Friday, July 22, 2011

The Haunted TV Stand

A couple weeks ago, the Human decided it was time for something shiny and new to put our shiny new TV atop. Never mind that that there was a perfectly good & sturdy brown wood table under that TV already. Noooooooo, she needed to go throw Green Papers away on an unnecessary 'upgrade'. (Recreational shopping! I'm shocked, I tell you, shocked!)

So, anyway:

Yeah, I know. Seems harmless. But you know what, Kitties? This thing is haunted! Yes, really, it is. I don't like to go near it. For weeks, I refused to go through even if going around delayed my progress. But the other night the Human captured me using the shortcut. I walked really, really fast so that it could not suck me into the vortex of Hell itself, and I managed to navigate the passage unharmed. But I don't think I'll want to risk it often.

Do you have any scary furniture at your house?


Pandafur said...

Are you kidding? MOL We hadda move from Meowsachusetts acuz evar since owr flood teh hole howse wuz haunted! But espeshhly teh doorway to MINE bedroom. It wuz haunted I tells ya! Teh ebil spirits lived RITE THERE in teh doorway. I had to run an JUMP over it to get in da room. Skardy!

Raymond and Busby said...

Yikes! The only thing haunted in our house currently is the stupid vacuum cleaner. That thing is horrifying.

Have a good weekend Spitolla!

Marg said...

Oh Spitty, that new addition does look so scary. Yes we have scary stuff around here. We understand danger for sure. Who knows what is hiding in that shiny thing. We sure hope noting jumps out at you. Have yourselves a great week end.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Holy carp Spitty!
That thing looks truly evil. Use utmost caution.

Angel Simba said...

Spitty, we can always be assured that reading your blog entries will make us laugh. Your human does have to keep a good pathway cleared for you through that thing so you can shoot thru very fast. Round about here, Audrey sees and hears more scary things than I do. I am pretty mellow. Except for strange men entering the house, such as the meter reader man. They are scary for sure.

Fuzzy Tales said...

Our mom got all excited at the words "recreational shopping." Haha.

Our TV stand is pine (old Ikea) and not haunted, but yours does look like it could be, Spitty. If we don't see you for a while we'll know the worst happened and you were sucked in!

Katnip Lounge said...

Spitty, I Will Not go in the laundry room...monsters are in there.

Summer at said...

I bet your human could have bought you another cat tree with the money she spent on that!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

You were so brave to go through that haunted space. Luckily, there doesn't seem to be anything spooky in our house...yet.

Cathy Keisha said...

The Woman is oohing and aahing over the shiny thing. I'm not scared of anything! Bring it on! I even have stand-offs with the vacuum cleaner. YOu need to overcome your fears.

Brian's Home Blog said...

That really doesn't look like much fun Spitty, how is fur supposed to stick to that thing?

Stacy Hurt said...

No scary furniture; we still aren't over the scary humans!

stay safe Sir Spitfire!

Ms. Stella O'Houligan

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Hmmm, my mom said your mommy has good taste. Looks like Pier 1 just got green papers. You must make lil cat feet prints all ofur..... xoxo

The Florida Furkids said...

Our Mom and the Fuzzy Tales Mom must be related 'cause she got all excited at the "recreational shopping" thing!

We don't have any scary furniture, but ours has been around for a long time. We think the scary stuff has moved on.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Money would have been better spent on tunas!!

Ivan from WMD said...

Be careful, Spitty. And where do you leave claw marks on a thing like that? What was your human thinking, anyway?

Apparently there was an area rug my mom had before me that my old bro Eddie and old sis Sophie refused to walk on for months.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

that is one scary piece of furniture for us kitties but my Mom just LOVES IT!!!

We put our TV on the wall because Dad was afraid I would mess with it :(

meowmeowmans said...

Yeah, that thing looks pretty creepy to us too, Spitty. Be careful, okay?

The Island Cats said...

Spitty, we don't think that stand looks so scary. But we do think all that stuff on the shelf should be moved because it would make a great spot to take a nap.

Max said...

Dood! That is actually AWESOME! Know why? You can driver her NUTS by rubbing your nose on the glass parts and licking it and then sitting in a way that gets asterisk prints on it. You can have so much fun with this!!!

Willow said...

I have one piece of furniture that is haunted, but I need to brave it since it has two plants on the top of the cabinet. The glass in the cabinet moves when I jump up in order to trip me up so the plants are safe.

Laura and Taffeta Rose said...

We has a rag rug that spooks me every time. I thinks there are snakes under there!

Taffy and that woman

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Our new TV came with a DIY table from Walmart (very nice an sturdy though). But it is suprisingly fun ta crawl through cuz it is full of TV-related boxes.

Scary Furniture: Human Litterbox, bathtub, dishwasher, washin machine. All stuff with water moving around...

Ramblingon said...

I am pretty much ok with the furniture (you're so brave Spitty) but strangers..UTB!!!

Jacqueline said...

The only scary thing here is the sucky monster=we hide under the bed every time he gets loose!!...Happy weekend, sweet friend=stay cool in this terrible heatwave!...kisses, handsome boy...Calle, Halle, Sukki