Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Toy Tuesday: R.I.P. Mr. Nippy

Consider the House Panther in his natural forest habitat. Fresh from the hunt, he surveys his surroundings before devouring his kill.

PeeEss: Thanks, Kitties, for all the great advice about the Mystery Kitty. However, the Human went right to the source and found out that Eleni (for that is her name) is indeed a Guest Kitty & furriend to Onyx, and she is staying while her People are on vacation. Whether or not Humans should even take vacations that involve disrupting their kitty's life is another topic altogether, and one I am sure we will address presently.
But for now, Mystery solved. I confess I'm a little disappointed. I was kind of hoping we could have the Purrlice in. And it would have really been fun to have Nicki over to work the case with me.


Fuzzy Tales said...

Well done, Spitty, on killing Mr. Nippy! We're so impressed with your hunting skills!

Eleni...What a pretty name! Nicki's disappointed he didn't get to do put his camouflage/spy techniques to good use, but maybe another time!

Raymond and Busby said...

Nice job croaking Mr Nippy. He had it coming.

Admiral Hestorb said...

Mommy laffed at Raymond and Busby's comment! And now don't you flirt too much with Eleni over there..she'll pine away when she goes home!

Shaggy and Scout said...

You mean that kitty's mom just drops her off at a house with another kitty and they get along??
Must be drugs involved. Needs more investigation.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how well Onyx and Eleni get along. They must 'cause Eleni's mommy keeps on dropping her off for vacations. We just have a nice neighbor lady come in and take care of us.

The Misadventures Of Me said...

We agree wif Shaggy,Scooby and Scout - more investigation needed! Strange kittehs gettin along does not make sense to us either.

One nip mouse gone makes a noo one appear we finks!

Mr Puddy said...

Great Hunting Skill , Spitty !
Did you try hunt human leg ? More fun too : )

Brian's Home Blog said...

I sure am glad you solved that mystery Spitty!!!

Max said...

Poor Mr. Nippy... did he eave behind any little nips? Did you spread his guts out all over the place? Because that would be awesome...


We hope we can leave a comment for you as Dreaded Blogger has been very bad today....Spitty we do think that Eleni had a 'thing' for you! Maybe you can see if something can be worked out?


Summer at sparklecat.com said...

Is it really killed, Spitty, or will you be able to kill it again?

Raymond and Busby said...

Dude, first you are macking on our Mom cat Nell, and now you are purring over our human's feet? You need to get out more!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hey Spitty, you need to google and sign up for a Gravatar so you're picture can show up instead of the big green monster!

Teddy Westlife said...

Did you make Mr Nippy go deaded?

Anonymous said...

we're guessing Mr Nippy will revive and you can kill again!

Gidget and Lola

The Island Cats said...

Mr. Nippy didn't stand a chance, Spitty....

We have been trying and trying to leave comments the last couple of days, but blogger has been a real booger!!