendz, we iz buzzed happee to bee livin just a hop skip anda jump; just cross yur realm... pleeaz tell yur mom thiz day dee serves sum thin speshull...N heerz two a tiger shovelnose catfish kinda week oh end ♥♥♥

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Happy blogoversary!! We love you guys! So glad you're blogging! Smooches!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Happy Blogoversary Spitty!!!

pilch92 said...


Just Ducky said...

Belated happy purrthday.

Kitties Blue said...

Wow, Spitty! That is an incredible milestone. Concatulations! Sorry we weren't here for the actual day. Our mom has been doing things she wants to do. Pffft! May you continue to be blogging for many, many more years. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo