Saturday, March 18, 2017

And We're Back . . .

Just in time for Caturday, too. You would not *believe* how hard it was to properly motivate the Human after her few days of sloth. She was on a roll there for a week or two, and then a little "obstacle" came along and she completely derailed -- really, why doesn't she just quit already?  She might've worked a little harder to artify this photo if she weren't binge watching True Detective. How did she never see this before? She's riveted!


Megan said...

"A few days"???? A few days, Spitty? Methinks that you got yourself one that had majored in Sloth at university.

I've seen the first series of True Detective and thought it dark but excellent. Haven't seen series two, however.

Sydney, Australia

Lone Star Cats said...

Momma LUVED True Detective.

Summer at said...

I'm so glad my human doesn't do that binge-watching thing. I've got stuff for her to do.

Catio Tales said...

Is binge watching something we should be encouraging ? I suffer badly when Ă„iti finds a new series. I am not sure it is good for us felines.

The Whiskeratti said...

Oh no, binge watching is a terrible idea for us felines. Put your paw down ! Sometimes we just have to be firm.

Smudge said...

Mom and dad got hooked on the first season. Not so impressed with the 2nd. They can't wait for the next installment of "American Horror Story". Have an absolutely awesome Sunday!

Katie Isabella said...

I hate to say it Spitty, but Mom never saw a certain adventure show in the past and now that she has happened on it, she's hooked, Oh She Who Doesn't---make that didn't--- Watch TV. It's that show for her whenever it comes on to the exclusion of anything else. Sheesh. I do have my baby shows though.

meowmeowmans said...

Sloth and binge watching? Poor Spitty. Your human should be all about you, all the time (though we do hear True Detective is pretty awesome).

Brian's Home Blog said...

Well, you're looking mighty fine Spitty!

Kitties Blue said...

Spitty, when a kitty is as handsome as you, they don't need to be artified. Mom has never gotten into binge watching anything. She can't sit still that long and has a super short attention span. Hope you'll be back for selfies. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

Anonymous said...

Gosh Spitty.....Shouldn't that be "binge-petting" or "binge-brushing" of the cat???? Seems to me your human TRULY has her priorities all messed up!

Hugs, Angel Sam and Ted

The Swiss Cats said...

You look great, Spitty, no art needed ! Purrs

Ivan from WMD said...

Katie Isabella's mom sounds like ours, denial in more ways than one! With ours, first it was The Man in the High Castle (with a rewatch of the first season because she's old and her memory is *faulty* these days); then it was Sons of Anarchy (which made her want to turn into a biker bat, run out and buy a Harley and an AK47); now it's The Sopranos (finally, although who knows what that will inspire...we fear it will be her in a car running down a certain squirrel, yelling 'Where's my f****n' healthcare! I want my f****in' healthcare!'). In the meantime, we languish.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Binge watching doesn't sound good if it means you get neglected. It might be good though if you don't get chased everywhere by the flashy box.

pilch92 said...

I would much rather watch you than True Detective.

The Island Cats said...

True Detective? Don't give the mom any ideas of shows to binge watch! ;)

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Oh Dearest Spittikins, I have been pawsitively frantic while we were ofline for days. I finally THREW myelf at TBT all claws out trying to make him fix everything. He is nearly immune to that, catching me in mid air and folding me into his arms. Which wasnt bad but it wasn't YOU!

He DID set up the old Mac again JUST so I could tell you how much I missed you and yer sweet purring. I'm sure of it. Please come visit. I miss you so much...